Configure a TLS certificate by using an existing certificate

This topic tells you how to use the certificate information from your external certificate authority to encrypt inbound traffic to Tanzu Developer Portal (formerly called Tanzu Application Platform GUI).


Your certificate authority gave you a certificate file, of the form CERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME.crt, and a signing key, of the form KEY-FILE-NAME.key. Ensure that these files are present on the host from which you run the CLI commands.

TLS diagram showing the relationships between Tanzu Developer Portal, the certificate, and Contour Shared Ingress.


To configure Tanzu Developer Portal with an existing certificate:

  1. Create the Kubernetes secret by running:

    kubectl create secret tls tap-gui-cert --key="KEY-FILE-NAME.key" --cert="CERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME.crt" -n tap-gui


    • KEY-FILE-NAME is the name of the key file that your certificate issuer gave you
    • CERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME is the name of the crt file that your certificate issuer gave you
  2. Configure Tanzu Developer Portal to use the newly created secret. Do so by editing the tap-values.yaml file that you used during installation to include the following under the tap-gui section:

    • A top-level tls key with subkeys for namespace and secretName
    • A namespace referring to the namespace used earlier
    • A secret name referring to the secretName value defined earlier


        namespace: tap-gui
        secretName: tap-gui-cert
     # Additional configuration below this line as needed
  3. Update the Tanzu Application Platform package with the new values in tap-values.yaml by running:

    tanzu package installed update tap -p -v TAP-VERSION  --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where TAP-VERSION is the version number that matches the values you used when you installed your profile.

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