Use Tanzu Developer Tools for VS Code

This topic tells you how to use VMware Tanzu Developer Tools for Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Ensure that the project you want to use the extension with has the required files specified in Get started with Tanzu Developer Tools for VS Code.

The extension requires only one Tiltfile and one workload.yaml per project. The workload.yaml must be a single-document YAML file, not a multidocument YAML file.

Configure for multiple projects in the workspace

When working with multiple projects in a single workspace, you can configure the extension settings on a per-project basis by using the drop-down menu in Settings.

The interface showing Tanzu Extension selected in the settings. The Project drop-down menu shows both projects in the current workspace.

Workload Commands

All commands are available by right-clicking anywhere in the VS Code project explorer, on an associated workload in the Tanzu Workloads panel, or in the Command Palette (⇧⌘P on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows).

  • Screenshot of pop-up menu opened from the workload panel:

    The interface showing the Tanzu Workloads panel right-click menu open and the Tanzu: Live Update Start option highlighted.

  • Screenshot of the command palette:

    Command palette open showing text Tanzu: Live Update Start.

Apply a workload

The extension enables you to apply workloads on your Kubernetes cluster that has Tanzu Application Platform.

To apply a workload:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the VS Code project explorer, on an associated workload in the Tanzu Workloads panel, or open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows).

  2. Select the Tanzu: Apply Workload command.

  3. If applicable, select the workload to apply.

    Apply Workload menu open showing workloads available to apply.

    A notification appears showing that the workload was applied.

    Apply Workload notification showing workload has been applied.

    A new workload appears on the Tanzu Workloads panel.

    Workload on Tanzu Workloads showing details for tanzu-java-web-app.

    After the workload is deployed, the status on the Tanzu Workloads panel changes to Ready.

Debugging on the cluster

The extension enables you to debug your application on your Kubernetes cluster that has Tanzu Application Platform.

Debugging requires a workload.yaml file in your project. For information about creating a workload.yaml file, see Get Started with Tanzu Developer Tools for VS Code.

The developer sandbox experience enables developers to Live Update their code, and simultaneously debug the updated code, without having to deactivate Live Update when debugging.

Start debugging on the cluster

To start debugging on the cluster:

  1. Add a breakpoint in your code.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the VS Code project explorer, on an associated workload in the Tanzu Workloads panel, or open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows).

  3. Select the Tanzu: Java Debug Start command..

Stop Debugging on the cluster

To stop debugging on the cluster, you can click the stop button in the Debug overlay.

The VS Code interface close-up on the debug overlay showing the stop rectangle button and pointer description.

Alternatively, you can press ⌘+J (Ctrl+J on Windows) to open the panel and then click the trash can button for the debug task running in the panel.

The VS Code interface close-up on the tasks panel showing the delete trash can button.

Debug apps in a microservice repository

To debug multiple apps in a microservice repository:

  1. Add each app folder as a workspace folder. For instructions, see the Visual Studio Code documentation.

  2. Update the tanzu.debugPort setting so that it does not conflict with other debugging sessions. For how to update individual workspace folder settings, see the Visual Studio Code documentation.

Live Update

With the use of Live Update facilitated by Tilt, the extension enables you to deploy your workload once, save changes to the code, and see those changes reflected in the workload running on the cluster within seconds.

Live Update requires a workload.yaml file and a Tiltfile in your project. For information about how to create a workload.yaml and a Tiltfile, see Get Started with Tanzu Developer Tools for VS Code.

The developer sandbox experience enables developers to Live Update their code, and simultaneously debug the updated code, without having to deactivate Live Update when debugging.

Start Live Update

Before using Live Update, verify that your auto-save setting is either off or on with a delay. The delay must be long enough for the application to restart between auto saves to allow enough time for your app to Live Update when files change. The auto-save setting is in Preferences > Text Editor > Files > Auto Save > Auto Save Delay.

To start Live Update:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the VS Code project explorer, on an associated workload in the Tanzu Workloads panel, or open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows).

