tanzu imgpkg

Allows to store configuration and image references as OCI artifacts (copy, describe, pull, push, tag, version)


CLI plugin: imgpkg | Target: global | Release Notes


tanzu imgpkg [FLAGS]
tanzu imgpkg [COMMAND]

Global Flags


Set color output (default true).


Filter to show only given columns.


Includes debug output.

-h, --help

Help text.


Output as JSON.


Force TTY-like output.

-y, --yes

When --yes is specified, the command skips the confirmation step.

tanzu imgpkg copy

Copy an imgpkg bundle from one registry to another.


tanzu imgpkg copy [FLAGS]


Copy bundle dkalinin/app1-bundle to local tarball at /Volumes/app1-bundle.tar.

tanzu imgpkg copy -b dkalinin/app1-bundle --to-tar /Volumes/app1-bundle.tar

Copy bundle dkalinin/app1-bundle to another registry (or repository).

tanzu imgpkg copy -b dkalinin/app1-bundle --to-repo internal-registry/app1-bundle


-b, --bundle

Bundle reference for copying (happens thickly, i.e. bundle image + all referenced images).


Concurrency (default 5).


Find and copy cosign signatures for images.

-h, --help

Help text.

-i, --image

Image reference for copying a generic image (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).


Include non-distributable layers when copying an image/bundle.


Lock file with asset references to copy to destination.


Location to output the generated lockfile. Option only available when using --bundle or --lock flags.


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).


Allow imgpkg to use repository-based tags for convenience.


Resume the copy to tar. When set to true will try to read the tar and only download the missing blobs.


Path to tar file which contains assets to be copied to a registry.


Location to upload assets.


Location to write a tar file containing assets.

tanzu imgpkg describe

Describe the images and bundles associated with a given bundle.


tanzu imgpkg describe [FLAGS]


Describe a bundle.

tanzu imgpkg describe -b carvel.dev/app1-bundle


-b, --bundle

Bundle reference.


Concurrency (default 5).


Retrieve cosign artifact information (Default: true).

-h, --help

Help text.

-o, --output-type

Type of output possible values: [text, yaml] (default text).


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).

tanzu imgpkg help

Help provides help for any command in the application.

tanzu imgpkg pull

Pull files from bundle, image, or bundle lock file.


tanzu imgpkg pull [FLAGS]


To pull bundle repo/app1-bundle and extract into /tmp/app1-bundle:

tanzu imgpkg pull -b repo/app1-bundle -o /tmp/app1-bundle

To pull image repo/app1-image and extract into /tmp/app1-image:

tanzu imgpkg pull -i repo/app1-image -o /tmp/app1-image


-b, --bundle

Set bundle (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content)

-h, --help

Help text.

-i, --image

Set image (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).


Error when image is a bundle (disable pulling bundles via -i) (default true).


Lock file with asset references to copy to destination.

-o, --output-type

Output directory path.

-r, --recursive

Recursively iterate and fetch content of every bundle.


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).

tanzu imgpkg push

Push files as image.


tanzu imgpkg push [FLAGS]


Push bundle repo/app1-config with contents of config/ directory:

tanzu imgpkg push -b repo/app1-config -f config/

Push image repo/app1-config with contents from multiple locations

tanzu imgpkg push -i repo/app1-config -f config/ -f additional-config.yml


-b, --bundle

Set bundle (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).

-f, --file

Set file (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Exclude file whose path, relative to the bundle root, matches (format: bar.yaml, nested-dir/baz.txt) (can be specified multiple times) (default [.git]).

-h, --help

Help text.

-i, --image

Set image (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).

-l, --labels

Set labels on image (default []).


Location to output the generated lockfile. Option only available when using --bundle flag.


Preserve the group and all permissions of all the files and folders.


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).

tanzu imgpkg completion

Configures auto-completion for tanzu imgpkg CLI commands.


tanzu imgpkg completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]


To enable auto-completion for Bash:

Note: Install the bash-completion OS package before following the steps below.

  • Load for the current session:

    source <(tanzu imgpkg completion bash)
    • For Linux:
      tanzu imgpkg completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/imgpkg
    • For MacOS:
      tanzu imgpkg completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/imgpkg

To enable auto-completion for Zsh:

  • If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment, enable it. Execute the following once: echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

    To load completions for each session, execute once:
    tanzu imgpkg completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_imgpkg"
    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

To enable auto-completion for Fish:

  • tanzu imgpkg completion fish | source

    To load completions for each session, execute once:

    tanzu imgpkg completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/imgpkg.fish

To enable auto-completion for PowerShell:

  • tanzu imgpkg completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
    To load completions for every new session, run:
    tanzu imgpkg completion powershell > imgpkg.ps1

    and source this file from your PowerShell profile.


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu imgpkg tags

Tag (list, resolve)

Available commands:


-h, --help

Help text.

tanzu imgpkg tag list

List tags for image.


tanzu imgpkg tag list [FLAGS]



Include digests.

-h, --help

Help text.

-i, --image

Set image (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).


Include internal .imgpkg tags.


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).

tanzu imgpkg tag resolve

Resolve tag to digest for image.


tanzu imgpkg tag resolve [FLAGS]


-h, --help

Help text.

-i, --image

Set image (example: docker.io/dkalinin/test-content).


Set anonymous auth ($IMGPKG_ANON).


Add CA certificates for registry API (format: /tmp/foo) (can be specified multiple times).


Allow the use of http when interacting with registries.


Set password for auth ($IMGPKG_PASSWORD).


Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a server’s response headers from the registry (ms|s|m|h) (default 30s).


Set the number of times imgpkg retries to send requests to the registry in case of an error (default 5).


Set token for auth ($IMGPKG_TOKEN).


Set username for auth ($IMGPKG_USERNAME).


Set whether to verify server’s certificate chain and host name (default true).

tanzu imgpkg version

Print client version


-h, --help

Help text.

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