tanzu plugin

Manages Tanzu CLI plugins.


System commands | Primarily used for: Tanzu CLI


tanzu plugin [COMMAND]

Global Flags

-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu plugin clean

Removes existing plugins from any previous CLI installations.


tanzu plugin clean [FLAGS]


To remove existing CLI plugins from your machine:

tanzu plugin clean


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu plugin delete

Deletes the specified plugin.


tanzu plugin delete PLUGIN-NAME [FLAGS]


To delete my-plugin:

tanzu plugin delete my-plugin


-h, --help

Help text.

-t, --target

The target with which the plugin that you are deleting is associated. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, and mission-control, or tmc.

-y, --yes

When --yes is specified, the command skips the confirmation step.

tanzu plugin describe

Describes the specified plugin.


tanzu plugin describe PLUGIN-NAME [FLAGS]


To describe my-plugin:

tanzu plugin describe my-plugin


-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output string

Output format (yaml|json|table).

-t, --target

The target with which the plugin is associated. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, and mission-control, or tmc.

tanzu plugin download-bundle

Downloads a plugin bundle to a local tar file, including the standalone plugins in the specified group along with all context-sensitive plugins that are used for the same product.


tanzu plugin download-bundle [FLAGS]


To download all plugins associated with v1.0.0 of a plugin group named vmware-tkg from the default plugin discovery source to /tmp/plugin_bundle_vmware_tkg_default_v1.0.0.tar.gz:

tanzu plugin download-bundle --group vmware-tkg/default:v1.0.0 --to-tar /tmp/plugin_bundle_vmware_tkg_default_v1.0.0.tar.gz

To download the latest version of a plugin repository from a custom plugin discovery source, for example, custom.registry.vmware.com/tkg/tanzu-plugins/plugin-inventory, to /tmp/plugin_bundle_complete.tar.gz:

tanzu plugin download-bundle --image custom.registry.vmware.com/tkg/tanzu-plugins/plugin-inventory:latest --to-tar /tmp/plugin_bundle_complete.tar.gz



The plugin group and plugin group version to download the plugin bundle from.

-h, --help

Help text.


The URI of the plugin discovery source. Defaults to "projects.registry.vmware.com/tanzu_cli/plugins/plugin-inventory:latest".


The local path to which you want to download the plugin bundle.

tanzu plugin group

Manages plugin groups.

Available commands:

tanzu plugin group get

Gets the list of plugins included in the specified plugin group.


tanzu plugin group get GROUP-NAME [FLAGS]


To list plugins in vmware-tkg/default:v1.6.0:

tanzu plugin group get vmware-tkg/default:v1.6.0


-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.

tanzu plugin group search

Lists available plugin groups.


tanzu plugin group search [FLAGS]


To list all available plugin groups:

tanzu plugin group search


-h, --help

Help text.

-n, --name

Limits the search to the plugin group that you specify with the -n flag.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Shows the details of the specified plugin group, including all available versions.

tanzu plugin install

Installs the specified plugin or plugins. For more information, see Installing a Single Plugin and Installing All Plugins in a Plugin Group.


tanzu plugin install PLUGIN-NAME [FLAGS]


To install the latest version of my-plugin:

tanzu plugin install my-plugin

To install the latest version of my-plugin for the target k8s:

tanzu plugin install my-plugin --target k8s

You must specify the --target flag if a plugin with the same name exists for more than one target.

To install all plugins included in the latest version of the vmware-tkg/default plugin group:

tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tkg/default

To install all plugins included in v2.1.0 of the vmware-tkg/default plugin group:

tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tkg/default:v2.1.0



The plugin group that you are targeting.

-h, --help

Help text.

-t, --target

The target with which the plugin is associated. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, and mission-control, or tmc.

-v, --version

The version of the plugin. Defaults to latest.

tanzu plugin list

Lists installed plugins. If a plugin required by an existing context is not installed on your machine, tanzu plugin list also prints the name of the missing plugin.


tanzu plugin list [FLAGS]


To list installed plugins:

tanzu plugin list


-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.

tanzu plugin search

Lists available plugins.


tanzu plugin search [FLAGS]


To list all available plugins:

tanzu plugin search


-h, --help

Help text.

-l, --local

The path to the local plugin source that you want to use.

-n, --name

Limits the search to the plugin that you specify with the -n flag.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.


Shows the details of the specified plugin, including all available versions.

-t, --target

Limits the search to plugins associated with the target that you specify using the -t flag. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, mission-control, or tmc, and global.

tanzu plugin source

Manages plugin discovery sources. A discovery source provides metadata about available plugins, their supported versions, and how to download them.

Available commands:

tanzu plugin source init

Initializes the plugin discovery source to its default value.


tanzu plugin source init [FLAGS]


To initialize the plugin discovery source to its default value:

tanzu plugin source init


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu plugin source list

Lists available discovery sources.


tanzu plugin source list [FLAGS]


To list available discovery sources:

tanzu plugin source list


-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table.

tanzu plugin source update

Updates the specified discovery source.


tanzu plugin source update SOURCE-NAME [FLAGS]


To update a discovery source, for example, my-oci:

tanzu plugin source update default --uri registry.example.com/tanzu/plugin-inventory:latest

The URI used above is an example.


-h, --help

Help text.

-u, --uri

The URI of the discovery source. The URI must be an OCI image.

tanzu plugin sync

Synchronizes Tanzu CLI plugins by:

  • Checking if all of the plugins required by the current context are installed and if not, installs them.
  • Checking if the version of each installed plugin is supported and if not, updates the plugin to the recommended version.


tanzu plugin sync [FLAGS]


To synchronize Tanzu CLI plugins:

tanzu plugin sync


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu plugin upgrade

Upgrades the specified Tanzu CLI plugin.


tanzu plugin upgrade PLUGIN-NAME [FLAGS]


To upgrade my-plugin:

tanzu plugin upgrade my-plugin


-h, --help

Help text.

-t, --target

The target with which the plugin is associated. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, and mission-control, or tmc.

tanzu plugin upload-bundle

Uploads a plugin bundle to a repository.


tanzu plugin upload-bundle [FLAGS]


To upload a plugin bundle named plugin_bundle_vmware_tkg_default_v1.0.0.tar.gz to custom.registry.company.com/tanzu-plugins/:

tanzu plugin upload-bundle --tar /tmp/plugin_bundle_vmware_tkg_default_v1.0.0.tar.gz --to-repo custom.registry.company.com/tanzu-plugins/


-h, --help

Help text.


The plugin bundle you want to upload.


The destination repository.

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