Configure code repositories and image artifacts for Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan

This topic describes how you can configure code repositories and image artifacts for Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan.

Before you begin

Both the source and image scans require you to define a ScanTemplate. Run kubectl get scantemplates for the ScanTemplates provided with the scanner installation. For information about how to reference these ScanTemplates, see How to create a ScanTemplate.

Deploy scan custom resources

The scan controller defines two custom resources to create scans:

  • SourceScan
  • ImageScan

Create and deploy a SourceScan custom resource

The SourceScan custom resource helps you define and trigger a scan for a given repository. You can deploy SourceScan with source code existing in a public repository or a private one:

  1. Create the SourceScan custom resource as in this example:

    kind: SourceScan
      # set the name of the source scan CR
      name: sample-source-scan
      # At least one of these fields (blob or git) must be defined.
        # location to a file with the source code compressed (supported files: .tar.gz)
        # A multiline string defining the known hosts that are going to be used for the SSH client on the container
        # Branch, tag, or commit digest
        # The name of the kubernetes secret containing the private SSH key information.
        # A string containing the repository URL.
        # The user name needed to SSH connection. Default value is “git”
      # A string defining the name of an existing ScanTemplate custom resource.
      scanTemplate: my-scan-template
       # A string defining the name of an existing ScanPolicy custom resource. See the "Enforcement Policies (OPA)" section.
      scanPolicy: my-scan-policy
  2. Deploy the SourceScan custom resource to the desired namespace on the cluster by running:

    kubectl apply -f <path_to_the_cr>/<custom_resource_filename>.yaml -n <desired_namespace>

    After the scanning finishes, the following fields appear in the custom resource and are filled by the scanner:

    # These fields are populated from the source scan results
      # The source code information as provided in the CycloneDX bom>metadata>component>* fields
      # An array populated with information about the scanning status
      # and the policy validation. These conditions might change in the lifecycle
      # of the scan, refer to the "View Scan Status and Understanding Conditions" section to learn more.
      conditions: []
      # The URL of the vulnerability scan results in the Metadata Store integration.
      # Only available when the integration is configured.
      # When the CRD is updated to point at new revisions, this lets you know
      # if the status reflects the latest one or not
      observedGeneration: 1
      observedPolicyGeneration: 1
      observedTemplateGeneration: 1
      # The latest datetime when the scanning was successfully finished.
      # Information about the scanner that was used for the latest image scan.
      # This information reflects what's in the CycloneDX bom>metadata>tools>tool>* fields.
          # The name of the scanner that was used.
          name: my-image-scanner
          # The name of the scanner's development company or team
          vendor: my-image-scanner-provider
          # The version of the scanner used.
          version: 1.0.0

Create and deploy an ImageScan custom resource

The ImageScan custom resource helps you define and trigger a scan for a given image. You can deploy ImageScan with an image in a public registry or a private registry:

  1. Create the ImageScan custom resource as in this example:

    kind: ImageScan
      # set the name of the image scan CR
      name: sample-image-scan
        # Required. A string containing the image name can additionally add its tag or its digest
        image: nginx:1.16
        # A string containing the secret needed to pull the image from a private registry.
        # The secret needs to be deployed in the same namespace as the ImageScan
        imagePullSecret: my-image-pull-secret
      # A string defining the name of an existing ScanTemplate custom resource. See the "How To Create a ScanTemplate" section.
      scanTemplate: my-scan-template
      # A string defining the name of an existing ScanPolicy custom resource. See the "Enforcement Policies (OPA)" section.
      scanPolicy: my-scan-policy
  2. Deploy the ImageScan custom resource to the desired namespace on the cluster by running:

    kubectl apply -f <path_to_the_cr>/<custom_resource_filename>.yaml -n <desired_namespace>

    After the scanning finishes, the following fields appear in the custom resource and are filled by the scanner:

    # These fields are populated from the image scan results
          # The image name with its digest as provided in the CycloneDX bom>metadata>component>* fields
      # An array that is populated with information about the scanning status
      # and the policy validation. These conditions might change in the lifecycle
      # of the scan, refer to the "View Scan Status and Understanding Conditions" section to learn more.
      conditions: []
      # The URL of the vulnerability scan results in the Metadata Store integration.
      # Only available when the integration is configured.
      # When the CRD is updated to point at new revisions, this lets you know
      # whether the status reflects the latest one
      observedGeneration: 1
      observedPolicyGeneration: 1
      observedTemplateGeneration: 1
      # The latest datetime when the scanning was successfully finished.
      # Information about the scanner used for the latest image scan.
      # This information reflects what's in the CycloneDX bom>metadata>tools>tool>* fields.
          # The name of the scanner that was used.
          name: my-image-scanner
          # The name of the scanner's development company or team
          vendor: my-image-scanner-provider
          # The version of the scanner used.
          version: 1.0.0
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