Tutorial: Deploy your first workload

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Workload CLI plug-in to create your first Workload.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

In this tutorial, the platform engineer has already created some Supply Chains for you to use. The Supply Chains can pull the source code from the source repository and build it. The built artifact is then pushed to a GitOps repository that the platform engineer selected.



Deploy a workload

To deploy a workload:

  1. See which SupplyChain resources are available to you, and which kinds of Workload resources you can create by using those SupplyChain resources, by running:

    tanzu workload kind list


    $ tanzu workload kind list
     KIND                                       VERSION   DESCRIPTION
     appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com  v1alpha1  Supply chain that pulls the source code from git repo, builds it using
                                                          buildpacks and package the output as Carvel package.
    🔎 To generate a workload for one of these kinds, use 'tanzu workload generate'

    The command output shows that you have a appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com kind that you can use to generate the workload. The Tanzu CLI also shows a hint about the next command to use in the process.

  2. For this tutorial, build your workload by using the tanzu-java-web-app sample application.

    Use the tanzu workload generate command to create a Workload of the kind AppBuildV1. A drop-down menu is displayed if multiple kinds are available. If a single kind is available, it is used to generate the scaffold of the Workload. Run:

    tanzu workload generate tanzu-java-web-app

    Example output:

    apiVersion: supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
    kind: AppBuildV1
     name: tanzu-java-web-app
     #! Configuration for the generated Carvel Package
     #! Configuration for the registry to use
     #! Kpack build specification
  3. Pipe the output into a workload.yaml file. If you have more than one kind available in the cluster, you must provide a --kind flag. The --kind flag supports tab auto-completion. Run:

    tanzu workload generate tanzu-java-web-app --kind appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com > workload.yaml
  4. Add the necessary values in the workload.yaml file for each required entry. For example:

    apiVersion: supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
    kind: AppBuildV1
      name: tanzu-java-web-app
        baseBranch: "main"
        subPath: "packages"
        url: GITOPS-REPO-PATH
        repository: REPOSITORY-PATH
        server: REGISTRY-SERVER
          branch: "main"
          url: "https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git"
        subPath: "tanzu-java-web-app"
        packageName: "tanzu-java-web-app"
        packageDomain: "tanzu.vmware.com"

    The beta version of Tanzu Supply Chain does not support platform engineer-level overrides and defaults. Therefore, the workload generate command also shows the entries that a platform engineer is supposed to set, such as the registry details.

    When the overrides feature is available, a platform engineer can set platform-level values, such as the registry details. These entries are not part of the workload generate command output because that is something a platform engineer does not want a developer to override.

    This causes a much smaller Workload specification that only has values that a developer can provide for the SupplyChain. This helps to keep the platform engineering role and the developer role separate.

  5. Use the tanzu workload apply command to apply your AppBuildV1 workload to the cluster. If your workload YAML file is not named workload.yaml, use the -f flag to point to it. For this tutorial, use the dev namespace. Run:

    tanzu workload apply

    Example output:

    🔎 Creating workload:
         1 + |---
         2 + |apiVersion: supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
         3 + |kind: AppBuildV1
         4 + |metadata:
         5 + |  name: tanzu-java-web-app
         6 + |  namespace: dev
         7 + |spec:
         8 + |  carvel:
         9 + |    packageDomain: tanzu.vmware.com
       10 + |    packageName: tanzu-java-web-app
       11 + |  gitOps:
       12 + |    baseBranch: main
       13 + |    subPath: packages
       14 + |    url: GITOPS-REPO-PATH
       15 + |  registry:
       16 + |    repository: REPOSITORY-PATH
       17 + |    server: REGISTRY-SERVER
       18 + |  source:
       19 + |    git:
       20 + |      branch: main
       21 + |      url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git
       22 + |    subPath: tanzu-java-web-app
    Create workload tanzu-java-web-app from workload.yaml? [yN]: y
    ✓ Successfully created workload tanzu-java-web-app
  6. See all the workloads of each kind running in your namespace by running:

    tanzu workload list

    Example output:

