Edit your AWS RDS PostgreSQL configuration

This topic describes how you can edit your AWS RDS PostgreSQL configuration for Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store.

Before you begin

You must have an AWS account.

Set up a certificate and configuration

To set up a certificate and configuration:

  1. Create an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL DB instance by using the Amazon RDS documentation

  2. After the database instance starts, retrieve the following information:

    • Database Instance Endpoint
    • Master Username
    • Master Password
    • Database Name

    If the database name is - in the AWS RDS UI, the value is likely to be postgres.

  3. Create a security group to allow inbound connections from the cluster to the PostgreSQL DB.

  4. Retrieve the corresponding CA Certificate that signed the PostgreSQL TLS Certificate by using the Amazon RDS documentation

  5. In metadata-store-values.yaml replace the following placeholders with your values:

    db_host: "<DB Instance Endpoint>"
    db_user: "<Master Username>"
    db_password: "<Master Password>"
    db_name: "<Database Name>"
    db_port: "5432"
    db_sslmode: "verify-full"
    db_max_open_conns: 10
    db_max_idle_conns: 100
    db_conn_max_lifetime: 60
    db_ca_certificate: |
       <Corresponding CA Certification>
    deploy_internal_db: "false"

If deploy_internal_db is set to false, an instance of PostgreSQL is not deployed in the cluster.

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