You can deploy the architecture of Windows Diego Cells that VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs [Windows] uses to to run containerized .NET apps and the stemcells that it supplies to BOSH as the operating system for the Windows Diego Cell VMs.

You can run Windows Diego Cells in Operations Manager to enable developers to push .NET apps, to deploy the TAS for VMs [Windows] tile.

When you deploy this tile, it creates a separate BOSH deployment populated with the Garden Windows release, which runs on a Windows Diego Cell built from a Windows stemcell.

After the Windows Diego Cell is running, developers can specify a Windows stack when pushing .NET apps from the command line.

Operations Manager passes the app to the Windows Diego Cell in the TAS for VMs [Windows] BOSH deployment.

The following diagram illustrates the process:

You can specify a Windows stack when pushing .NET apps from the command line.

Windows cells

App instances in Operations Manager run inside containers. Garden is the API that creates and manages these containers. An implementation equivalent to that on Linux Diego Cells provides this infrastructure on Windows Diego Cells, utilizing native Windows Server containers.

By installing the TAS for VMs [Windows] tile, operators create a Windows Diego Cell from a stemcell that contains the Windows Server operating system. Garden on Windows uses Windows containers to isolate resources on Windows Diego Cells that Operations Manager manages alongside Linux Diego Cells.

For more information about installing the TAS for VMs [Windows] tile, see Installing and Configuring TAS for VMs [Windows].

For more information about Garden, see Garden. For more information about Diego Cells, see Diego Cell in TAS for VMs Components. For more information about stemcells, see What is a Stemcell? in the BOSH documentation. For more information about Windows containers, see Windows and containers in the Microsoft documentation.


A Windows Diego Cell includes the following components:

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of a Windows Diego Cell:

The architecture of a Windows Diego Cell.

Container implementation

Garden on Windows uses the following runtime plug-ins to create and manage Windows containers for VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs:

  • Container plug-in winc: Creates Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant containers, executes processes in the containers, and sets their CPU and RAM limits. For more information about OCI compliance, see the Open Container Initiative website.

  • Network plug-in winc-network: Creates a network compartment for the container, applies its DNS settings, and defines its inbound and outbound network access rules.

  • Rootfs image plug-in groot: Sets up the container filesystem volume and uses the File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) API to define its disk usage quotas. For more information about the FSRM, see File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) overview in the Microsoft documentation.

Windows stemcells

A stemcell is a customized operating system image containing the filesystem for BOSH-managed VMs. When deployed, the operating system includes the BOSH Agent process, which is dedicated to communicating with the orchestrating VM, the BOSH Director. The BOSH Agent executes and monitors BOSH jobs on its VM.

Deployments of Windows Server on Operations Manager currently use a stemcell containing Windows Server 2019.

For more information about obtaining or creating a stemcell for TAS for VMs [Windows], see Downloading or Creating Windows Stemcells.

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