This topic tells you how to use the certificate information from your external certificate authority to encrypt inbound traffic to Tanzu Developer Portal.
Your certificate authority gave you a certificate file, of the form CERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME.crt
, and a signing key, of the form KEY-FILE-NAME.key
. Ensure that these files are present on the host from which you run the CLI commands.
To configure Tanzu Developer Portal with an existing certificate:
Create the Kubernetes secret by running:
kubectl create secret tls tap-gui-cert --key="KEY-FILE-NAME.key" --cert="CERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME.crt" -n tap-gui
is the name of the key
file that your certificate issuer gave youCERTIFICATE-FILE-NAME
is the name of the crt
file that your certificate issuer gave youConfigure Tanzu Developer Portal to use the newly created secret. Do so by editing the tap-values.yaml
file that you used during installation to include the following under the tap-gui
key with subkeys for namespace
and secretName
value defined earlierExample:
namespace: tap-gui
secretName: tap-gui-cert
# Additional configuration below this line as needed
Update the Tanzu Application Platform package with the new values in tap-values.yaml
by running:
tanzu package installed update tap -p -v TAP-VERSION --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install
is the version number that matches the values you used when you installed your profile.