Manage Supply Chains with GitOps

This topic tells you how to manage SupplyChains by using GitOps.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

SupplyChains, especially the authoring resources SupplyChain, Component, and Tekton Pipeline/Tekton Task, are delivered to clusters using a Git repository and GitOps source promotion style.

The expected flow is as follows:

  1. Author the SupplyChain as a collection of YAML files in a file system backed by Git.
  2. Test and debug by pushing all the files to a single namespace.
  3. When you’re happy with your new or modified SupplyChain, commit it to Git and create a pull request.
  4. Using continuous integration, test and approve the pull request.
  5. Using continuous deployment, deliver your edits to build clusters.

Use SupplyChains to manage the integration and deployment of your SupplyChains. VMware plans to release examples of integration and delivery SupplyChains for SupplyChains in a future release.

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