Build your first Supply Chain

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-in to create a SupplyChain for developers to use.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

This SupplyChain retrieves the source code from a Git repository, and proceeds with building and packaging it as a Carvel package. Subsequently, it initiates a pull request (PR) to transfer the Carvel package to a GitOps repository, facilitating the installation of the built package on the Run clusters. In this tutorial, you will construct a supply chain to build, test, and package Java Maven applications.

Before you begin

Before building your first Supply Chain:

Browse the component catalog

When you have completed the prerequisites, you have the Tanzu Supply Chain controller, Managed Resource Controller, and Component packages installed on the cluster and you are ready to build your first SupplyChain.

  1. Learn which components are available to use in your SupplyChain by running:

    tanzu supplychain component list

    Example output:

    Listing components from the catalog
     NAME                             INPUTS                                                        OUTPUTS                                                       AGE
     app-config-server-1.0.0          conventions[conventions]                                      oci-yaml-files[oci-yaml-files], oci-ytt-files[oci-ytt-files]  14d
     app-config-web-1.0.0             conventions[conventions]                                      oci-yaml-files[oci-yaml-files], oci-ytt-files[oci-ytt-files]  14d
     app-config-worker-1.0.0          conventions[conventions]                                      oci-yaml-files[oci-yaml-files], oci-ytt-files[oci-ytt-files]  14d
     carvel-package-1.0.0             oci-yaml-files[oci-yaml-files], oci-ytt-files[oci-ytt-files]  package[package]                                              14d
     deployer-1.0.0                   package[package]                                              <none>                                                        14d
     source-package-translator-1.0.0  source[source]                                                package[package]                                              14d
     conventions-1.0.0                image[image]                                                  conventions[conventions]                                      14d
     app-config-web-1.0.0             conventions[conventions]                                      oci-yaml-files[oci-yaml-files], oci-ytt-files[oci-ytt-files]  14d
     git-writer-1.0.0                 package[package]                                              <none>                                                        14d
     git-writer-pr-1.0.0              package[package]                                              git-pr[git-pr]                                                14d
     source-git-provider-1.0.0        <none>                                                        source[source], git[git]                                      14d
     buildpack-build-1.0.0            source[source], git[git]                                      image[image]                                                  14d
     trivy-image-scan-1.0.0           image[image], git[git]                                        <none>                                                        14d
    🔎 To view the details of a component, use 'tanzu supplychain component get'

    Use the -w/--wide flag to see more detailed output, including the inputs and outputs of each component.

  2. To get more information about each component on the cluster, use the tanzu supplychain component get command. For example, to get the information about the source-git-provider component, run:

    tanzu supplychain component get source-git-provider-1.0.0 -n source-provider --show-details

    Example output:

    📡 Overview
     name:         source-git-provider-1.0.0
     namespace:    source-provider
     age:          14d
     status:       True
     reason:       Ready
     description:  Monitors a git repository
    📝 Configuration
       #! Use this object to retrieve source from a git repository.
       #! The tag, commit, and branch fields are mutually exclusive, use only one.
       #! Required
         #! A git branch ref to watch for new source
         branch: "main"
         #! A git commit sha to use
         commit: ""
         #! A git tag ref to watch for new source
         tag: "v1.0.0"
         #! The url to the git source repository
         #! Required
         url: ""
       #! The sub path in the bundle to locate source code
       subPath: ""
    📤 Outputs
       ├─ digest: $(resumptions.check-source.results.sha)
       ├─ type: git
       └─ url: $(resumptions.check-source.results.url)
       ├─ digest: $(pipeline.results.digest)
       ├─ type: source
       └─ url: $(pipeline.results.url)
    🏃 Pipeline
       ├─ name: source-git-provider
       └─ 📋 parameters
         ├─ git-url: $(workload.spec.source.git.url)
         ├─ sha: $(resumptions.check-source.results.sha)
         └─ workload-name: $(
    🔁 Resumptions
     - check-source runs source-git-check task every 300s
       📋 Parameters
         ├─ git-branch: $(workload.spec.source.git.branch)
         ├─ git-commit: $(workload.spec.source.git.commit)
         ├─ git-tag: $(workload.spec.source.git.tag)
         └─ git-url: $(workload.spec.source.git.url)
    🔎 To generate a supplychain using the available components, use 'tanzu supplychain generate'