    Listing workloads from the dev namespace
     NAME                KIND                                       VERSION   AGE
     tanzu-java-web-app  appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com  v1alpha1  30m
    🔎 To see more details about a workload, use 'tanzu workload get workload-name --kind workload-kind'
  7. See all the workloads running in all namespaces by running:

    tanzu workload list -A
  8. See how the tanzu-java-web-app workload in the workload list is progressing by running:

    tanzu workload get tanzu-java-web-app

    Example output:

    📡 Overview
      name:       tanzu-java-web-app
      kind:       appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app
      namespace:  dev
      age:        15m
    🏃 Runs:
      ID                            STATUS   DURATION  AGE
      tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5  Running  2m        2m
    🔎 To view a run information, use 'tanzu workload run get run-id'

    From the output, you see that a WorkloadRun named tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5 was created when you applied the AppBuildV1 workload and it is in the Running state. There are multiple causes for why a new WorkloadRun is created for your Workload, but few are developer-triggered.

    Updates to your Workload, such as changing the values in workload.yaml and reapplying them to the cluster, create a new WorkloadRun. Platform engineering activities such as updating the Buildpack builder images can also cause your Workload to rebuild, creating a new WorkloadRun with newer base images.

    Other activities, such as pushing new commits to the source-code repository referenced by the Workload, can also cause a new run of the Workload to build the latest source from your Git repository.

  9. Use the tanzu workload run get command to see more information about which stages your workload is going through. Use the optional --show-details flag for more detailed output. Run:

    tanzu workload run get tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5 --show-details

    Example output:

    📡 Overview
      name:        tanzu-java-web-app
      kind:        appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app
      run id:      appbuildv1runs.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5
      status:      Running
      namespace:   dev
      age:         14m
    📓 Spec
         1 + |---
         2 + |apiVersion: supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
         3 + |kind: AppBuildV1
         4 + |metadata:
         5 + |  name: tanzu-java-web-app
         6 + |  namespace: dev
         7 + |spec:
         8 + |  carvel:
         9 + |    packageDomain: tanzu.vmware.com
       10 + |    packageName: tanzu-java-web-app
       11 + |  gitOps:
       12 + |    baseBranch: main
       13 + |    subPath: packages
       14 + |    url: GITOPS-REPO-PATH
       15 + |  registry:
       16 + |    repository: REPOSITORY-PATH
       17 + |    server: REGISTRY-SERVER
       18 + |  source:
       19 + |    git:
       20 + |      branch: main
       21 + |      url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git
       22 + |    subPath: tanzu-java-web-app
    🏃 Stages
      ├─ source-git-provider
      │  ├─ 📋 check-source - Success
      │  │  ├─ Duration: 31s
      │  │  └─ Results
      │  │     ├─ message: using git-branch: main
      │  │     ├─ sha: e4e23867bcffcbf7a165e2fefe3c48dc28b076d6
      │  │     └─ url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git
      │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
      │     ├─ Duration: 1m28s
      │     └─ Results
      │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
      │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
      ├─ buildpack-build
      │  ├─ 📋 check-builders - Success
      │  │  ├─ Duration: 26s
      │  │  └─ Results
      │  │     ├─ builder-image: BUILDER-IMAGE-USED
      │  │     ├─ message: Builders resolved
      │  │     └─ run-image: RUN-IMAGE-USED
      │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
      │     ├─ Duration: 2m59s
      │     └─ Results
      │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
      │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
      ├─ conventions
      │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
      │     ├─ Duration: 33s
      │     └─ Results
      │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
      │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
      ├─ app-config-server
      │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Running
      │     └─ Duration: 22.37089s
      ├─ carvel-package
      │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Not Started
      └─ git-writer-pr
         └─ 📋 pipeline - Not Started

The output shows you:

  • An overview of your workload, such as name, kind, and namespace
  • The last 2 successful WorkloadRuns
  • The last failed WorkloadRun
  • All running WorkloadRuns
  • The error section from the last failed WorkloadRun

When your WorkloadRun has gone through the Supply Chain, the output of the Workload and WorkloadRun is as follows:

Workload Run Output
tanzu workload run get tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5 –show-details
📡 Overview
  name:        tanzu-java-web-app
  kind:        appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app
  run id:      appbuildv1runs.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5
  status:      Succeeded
  namespace:   dev
  age:         68m

📓 Spec
  1 + |---
  2 + |apiVersion: supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
  3 + |kind: AppBuildV1
  4 + |metadata:
  5 + |  name: tanzu-java-web-app
  6 + |  namespace: dev
  7 + |spec:
  8 + |  carvel:
  9 + |    packageDomain: tanzu.vmware.com
  10 + |    packageName: tanzu-java-web-app
  11 + |  gitOps:
  12 + |    baseBranch: main
  13 + |    subPath: packages
  14 + |    url: GITOPS-REPO-PATH
  15 + |  registry:
  16 + |    repository: REPOSITORY-PATH
  17 + |    server: REGISTRY-SERVER
  18 + |  source:
  19 + |    git:
  20 + |      branch: main
  21 + |      url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git
  22 + |    subPath: tanzu-java-web-app

🏃 Stages
  ├─ source-git-provider
  │  ├─ 📋 check-source - Success
  │  │  ├─ Duration: 31s
  │  │  └─ Results
  │  │     ├─ message: using git-branch: main
  │  │     ├─ sha: e4e23867bcffcbf7a165e2fefe3c48dc28b076d6
  │  │     └─ url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples.git
  │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
  │     ├─ Duration: 1m28s
  │     └─ Results
  │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
  │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
  ├─ buildpack-build
  │  ├─ 📋 check-builders - Success
  │  │  ├─ Duration: 26s
  │  │  └─ Results
  │  │     ├─ builder-image: BUILDER-IMAGE-USED
  │  │     ├─ message: Builders resolved
  │  │     └─ run-image: RUN-IMAGE-USED
  │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
  │     ├─ Duration: 2m59s
  │     └─ Results
  │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
  │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
  ├─ conventions
  │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
  │     ├─ Duration: 33s
  │     └─ Results
  │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
  │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
  ├─ app-config-server
  │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
  │     ├─ Duration: 1m12s
  │     └─ Results
  │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
  │        ├─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
  │        ├─ url-overlay: IMAGE-URL
  │        └─ digest-overlay: IMAGE-SHA
  ├─ carvel-package
  │  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
  │     ├─ Duration: 49s
  │     └─ Results
  │        ├─ url: IMAGE-URL
  │        └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
  └─ git-writer-pr
  └─ 📋 pipeline - Success
      ├─ Duration: 34s
      └─ Results
          └─ digest: IMAGE-SHA
Workload Get Output
tanzu workload get tanzu-java-web-app
📡 Overview
name:       tanzu-java-web-app
kind:       appbuildv1s.supplychains.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-web-app
namespace:  dev
age:        74m

🏃 Runs:
ID                            STATUS     DURATION  AGE
tanzu-java-web-app-run-454m5  Succeeded  16m       72m

🔎 To view a run information, use 'tanzu workload run get run-id'

Based on the description of the AppBuildV1 kind from the tanzu workload kind list command, the Supply Chain pulls the source code from the Git repository, builds it by using buildpacks, and then packages the output as a Carvel package. That output is then shipped to the GitOps repository that the platform engineer configures.

In your Supply Chain, when the WorkloadRun succeeds you can see the URL for the pull request to the GitOps repository in the tanzu workload run get --show-details output in the gitops-pr stage results.

You have now used Tanzu Supply Chain to deploy your first workload.

Next Steps

See these How-to guides for developers to learn more about Tanzu Supply Chain.

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