tanzu context

Manages Tanzu CLI contexts. A Tanzu CLI context is a combination of a user identity and a server identity. Each context is associated with a context type: kubernetes, or k8s, mission-control, or tmc, and tanzu.


The context type tanzu is reserved for future use.


System commands | Primarily used for: Tanzu CLI


tanzu context [COMMAND]


context, ctx, and contexts

Global Flags

-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu context create

Creates a Tanzu CLI context.


tanzu context create CONTEXT-NAME [FLAGS]


To create a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) management cluster context, for example, my-management-cluster, using an endpoint:

tanzu context create my-management-cluster --endpoint "https://example.com" --endpoint-ca-certificate PATH-TO-CA-CERTIFICATE

To create a TKG management cluster context using a kubeconfig path and context:

tanzu context create my-management-cluster --kubeconfig PATH-TO-KUBECONFIG --kubecontext KUBECONFIG-CONTEXT

Note: The command in the example above replaces tanzu login --kubeconfig PATH-TO-KUBECONFIG --context KUBECONFIG-CONTEXT --name SERVER-NAME.

To create a TKG management cluster context using the default kubeconfig path and a kubeconfig context:

tanzu context create my-management-cluster --kubecontext KUBECONFIG-CONTEXT



The endpoint that you are creating the context for.


The path to the endpoint CA bundle for TLS verification.

-h, --help

Help text.


Skip TLS certificate verification when creating a context using --endpoint.


The path to the kubeconfig file of the cluster. If only the --kubecontext flag is set, tanzu context create reads the KUBECONFIG environment variable. You can set multiple file paths in the KUBECONFIG environment variable, for example, export KUBECONFIG=~/temp/mc-kubeconfig:~/temp/my-admin-kubeconfig. If the KUBECONFIG environment variable is not set, the default kubeconfig path, $HOME/.kube/config, is used.


The context in the kubeconfig file to use.

-t, --type

Context type. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, mission-control, or tmc, and tanzu.

tanzu context delete

Deletes a context from the Tanzu CLI. It also:

  • Deactivates all Tanzu CLI plugins associated with the context.
  • Deletes the kubeconfig context associated with the CLI context, when applicable.

Note: This command replaces tanzu config server delete.


tanzu context delete CONTEXT-NAME [FLAGS]


To delete a context named my-management-cluster:

tanzu context delete my-management-cluster


-h, --help

Help text.

-y, --yes

When specified, tanzu context delete skips the confirmation step.

tanzu context get

Displays the specified context.


tanzu context get CONTEXT-NAME [FLAGS]


To get a context named my-management-cluster:

tanzu context get my-management-cluster


-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml and json. Default is yaml.

tanzu context list

Lists Tanzu CLI contexts.

Note: This command replaces tanzu config server list.


tanzu context list [FLAGS]


To list all Tanzu CLI contexts:

tanzu context list



When specified, the command lists only active contexts.

-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output

Output format. Supported values are yaml, json, and table. Default is table.

-t, --type

Context type. When this flag is set, the command lists contexts only for the specified context type. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, mission-control, or tmc, and tanzu.

tanzu context unset

Unsets the specified context. It also deactivates all Tanzu CLI plugins associated with the context.


tanzu context unset CONTEXT-NAME [FLAGS]


To unset a context named my-management-cluster:

tanzu context unset my-management-cluster


-h, --help

Help text.

-t, --type

The context type with which the specified context is associated. Supported values are kubernetes, or k8s, mission-control, or tmc, and tanzu.

tanzu context use

Sets the current context for the Tanzu CLI. If any required CLI plugins associated with the context are not installed, tanzu context use installs them.

Note: This command replaces tanzu login --server SERVER-NAME.


tanzu context use CONTEXT-NAME [FLAGS]


To set the current context to my-management-cluster:

tanzu context use my-management-cluster


-h, --help

Help text.

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