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tanzu package

CLI plugin: package | Primarily used for: Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2 with Supervisor, Tanzu Application Platform

The tanzu package command group manages Tanzu packages. This command group includes the following commands:


tanzu package [FLAGS]


tanzu package [COMMAND]

You can run the above tanzu package commands in either of the following modes:

  • kctrl mode activated (default)
  • kctrl mode deactivated (deprecated)

The sections below document the tanzu package command group in the default mode.

Global Flags


Filter to show only specific columns from tables. For example, --column=namespaces, name.


Includes debug output.

-h, --help

Help text.


Sets the Kubernetes API client burst limit. Default value is 1000.


Sets the Kubernetes API client QPS limit. Default value is 1000.


Path to the kubeconfig file.


Overrides the current kubeconfig context.


Passes the contents of the kubeconfig file as YAML.

-y, --yes

When --yes is specified, the command skips the confirmation step.

tanzu package available

Manages available packages. For more information, see Packages.



-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu package available get

Shows the details of an available package.


tanzu package available get AVAILABLE-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]




To get the details of the package in the example-namespace:

tanzu package available get --namespace example-namespace

To get the details of v1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 of the package in the example-namespace:

tanzu package available get --namespace example-namespace

To get the OpenAPI schema of v1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 of the package in example-namespace:

tanzu package available get --namespace example-namespace --values-schema



The location to which you want to save the default configuration of the package, for example, --default-values-file-output contour-data-values.yaml. You edit and then pass this file to tanzu package install when installing the package.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Forces TTY-like output.


The OpenAPI schema of the package.

tanzu package available list

Lists all available packages and package versions.


tanzu package available list [FLAGS]




To list available packages across all namespaces:

tanzu package available list --all-namespaces

To list available packages only in the default namespace:

tanzu package available list

To list all versions of the package in the example-namespace:

tanzu package available list --namespace example-namespace


-A, --all-namespaces

When --all-namespaces is specified, the command lists available packages from all namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Shows a summarized list of available packages.


Forces TTY-like output.


Shows additional information about available packages.

tanzu package init

Initializes the specified package. This is an experimental feature. For more information about experimental features, see TKG Feature States.

tanzu package install

Installs the specified package. For more information, see Packages.




To install v1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 of the package into example-namespace, without waiting for package reconciliation to complete:

tanzu package install my-contour --package --namespace example-namespace --version 1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 --wait=false

To install v1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 of the package into example-namespace with the kubeconfig option:

tanzu package install my-contour --package --namespace example-namespace --version 1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 --kubeconfig /tmp/my-cluster-kubeconfig



Lets you install packages into default and other shared namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace in which to install the package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-p, --package

The name of the package that you are installing.


The name of an existing service account. This service account is used instead of the default service account to install the package.


Forces TTY-like output.


Adds or keeps values passed to the PackageInstall resource by specifying --values-file. Set to true by default.


The path to the package configuration file.

-v, --version

The version of the package that you are installing.


Waits for package reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The time interval between two package reconciliation status checks. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 30m0s.


The path to a ytt overlay file or directory.


Adds or keeps ytt overlays. Set to true be default.

tanzu package installed

Manages installed packages. For more information, see Packages.

Additionally, with the integration kctrl with Tanzu CLI, new commands are tanzu package installed commands can be used that manage your package installation. For more information, see kctrl Integration to learn more.


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu package installed create

Same as tanzu package install.

tanzu package installed delete

Deletes the specified package.


tanzu package installed delete INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To delete the my-contour package from my-package-namespace:

tanzu package installed delete my-contour -n my-package-namespace


-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the package that you are deleting. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.


The time interval between two package deletion status checks. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for package deletion status checks. The default setting is 5m0s.

tanzu package installed get

Shows the details of the specified package.


tanzu package installed get INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To get the details of the my-contour package installed in my-package-namespace:

tanzu package installed get my-contour --namespace my-package-namespace


-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Forces TTY-like output.


Gets values for the package.


The path to which you want to save the configuration values file.

tanzu package installed kick

Activates the reconciliation of the target PackageInstall.


tanzu package installed kick INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To activate the reconciliation of the my-contour package:

tanzu package installed kick my-contour


-h, help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.


