API walkthrough for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store

This topic tells you how to make an API call that you can use with Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store. For information about using the SCST - Store API, see API reference for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store.

Use curl to post an image report

This procedure uses Ingress, if Tanzu Application Platform is deployed without Ingress, see Use your NodePort with Supply Chain Security Tools - Store and Use your LoadBalancer with Supply Chain Security Tools - Store. Complete the following steps:

  1. Switch to the kubectl context or kubeconfig to target the View cluster.

  2. Retrieve the CA certificate and store it locally. Run:

    kubectl get secret ingress-cert -n metadata-store -o json | jq -r '.data."ca.crt"' | base64 -d > /tmp/ca.crt
  3. Using the health endpoint as an example, run:

    curl -i https://metadata-store.INGRESS-DOMAIN/api/HEALTH \
       --cacert /tmp/ca.crt

    For example:

    $ curl -i https://metadata-store.example.com/api/health \
      --cacert /tmp/ca.crt
    HTTP/2 200
    content-length: 0
    date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 22:50:57 GMT
    x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
    server: envoy
  4. To make a request to an authenticated endpoint an access token is required. To retrieve the metadata-store-read-write-client access token, run:

    export METADATA_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets metadata-store-read-write-client -n metadata-store -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d)

    For more information, see Retrieve access tokens for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store.

  5. Using the api/imageReport endpoint as an example, create a post request:

    curl https://metadata-store.INGRESS-DOMAIN/API/IMAGE-REPORT \
        --cacert /tmp/ca.crt \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${METADATA_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -X POST \

    Where ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-THE-POST-BODY is the absolute filepath of the API JSON for an image report.

    For example, the following is a sample post body of an image report API JSON:

      "Name" : "burger-image-2",
      "Registry" : "test-registry",
      "Digest" : "test-digest@45asd61asasssdfsdfddssghjkdfsdfasdfasdsdasdassdfghjddasfddfsadfadfgfshdasdfsdfsdfsdasdsdfsdfadsdassdfdasdfaasdsdfsddfsdasgsasddffdgfdasddfgdfssdfakasdasdasdsdasddasdsd23",
      "Sources" : [
          "Repository" : "aaaaoslfdfggo",
          "Organization" : "pivotal",
          "Sha" : "1235assdfssadfacfddxdf41",
          "Host" : "http://oslo.io",
          "Packages" : [
              "Name" : "Source package5",
              "Version" : "v2sfsfdd34",
              "PackageManager" : "test-manager",
              "Vulnerabilities" : [
                  "CVEID" : "0011",
                  "PrimaryURL" : "http://www.mynamejeff.comm",
                  "Description" : "Bye",
                  "CNA" : "NVD",
                  "Ratings": [{
                    "Vector" : "AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P",
                    "Score" : 0,
                    "MethodTypeID" : 1,
                    "Severity":   "High"
                  "References" : [""]
      "Packages" : [
          "Name" : "bob-dependency-35daasds56j",
          "Version" : "v2",
          "PackageManager" : "test-manager",
          "Vulnerabilities" : [
              "CVEID" : "002",
              "PrimaryURL" : "http://www.mynamejeff.comm",
              "Description" : "Bye",
              "CNA" : "NVD",
              "Ratings": [{
                "Vector" : "AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P",
                "Score" : 0,
                "MethodTypeID" : 1,
                "Severity":   "High"
              "References" : [""]
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