Troubleshoot workloads

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Apps CLI plug-in to troubleshoot workloads in Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP).

Check build logs

After a workload is created, tail the workload to view the build and runtime logs.


tanzu apps workload tail WORKLOAD --since 10m --timestamp


  • WORKLOAD is the name of the workload.
  • --since is optional.The amount of time to go back to begin streaming logs. The default is 1 second.
  • --timestamp is optional. Prints the timestamp with each log entry.

Get the workload status and details

After the workload build process is complete, a Knative service can be created to run the workload. Workload details can be viewed at any time during the process. Some details, such as the workload URL, are only available after the workload is running.


tanzu apps workload get WORKLOAD

Where WORKLOAD is the name of the workload to be checked

Now the workload should be in a running state. When the workload is created, tanzu apps workload get includes the URL for the running workload. In some terminals, you can Ctrl+click the URL to view it. You can also copy the URL into a web browser to see the application.

Common workload errors

A workload can either be ready, be in an error state, or have an unknown status.

There are known errors that cause the workload to enter an error or unknown status. Look at the supply chain or delivery steps for status and review the messages section for clues when the workload appears to be having issues.

Local Path Development Error Cases

The section describes the cause and resolution for some of the most common issues.

Message: Writing registry/project/repo/workload:latest: Writing image: Unexpected status code 401 Unauthorized (HEAD responses have no body, use GET for details)

Cause: Apps plug-in cannot talk to the registry because the registry credentials are missing or invalid.

Resolution: Run docker logout registry and docker login registry commands and specify the valid credentials for the registry.

Message: Writing registry/project/workload:latest: Writing image: HEAD Unexpected status code 400 Bad Request (HEAD responses have no body, use GET for details)

Cause: Certain registries like Harbor or GCR have a concept of Project. A 400 Bad request is sent when either the project does not exist, the user does not have access to it, or the path in the -—source-image flag is missing either project or repository.

Resolution: Fix the path in the —-source-image flag value to point to a valid repository path.


Message: No supply chain found where full selector is satisfied by labels: map[].

Cause: The labels and attributes in the workload object did not fully satisfy any installed supply chain on the cluster.

Resolution: Use the tanzu apps cluster-supply-chain list (alias csc) and tanzu apps csc get <supply-chain-name> commands to see the workload selection criteria for the supply chain available on the cluster. Apply any missing labels to a workload by using tanzu apps workload apply --label required-label-name=required-label-value. For example:

tanzu apps workload apply workload-name —-type web
# or
tanzu apps workload apply workload-name --label


Message: Waiting to read value [.status.artifact.url] from resource in namespace [ns]

Possible Cause 1: The Git url/tag/branch/commit parameters passed in the workload are not valid.

Resolution 1: Fix the invalid Git parameters by using tanzu apps workload apply.

Possible Cause 2: The Git repository is not accessible from the cluster.

Resolution 2: Configure the cluster networking or the Git repository networking so that they can communicate with each other.

Possible Cause 3: The namespace is missing the Git secret for communicating with the private repository.

Resolution 3: For more information, see Git authentication.


Message: Unable to apply object [ns/workload-name] for resource [source-provider] in supply chain [source-to-url]: failed to get unstructured [ns/workload-name] from API server: “workload-name” is forbidden: User “system:serviceaccount:ns:default” cannot get resource “imagerepositories” in API group “” in the namespace “ns”

Cause: This error happens when the service account in the workload object does not have permission to create objects that are stamped out by the supply chain.

Resolution: Set up the Set up developer namespaces to use your installed packages with the required service account and permissions. For more information, see Developer namespace setup for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store.

Review supply chain steps

After a workload is created with the tanzu apps workload create or tanzu apps workload apply command, run the tanzu apps workload get command to display the current condition of each supply chain.

For example:

📦 Supply Chain
   name:   source-to-url

   source-provider    True    True      71m
   image-provider     True    True      70m
   config-provider    True    True      69m
   app-config         True    True      69m       configmaps/spring-petclinic
   service-bindings   True    True      69m       configmaps/spring-petclinic-with-claims
   api-descriptors    True    True      69m       configmaps/spring-petclinic-with-api-descriptors
   config-writer      True    True      69m

🚚 Delivery
   name:   delivery-basic

   source-provider   True    True      69m
   deployer          True    True      69m

💬 Messages
   No messages found.

The Supply Chain section displays the supply chain steps associated with the workload. If a step fails, the READY column value is Unknown or False, and the HEALTHY column value is False. If a resource is in the Unknown or False status, inspect it with:

kubectl describe RESOURCE-NAME

Where RESOURCE-NAME is the name of the stamped out resource, displayed in the RESOURCE column.

For example, if tanzu apps workload get command returns this resource:

source-provider    False   False     3h12m

The resource can be checked with:

kubectl describe

The Messages section might give a hint about what went wrong in the process. For example, a message similar to the following is shown:

💬 Messages
   Workload [HealthyConditionRule]:   failed to checkout and determine revision: failed to resolve commit object for '425ae9a2a2f84d195a9f3862668e8b2abf81418a': object not found

This might mean that the commit does not belong to the specified branch or does not exist in the repository.

Additional Troubleshooting References

For more workload troubleshooting tips, see Troubleshoot using Tanzu Application Platform page.

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