Secure a Spring Boot workload

This tutorial tells you how to secure a sample Spring Boot Workload with Application Single Sign-On (commonly called AppSSO), which runs on Tanzu Application Platform (commonly called TAP).

Follow these steps to deploy a sample Spring Boot Workload:

  1. Get the sample application.
  2. Create a namespace for workloads.
  3. Claim client credentials.
  4. (Optional) Ensure Workload trusts AuthServer.
  5. Deploy the workload.

Get the sample application

Follow these steps to fetch the Application Single Sign-On Spring Boot application source code:

  1. Download the Application Single Sign-On Starter Java accelerator from the Tanzu Developer Portal accelerators located on your Tanzu Application Platform cluster:

    • Option 1: Use the Tanzu Developer Portal dashboard through the browser.

      Navigate to Application Accelerators and download the “AppSSO Starter Java” accelerator.

    • Option 2: Use the Tanzu Accelerator CLI.

      Download the zip file of the accelerator source code by running:

      tanzu accelerator generate appsso-starter-java --server-url TAP_GUI_SERVER_URL
  2. Unzip the resulting .zip file into the appsso-starter-java directory in your workspace.

    unzip appsso-starter-java
  3. With the resulting project, create an accessible remote Git repository and push your accelerator to the Git remote repository.

Create a namespace for workloads

You must create a namespace for your workloads for the Workload resources to function properly. If you have a workloads namespace already, you can skip this step.

kubectl create namespace my-apps
kubectl label namespaces my-apps""

For more information about provisioning namespaces for workloads, see Set up developer namespaces.

Claim client credentials

Follow these steps to claim credentials for an Application Single Sign-On service so that you can secure your workload:

  1. Discover the available Application Single Sign-On services with the Tanzu Service CLI:

    $ tanzu service class list
     sso       Login by AppSSO

    The actual names of your AppSSO services might be different. VMware assumes that there’s one AppSSO service with the name sso.

  2. Claim credentials for that service by creating a ClassClaim named appsso-starter-java in the my-apps namespace.

    kind: ClassClaim
      name: appsso-starter-java
      namespace: my-apps
        name: sso
          name: appsso-starter-java
          - /login/oauth2/code/appsso-starter-java
          - name: openid
          - authorization_code
        clientAuthenticationMethod: client_secret_basic
  3. Apply the ClassClaim and verify its status by running:

    kubectl get classclaim appsso-starter-java --namespace my-apps

Ensure Workload trusts AuthServer

For Tanzu Application Platform cluster with a custom or self-signed CA certificate, see Configure workloads to trust a custom Certificate Authority (CA).

Deploy the Workload

Follow these steps to deploy the Workload:

  1. Create the Spring Boot accelerator Workload by running:

    tanzu apps workload create appsso-starter-java \
        --namespace my-apps \
        --type web \
        --label \
        --build-env "BP_JVM_VERSION=17" \
        --service-ref "" \
        --service-ref "ca-cert=v1:Secret:tap-ca-cert" \
        --git-repo "<GIT_LOCATION_OF_YOUR_ACCELERATOR>" \
        --git-branch main \

    Although you can assign any name to the ClassClaim, the Workload’s service reference name must match the ClassClaim’s name.

    --service-ref "**appsso-starter-java**"

    If the service reference name does not match the ClassClaim name, the Workload generates a redirect URI that the authorization server will reject.

    It might take a few minutes for the workload to become available through a browser-accessible URL.

  2. Query the latest status of the workload by running:

    tanzu apps workload get appsso-starter-java --namespace my-apps
  3. Monitor the Workload logs:

    tanzu apps workload tail appsso-starter-java --namespace my-apps

    After the status of the workload reaches the Ready state, you can navigate to the provided URL, which looks similar to:<TAP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME>
  4. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the URL.

    Expect to see a large log-in button tailored for authenticating with AppSSO.

Cleaning up

Delete the running application by running the following commands:

  1. Delete the sample application Workload:

    tanzu apps workload delete appsso-starter-java --namespace my-apps
  2. Delete the claim:

    tanzu service class-claims delete appsso-starter-java --namespace my-apps
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