Install API portal for VMware Tanzu

This topic tells you how to install and update Tanzu API portal for VMware Tanzu from the Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) package repository.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install API portal. For more information about profiles, see Components and installation profiles.


Before installing API portal:

  • Complete all prerequisites to install Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see Prerequisites.


To install the API portal package:

  1. Confirm what versions of API portal are available to install by running:

    tanzu package available list -n tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    - Retrieving package versions for
      NAME                         VERSION  RELEASED-AT  1.0.3    2021-10-13T00:00:00Z
  2. (Optional) Gather values schema.

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the API Portal package listed earlier.

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
    Retrieving package details for
  3. (Optional) VMware recommends creating api-portal-values.yaml.

    To overwrite the default values when installing the package, create a api-portal-values.yaml file by following the values schema.

  4. Install API portal by running:

    tanzu package install api-portal -n tap-install -p -v VERSION-NUMBER --values-file api-portal-values.yaml

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the API Portal package listed earlier.

    For example:

    $ tanzu package install api-portal -n tap-install -p -v 1.0.3 --values-file api-portal-values.yaml
    / Installing package ''
    | Getting namespace 'api-portal'
    | Getting package metadata for ''
    | Creating service account 'api-portal-api-portal-sa'
    | Creating cluster admin role 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-role'
    | Creating cluster role binding 'api-portal-api-portal-cluster-rolebinding'
    / Creating package resource
    - Package install status: Reconciling
    Added installed package 'api-portal' in namespace 'tap-install'
  5. Verify the package installation by running:

    tanzu package installed get api-portal -n tap-install

    Verify that STATUS is Reconcile succeeded:

    kubectl get pods -n api-portal

Update the installation values for the api-portal package

To update the installation values for the api-portal package:

  1. To overwrite the default values, create new values, or update the existing values, you need an api-portal-values.yaml file. If you do not already have an existing values file, you can extract the existing values by running:

    tanzu package installed get api-portal -n tap-install --values-file-output api-portal-values.yaml

    You can view the schema of the package:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the API Portal package listed in the earlier step.

    For example:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
  2. Update the package by using the Tanzu CLI:

    tanzu package installed update api-auto-registration
    --namespace tap-install
    --version VERSION-NUMBER
    --values-file api-portal-values.yaml

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the API Portal package listed in the earlier step.

  3. If you installed the API portal package as part of Tanzu Application Platform, you must update the tap-values.yaml and update the installation of Tanzu Application Platform. See Install your Tanzu Application Platform profile.

    tanzu package installed update tap --package --version VERSION-NUMBER --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the API Portal package listed in the earlier step.


You can update API portal as part of upgrading Tanzu Application Platform. See Upgrading Tanzu Application Platform.

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