Install Cloud Native Runtimes

This topic describes how you can install Cloud Native Runtimes (CNRs) from the Tanzu Application Platform package repository.


Use the instructions in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install packages. The full profile includes Cloud Native Runtimes. For more information about profiles, see Installing the Tanzu Application Platform Package and Profiles.


Before installing Cloud Native Runtimes:

  • Complete all prerequisites to install Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see Prerequisites.

  • Contour is installed in the cluster. You can install Contour from the Tanzu Application package repository. If you have an existing Contour installation, see Installing Cloud Native Runtimes with an Existing Contour Installation.

  • By default, Tanzu Application Platform installs and uses a self-signed certificate authority for issuing TLS certificates to components by using ingress issuer. For more information, see Ingress Certificates. To install Cloud Native Runtimes, you must set the shared.ingress_domain or cnrs.domain_name property when you set ingress_issuer. For example:

     ingress_domain: ""


     domain_name: ""

    If the domain name is not available or not what you want, you can set the domain name to any valid value if no process relies on the domain name resolving to the envoy IP. VMware discourages this for production environments. Another alternative to bypass setting domain name is to deactivate auto-TLS. For more information, see Disabling Automatic TLS Certificate Provisioning.


To install Cloud Native Runtimes:

  1. List version information for the package by running:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
      NAME                   VERSION  RELEASED-AT  2.4.0    2023-06-05 19:00:00 -0500 -05
  2. (Optional) Make changes to the default installation settings:

    1. Gather the values schema.

      tanzu package available get --values-schema -n tap-install
    2. Create a cnr-values.yaml file by using the following example as a guide to configure Cloud Native Runtimes:


      For most installations, you can leave the cnr-values.yaml empty, and use the default values.

      # Configures the domain that Knative Services will use
      domain_name: ""

      Configuration Notes:

      • If you are using a single-node cluster, such as kind, set the lite.enable: true option to lower CPU and memory requests for resources. To deactivate pod disruption budgets on Knative Serving, if high availability is not indispensable in your development environment, you can set pbd.enable to false.

      • Cloud Native Runtimes reuses the existing tanzu-system-ingress Contour installation for external and internal access when installed in the full profile. To use a separate Contour installation for system-internal traffic, set cnrs.contour.internal.namespace to the namespace of your separate Contour installation.

      • If you install Cloud Native Runtimes with the default value of true for the allow_manual_configmap_update configuration, you can only update some ConfigMaps manually. To update all ConfigMaps using overlays, change this value to false.

  3. Install the package by running:

    tanzu package install cloud-native-runtimes \
      --package \
      --version 2.4.0 \
      --namespace tap-install \
      --values-file cnr-values.yaml \
      --poll-timeout 30m

    For example:

    tanzu package install cloud-native-runtimes \
      --package \
      --version 2.4.0 \
      --namespace tap-install \
      --values-file cnr-values.yaml \
      --poll-timeout 30m
    | Installing package ''
    | Getting package metadata for ''
    | Creating service account 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-sa'
    | Creating cluster admin role 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-cluster-role'
    | Creating cluster role binding 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-cluster-rolebinding'
    - Creating package resource
    - Package install status: Reconciling
     Added installed package 'cloud-native-runtimes' in namespace 'tap-install'
  4. Verify the package install by running:

    tanzu package installed get cloud-native-runtimes -n tap-install

    For example:

    tanzu package installed get cloud-native-runtimes -n tap-install
    Retrieving installation details for cloud-native-runtimes...
    NAME:                    cloud-native-runtimes
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         2.4.0
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
    CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileSucceeded True  }]

    Verify that STATUS is Reconcile succeeded.

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