  2. Select the Tanzu: Live Update Start command.

Stop Live Update

When Live Update stops, your application continues to run on the cluster, but the changes you made and saved in your editor are not present in your running application unless you redeploy your application to the cluster.

To stop Live Update, click the trash can button in the terminal pane to stop the Live Update process.

The VS Code interface showing the terminal window with the pointer on the trash can button.

Live Update apps in a microservices repository

To Live Update multiple apps in a microservice repository:

  1. Add each app folder as a workspace folder. For instructions, see the Visual Studio Code documentation.

  2. Ensure that a port is available to port-forward the Knative service. For example, you might have this in your Tiltfile:

    k8s_resource('tanzu-java-web-app', port_forwards=["NUMBER:8080"],
               extra_pod_selectors=[{'': 'tanzu-java-web-app', '': 'run'}])

    Where NUMBER is the port you choose. For example, port_forwards=["9999:8080"].

Delete a workload

The extension enables you to delete workloads on your Kubernetes cluster that has Tanzu Application Platform.

To delete a workload:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the VS Code project explorer, on an associated workload in the Tanzu Workloads panel, or open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows).

  2. Select the Tanzu: Delete Workload command.

  3. If applicable, select the workload to delete.

    Delete Workload menu open showing workloads available to delete.

    If the Tanzu: Confirm Delete setting is enabled, a message appears that prompts you to delete the workload and not warn again, delete the workload, or cancel.

    Delete Confirmation Notification showing delete options.

    A notification appears showing that the workload was deleted.

Deploy to different namespaces

To switch the namespace where you created the workload:

  1. Go to Code > Preferences > Settings.
  2. Expand the Extensions section of the settings and click Tanzu.
  3. In the Namespace option, add the namespace you want to deploy to. This is the default namespace by default.

The VS Code settings scrolled to the Tanzu section within the Extensions section.

Tanzu Workloads panel

The current state of the workloads is visible in the Tanzu Workloads view. This view is a separate section in the bottom of the Explorer view in the Side Bar. The view shows the current status of each workload, namespace, and cluster. It also shows whether Live Update and Debug is running, stopped, or deactivated.

The Tanzu Activity tab in the Panels view enables developers to visualize the supply chain, delivery, and running application pods. The tab enables a developer to view and describe logs on each resource associated with a workload from within their IDE. The tab displays detailed error messages for each resource in an error state.

Workload commands are available from the Tanzu Workloads panel on workloads that have an associated module in the current project.

This association is based on a module name and a workload name matching. For example, a project with a module named my-app is associated with a deployed workload named my-app.

When taking an action from the Tanzu Workloads panel, the action uses the namespace of the deployed workload regardless of the configuration in the module.

For example, you might have a Live Update configuration with a namespace argument of my-apps-1, but running the action from a deployed workload in namespace my-apps-2 starts a Live Update session with a namespace argument of my-apps-2.

The Tanzu Workloads panel uses the cluster and defaults to the namespace specified in the current kubectl context.

VS Code Tanzu Workloads Panel showing the Terminal log.

To add a namespace:

  1. View the current context and namespace by running:

    kubectl config get-contexts
  2. Set a namespace for the current context by running:

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=YOUR-NAMESPACE
  3. Use one of these methods to add additional namespaces to your Tanzu Workloads panel:

    • Go to Preferences > Extensions > Tanzu Developer Tools > Tracked Namespaces and then select the namespaces that you want.

    • Go to Workload Panel > Additional Options > Select Namespaces and then select the namespaces that you want.

    VS Code Tanzu Workloads Panel additional options menu.

Working with Microservices in a Monorepo

A monorepo is single Git repository that contains multiple workloads. Each individual workload is placed in a subfolder of the main repository.

You can find an example of this in Application Accelerator. The relevant accelerator is called Spring SMTP Gateway, and you can obtain its source code as an accelerator or directly from the application-accelerator-samples GitHub repository.

