tanzu space

Manages Tanzu spaces. A Tanzu space is a runtime environment for developing and deploying Kubernetes apps. To support the apps that it hosts, a Tanzu space supports:

  • Services that provide capabilities for the hosted apps, for example ingress control, databases, or monitoring tools.
    • Locally-deployed services, typically installed as standardized packages.
    • Service bindings that connect to external services running elsewhere.
  • Components of the app, for example its front-end and back-end processes.
  • Infrastructure required by all of the above, such as compute, storage, and memory.

Spaces are configured with:

  • Profiles that define the capabilities needed in the space and the packaged services installed to support those capabilities. See tanzu profile for more details.
  • Traits that configure the installed services.See tanzu trait for more details.
  • Availability targets that locate the infrastructure to host the space. See tanzu availability-target for more details.


CLI plugin: space | Target: global | Primarily used for: App development | Release Notes


  tanzu space [command]


  space, spaces


  create   Create a Space with specified configuration
  delete   Delete a space
  generate Generate a Space manifest with specified configuration.
  get      Get details from a space
  list     List the Spaces in the current workspace
  use      Use a specific space

Global Flags

  -h, --help            help for space
      --no-color        deactivate color, bold, animations, and emoji output
      --project name    name of the project to use when creating resources or switching spaces (default is project name from current Tanzu Platform context)
  -v, --verbose int32   number for the log level verbosity (default 1)

tanzu space create

Create a Space with specified configuration.

Space configuration options include:

  • Profiles to be included in the Space (can be provided multiple times)
  • Availability target for Space scheduling (can be provided multiple times)
  • Update Strategy (RollingUpdate or Recreate)


  tanzu space create [name] [flags]


  tanzu space create NAME
  tanzu space create NAME --profile PROFILE
  tanzu space create NAME --availability-target AVAILABILITY_TARGET
  tanzu space create NAME --profile PROFILE --availability-target AVAILABILITY_TARGET
  tanzu space create NAME --profile PROFILE --availability-target AVAILABILITY_TARGET --update-strategy UPDATE_STRATEGY


  -t, --availability-target strings   availability target to be included in the space specification. (can be repeated, e.g., --availability-target reference1 --availability-target reference2)
      --cpu string                    cpu units to be included in the space specification.
      --dry-run                       print kubernetes resources to stdout instead of applying them to the cluster. note: messages typically directed to stdout will be sent to stderr
  -h, --help                          help for create
      --memory string                 memory size to be included in the space specification.
  -p, --profile strings               profile to be included in the space specification. (can be repeated, e.g., --profile reference1 --profile reference2)
      --update-strategy string        update strategy to be included in the space specification.
  -y, --yes                           accept all prompts

tanzu space delete

Delete a space.


  tanzu space delete [name] [flags]


  tanzu space delete my-space


  -f, --file file path   file path containing the description of a single space to be deleted. Use value "-" to read from stdin
  -h, --help             help for delete
  -y, --yes              accept all prompts

tanzu space generate

Generate a Space manifest with specified configuration.

Space configuration options include:

  • Profiles to be included in the space
  • AvailabilityTargets to be included in the space


  tanzu space generate [flags]


  tanzu space generate NAME
  tanzu space generate NAME --profile PROFILE


  -t, --availability-target strings   availability target to be included in the space specification. (can be repeated, e.g., --availability-target reference1 --availability-target reference2)
      --cpu string                    cpu units to be included in the space specification.
  -h, --help                          help for generate
      --memory string                 memory size to be included in the space specification.
  -p, --profile strings               profile to be included in the space specification. (can be repeated, e.g., --profile reference1 --profile reference2)
      --update-strategy string        update strategy to be included in the space specification.

tanzu space get

Get details from a space in the current workspace.


  tanzu space get [name] [flags]


  tanzu space get NAME


  -e, --export          export Space in yaml format
  -h, --help            help for get
  -o, --output string   output the Space formatted. Supported formats: "json", "yaml", "yml"

tanzu space list

List the Spaces in the current workspace.

Space configuration options include:

  • Output the spaces formatted


  tanzu space list [flags]


  tanzu space list
  tanzu space list --output yaml
  tanzu space list --wide


  -h, --help            help for list
  -o, --output string   output the Spaces formatted. Supported formats: "json", "yaml", "yml"
  -w, --wide            output the space list with additional information

tanzu space use

Use a specific space in the current workspace.


  tanzu space use [name] [flags]


  tanzu space use NAME


  -h, --help   help for use
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