Generate a SupplyChain

  1. Now that you know what components are available to create your SupplyChain, start the authoring process. Use the tanzu supplychain init command to scaffold the current directory by running:

    mkdir myfirstsupplychaingroup
    cd myfirstsupplychaingroup
    tanzu supplychain init --group --description "This is my first Supplychain group"

    Example output:

    Initializing group
    Creating directory structure
    ├─ supplychains/
    ├─ components/
    ├─ pipelines/
    ├─ tasks/
    ├─ Makefile
    └─ config.yaml
    Writing group configuration to config.yaml

    The tanzu supplychain init command creates the following:

    • config.yaml, which contains the information about the group name, and the description of the SupplyChain group.
    • supplychains, components, pipelines, and tasks directories, which are auto-populated by the authoring wizard later in this tutorial.
    • Makefile, which has the targets to install and uninstall the SupplyChain and related dependencies on any Build or Full profile clusters.
    •, which has instructions on how to use the targets in the Makefile.
  2. Your current directory is now initialized. Use the SupplyChain authoring wizard to generate your first SupplyChain. Start the wizard by running:

    tanzu supplychain generate
  3. In the wizard prompts that follow, add the following values:

    Prompt Value
    What Kind would you like to use as the developer interface? MavenAppBuildv1
    Give Supply chain a description? Supply chain that pulls the Maven app source code from Git repository, builds it using buildpacks and packages the output as Carvel package.
    Select a component as the first stage of the supply chain? source-git-provider-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? buildpack-build-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? conventions-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? app-config-server-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? carvel-package-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? git-writer-pr-1.0.0
    Select a component as the next stage of the supply chain? Done

    After selecting the components, the wizard creates the required files to deploy your SupplyChain in the current directory. Example output:

    ✓ Successfully fetched all component dependencies
    Created file supplychains/appbuildv1.yaml
    Created file components/app-config-server-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file components/buildpack-build-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file components/carvel-package-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file components/conventions-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file components/git-writer-pr-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file components/source-git-provider-1.0.0.yaml
    Created file pipelines/app-config-server.yaml
    Created file pipelines/buildpack-build.yaml
    Created file pipelines/carvel-package.yaml
    Created file pipelines/conventions.yaml
    Created file pipelines/git-writer.yaml
    Created file pipelines/source-git-provider.yaml
    Created file tasks/calculate-digest.yaml
    Created file tasks/carvel-package-git-clone.yaml
    Created file tasks/carvel-package.yaml
    Created file tasks/check-builders.yaml
    Created file tasks/fetch-tgz-content-oci.yaml
    Created file tasks/git-writer.yaml
    Created file tasks/gitops-git-clone.yaml
    Created file tasks/prepare-build.yaml
    Created file tasks/source-git-check.yaml
    Created file tasks/source-git-clone.yaml
    Created file tasks/store-content-oci.yaml
  4. You have now authored your first SupplyChain. View the SupplyChain definition, created by the wizard, by viewing the manifest created in the supplychains/ directory by running:

    cat supplychains/appbuildv1.yaml

    Example output

    kind: SupplyChain
        name: appbuildv1
            kind: AppBuildV1
            plural: appbuildv1s
            version: v1alpha1
        description: Supply chain that pulls the source code from git repo, builds it using buildpacks and package the output as Carvel package.
            - componentRef:
                name: source-git-provider-1.0.0
              name: source-git-provider
            - componentRef:
                name: buildpack-build-1.0.0
              name: buildpack-build
            - componentRef:
                name: conventions-1.0.0
              name: conventions
            - componentRef:
                name: app-config-server-1.0.0
              name: app-config-server
            - componentRef:
                name: carvel-package-1.0.0
              name: carvel-package
            - componentRef:
                name: git-writer-pr-1.0.0
              name: git-writer-pr

Next steps

Deploy the SupplyChain to your Tanzu Application Platform clusters where your developers are creating the Workloads.

Useful links

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