This project exemplifies a typical layout:

    • pom.xml (parent pom)
    • microservice-app-1/
    • pom.xml
    • mvnw (and other mvn-related files for building the workload)
    • Tiltfile (supports Live Update)
    • config
      • workload.yaml (supports deploying and debugging from IntelliJ)
    • src/ (contains source code for this microservice)
    • microservice-app-2/
    • …similar layout

Recommended structure: Microservices that can be built independently

In this example, each of the microservices can be built independently of one another. Each subfolder contains everything needed to build that workload.

This is reflected in the source section of workload.yaml by using the subPath attribute:

kind: Workload
  name: microservice-app-1
        branch: main
    subPath: microservice-app-1 # build only this

For setting up your own repositories, it’s best practice to set up a monorepo so that each microservice can be built completely independently.

To work with these monorepos:

  • Import the monorepo as a project into VS Code.
  • Interact with each of the subfolders in the same way you would interact with a project containing a single workload.

Alternative structure: Services with build-time interdependencies

Some monorepos do not have submodules that can be independently built. Instead the pom.xml files of the submodules are set up to have some build-time interdependencies. For example:

  • A submodule pom.xml can reference the parent pom.xml as a common place for centralized dependency management.
  • A microservice submodule can reference another, as a maven dependency.
  • Several microservice submodules can reference one or more shared library modules.

For these projects, make these adjustments:

  1. Make workload.yaml point to the repository root, not a subfolder. Because submodules have dependencies on code outside of their own subfolder, all source code from the repository must be supplied to the workload builder.

  2. Make workload.yaml specify additional buildpack arguments through environment variables. They differentiate the submodule that the build is targeting.

    Both of these workload.yaml changes are in the following example:

    kind: Workload
    name: fortune-ui
    labels: web fortune-ui
          - name: BP_MAVEN_BUILD_ARGUMENTS
          value: package -pl fortune-teller-ui -am # indicate which module to build.
          - name: BP_MAVEN_BUILT_MODULE
          value: fortune-teller-ui # indicate where to find the built artefact to deploy.
          url: # repo root
          branch: main

    For more information about these and other BP_xxx buildpack parameters, see the Buildpack Documentation.

  3. Make the local path preference for each subfolder point to the path of the repository root Because submodules have dependencies on code outside of their own subfolder, all source code from the repository must be supplied to the workload builder.

    VS Code Monorepo Preferences in Settings. The folder drop-down menu is circled in red. The Local Path text box is also circled in red.

Changing logging verbosity

The Tanzu Language Server saves logs to ~/tanzu-langserver.log. You can change the log verbosity in Preferences > Settings > Extensions > Tanzu Developer Tools > Language Server: Log Verbosity.

Working with Java Native images

Native Image is technology for compiling Java code ahead of time to a binary, which is a native executable file. For more information about Native Image, see the GraalVM documentation.

Native Image requires some changes to your workload.yaml files, such as adding new environment variables to the build section of the workload specifications:

      - name: BP_NATIVE_IMAGE
        value: "true"
        value: -Dmaven.test.skip=true --no-transfer-progress package -Pnative
      - name: BP_JVM_VERSION
        value: 17 ## only JVM 17 and later versions support native images. Depending on your configuration, this might already be the default value.

Use native images with Maven

If you are using Maven, you must also add a native profile that includes native-maven-plugin for the build phase in pom.xml:


Supported Features

There are some differences on supported features when working with Native images:

  • You can deploy workloads with native images by running the Tanzu: Apply Workload command.
  • You can delete workloads with native images by running the Tanzu: Delete Workload command.
  • Debug and Live Update are not supported when using native images. However you can add an additional workload.yaml file that doesn’t use a native image to iterate on your development.

This example workload.yaml specification has a native image flag:

      - name: BP_NATIVE_IMAGE
        value: "true"

This example workload.yaml specification doesn’t have a native image flag:

      #- name: BP_NATIVE_IMAGE
      #  value: "true"

The Tanzu Workloads panel adds the Native label to any workloads that contain native images.

Tanzu Workloads panel showing a workload that uses a native image..

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