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tanzu completion

Configures autocompletion for Tanzu CLI commands.


System command | Primarily used for: Tanzu CLI


tanzu completion SHELL


To enable autocompletion for Bash:

  • Load only for the current session:

    source <(tanzu completion bash)
  • Load for all new sessions:

    tanzu completion bash >  $HOME/.config/tanzu/
    printf "\n# Tanzu shell completion\nsource '$HOME/.config/tanzu/'\n" >> $HOME/.bash_profile

To enable autocompletion for Zsh:

  • Load only for the current session:

    autoload -U compinit; compinit
    source <(tanzu completion zsh)
    compdef _tanzu tanzu
  • Load for all new sessions:

    echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
    tanzu completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_tanzu"

To enable autocompletion for Fish:

  • Load only for current session:

    tanzu completion fish | source
  • Load for all new sessions:

    tanzu completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

To enable autocompletion for PowerShell:

  • Load only for current session:

    tanzu completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
  • Load for all new sessions: Add the output of the above command to your PowerShell profile.


-h, --help

Help text.

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