Configure an ImageVulnerabilityScan for Snyk

This topic gives you an example of how to configure a secret and ImageVulnerabilityScan (IVS) for Snyk.

Example Secret

This section contains a sample secret containing the Snyk API token, which authenticates your Snyk account. You must apply this once to your developer namespace.


For the publicly available Snyk scanner CLI image, CLI commands and parameters used are accurate at the time of documentation.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: snyk-token
  snyk: |
    {"api": "SNYK-API-TOKEN"}

Where SNYK-API-TOKEN is your Snyk API token obtained by following the instructions in the Snyk documentation. Do not encode this value in base64.

Example ImageVulnerabilityScan

This section contains a sample IVS that uses Snyk to scan a targeted image and push the results to the specified registry location. For information about the IVS specification, see Configuration options.

Sample IVS:

kind: ImageVulnerabilityScan
  name: snyk-ivs
  annotations: Snyk
    location: registry/project/scan-results
    publisher: publisher
    scanner: scanner
    - name: snyk
        secretName: snyk-token
          - key: snyk
            path: configstore/snyk.json
  - name: snyk
    - name: XDG-CONFIG-HOME
      value: /snyk
    command: ["snyk","container","test",$(params.image),"--json-file-output=$(params.scan-results-path)/scan.json"]
    onError: continue
  - name: snyk2spdx # You will need to create your own image. See explanation below.
    image: SNYK2SPDX-IMAGE
    command: ["/bin/bash"]
      - "-c"
      - |
        set -e
        cat $(params.scan-results-path)/scan.json | /app/bin/snyk2spdx --output=$(params.scan-results-path)/scan.spdx.json


  • TARGET-IMAGE is the image to be scanned. You must specify the digest.
  • SNYK-SCANNER-IMAGE is the image containing the Snyk CLI. For example, snyk/snyk:golang. For information about publicly available Snyk images, see DockerHub. For more information about using the Snyk CLI, see the Snyk documentation.
  • XDG-CONFIG-HOME is the directory that contains your Snyk CLI configuration file, configstore/snyk.json, which is populated using the snyk-token secret that you created. For more information, see the Snyk Config documentation.
  • SNYK2SPDX-IMAGE is the image used to convert the Snyk CLI output scan.json in the snyk step to SPDX format, and insert the missing DOCUMENT DESCRIBES relation. For more information, see the Snyk snyk2spdx repository in GitHub.

To use the sample:

  1. Clone the snyk2spdx repository.
  2. Add the following Dockerfile to the root of the repository by running:

    FROM node AS build
    RUN npm install -g typescript
    RUN npm install -g ts-node
    WORKDIR /build-dir
    ADD . .
    RUN npm install --legacy-peer-deps
    RUN npm run build && npm prune --json --omit=dev --legacy-peer-deps
    RUN npx [email protected] dist/index.js  -r './dist/**/*.js' -t linux-x64-12.16.2 -o snyk2spdx-linux
    FROM paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base AS run
    COPY --from=build /build-dir/dist/ /app/dist/
    COPY --from=build /build-dir/node_modules /app/node_modules
    COPY --from=build /build-dir/snyk2spdx-linux /app/bin/snyk2spdx
    ENTRYPOINT ["/app/bin/snyk2spdx"]
    CMD ["/app/bin/snyk2spdx"]
  3. Build and push the image to a registry. Replace SNYK2SPDX-IMAGE with the new image you built.

    The snyk2spdx output does not conform to the verification process. Although the results might be ingested to the Tanzu Application Platform Metadata Store, VMware does not ensure the accuracy of the results.


After detecting vulnerabilities, the Snyk image exits with Exit Code 1 and causes a failed scan task. You can ignore the step error by setting onError and handling the error in a subsequent step. For instructions, see the Tekton documentation.

For information about setting up scanner credentials, see the Snyk CLI documentation.

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