Wait for reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The wait time between checks during package reconciliation. The default setting is 2s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 5m0s.

tanzu package installed list

Lists installed packages.


tanzu package installed list [FLAGS]


To list installed packages across all namespaces:

tanzu package installed list --all-namespaces

To list installed packages only in the default namespace:

tanzu package installed list

To list installed packages in my-package-namespace:

tanzu package installed list --namespace my-package-namespace


-A, --all-namespaces

When --all-namespaces is specified, the command lists installed packages from all namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If not specified, tanzu package installed list targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Forces TTY-like output.

tanzu package installed pause

Pauses the reconciliation of the target PackageInstall.


tanzu package installed pause INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To pause the reconciliation of the my-contour package:

tanzu package installed pause my-contour


-h, help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.

tanzu package installed status

Shows the status of the app created by the target PackageInstall.


tanzu package installed status INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To see the status for the my-contour package:

tanzu package installed status my-contour


-h, help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.

tanzu package installed update

Updates the current version or configuration of the specified package.


tanzu package installed update INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME [FLAGS]


To update the my-contour package installed in my-package-namespace to v1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1:

tanzu package installed update my-contour --version 1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 --namespace my-package-namespace

To update both the my-contour package version and configuration:

tanzu package installed update my-contour -v 1.17.1+vmware.1-tkg.1 --values-file contour-default-values.yaml --namespace my-package-namespace



Lets you update packages in default and other shared namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-p, --package-name

The name of the package that you are updating.


Forces TTY-like output.


Adds or keeps values passed to the PackageInstall resource by specifying --values-file. Set to true by default. When you update the version of the package only, the Tanzu CLI does not change the existing values for the package. If you want to delete the existing values when updating the version of the package, set the flag to false.


The path to the package configuration file.

-v, --version

The version that you are updating the package to.


Waits for package reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The time interval between two package reconciliation status checks. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 30m0s.


The path to a ytt overlay file or directory.


Adds or keeps ytt overlays. Set to true be default.

tanzu package release

Releases the specified package. This is an experimental feature. For more information about experimental features, see TKG Feature States.

tanzu package repository

Manages package repositories. For more information, see Package Repositories.



-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu package repository add

Adds a package repository.


tanzu package repository add REPOSITORY-NAME --url REPOSITORY-URL [FLAGS]


To add the repository named my-repository to my-repository-namespace:

tanzu package repository add my-repository --url --namespace my-repository-namespace

The repository URL used above is an example.



Lets you add package repositories to default and other shared namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.


The OCI registry URL of the package repository bundle.


Waits for package repository reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The time interval between two checks of the package repository reconciliation status. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 5m0s.

tanzu package repository delete

Deletes the specified package repository.


tanzu package repository delete REPOSITORY-NAME [FLAGS]


To delete my-repository from my-repository-namespace:

tanzu package repository delete my-repository --namespace my-repository-namespace


-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.


Waits for package repository reconciliation to complete. Defaults to true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The time interval between two checks of the package repository reconciliation status. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 5m0s.

tanzu package repository get

Shows the details of a package repository.


tanzu package repository get REPOSITORY-NAME [FLAGS]


To get the details of my-repository from my-repository-namespace:

tanzu package repository get my-repository --namespace my-repository-namespace


-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Forces TTY-like output.

tanzu package repository kick

Activates the reconciliation of the target repository.


tanzu package repository kick [FLAGS]


To activate the reconciliation of my-repository:

tanzu package repository kick --repository my-repository


-h, help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-r, --repository

Sets the repository name (required).


Forces TTY-like output.


Wait for reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The wait time between checks during package repository reconciliation. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 5m0s.

tanzu package repository list

Lists all package repositories.


tanzu package repository list [FLAGS]


To list package repositories across all namespaces:

tanzu package repository list --all-namespaces

To list package repositories only in the default namespace:

tanzu package repository list


-A, --all-namespaces

When --all-namespaces is not specified, the command lists package repositories from all namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The namespace of the installed package. If --namespace is not specified, the command targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Forces TTY-like output.

tanzu package repository release

This is an experimental feature. For more information about experimental features, see TKG Feature States.

tanzu package repository update

Updates the URL of a package repository.


Do not update the URL of the tanzu-standard package repository if the target cluster is connected to VMware Tanzu Mission Control.


tanzu package repository update REPOSITORY-NAME --url REPOSITORY-URL [FLAGS]


To update the URL of my-repository in the default namespace:

tanzu package repository update my-repository --url

The repository URL used above is an example.



Lets you update package repositories in default and other shared namespaces.

-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --namespace

The target namespace. If this flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI targets the namespace set in kubeconfig, which is set to default by default.


Forces TTY-like output.


The OCI registry URL of the package repository bundle.


Waits for package repository reconciliation to complete. The default setting is true. To deactivate the default setting, specify --wait=false.


The time interval between two checks of the package repository reconciliation status. The default setting is 1s.


The timeout value for --wait. The default setting is 5m0s.

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