Enable SCST - Scan 2.0 for default Test and Scan supply chains

This topic tells you how to enable Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0 and an included container image scanner for Out of the Box Supply Chain with Testing and Scanning. The default configuration for Out of the Box Supply Chain with Testing and Scanning is SCST - Scan 1.0.


SCST - Scan 2.0 includes two integrations for container image scanners:

Container Image Scanner Documentation Cluster Image Template Name Description
Aqua Trivy Link image-vulnerability-scan-trivy Recommended scanner for SCST - Scan 2.0
Anchore Grype Link image-vulnerability-scan-grype Alternative to Trivy that is used in SCST - Scan 1.0

VMware recommends using Aqua Trivy scanner with Tanzu Application Platform for container image scanning. If you want to remain consistent with the default scanner in SCST - Scan 1.0, Anchore Grype is included as an open-source alternative. Additionally, you can build an integration for extra scanners. For more information, see Bring your own scanner with SCST - Scan 2.0.

Enable with an out-of-the-box supply chain

To enable SCST - Scan 2.0 with an out-of-the-box supply chain using the Trivy scanner:

  1. Update your tap-values.yaml file to specify the Trivy ClusterImageTemplate as follows:

      image_scanner_template_name: image-vulnerability-scan-trivy
  2. (Optional) In Tanzu Application Platform v1.8 if you are using a vulnerability scanner other than Trivy, you must specify the registry location of the container image to use for scanning. For example, if you are using the Grype template, set ootb_supply_chain_testing_scanning.image_scanning_cli to the Grype image, for example:

      image_scanner_template_name: image-vulnerability-scan-grype
        image: registry.example.com/tanzu-application-platform/tap-packages@sha256:feb1cdbd5c918aae7a89bdb2aa39d486bf6ffc81000764b522842e5934578497

    This example uses the packaged Grype image, but you can also use images from public repositories such as anchore/grype:latest.

  3. Update your Tanzu Application Platform installation by running:

    tanzu package installed update tap -p tap.tanzu.vmware.com -v TAP-VERSION  --values-file \
    tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where TAP-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Application Platform installed.

  4. Verify the scan capability is working as expected by creating a workload. For more information, see Verify scanning with a Supply Chain integration.

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