
This page contains release notes for the apps plugin. For information about apps commands and how to use them, see tanzu apps.

Implications when “appsv2” plugin is also installed

Issue (affects all versions of the “apps” plugin)

When both the apps and appsv2 plugins are installed, the commands available under tanzu apps will be the ones offered by the appsv2 plugin. This means that command groups like tanzu apps workload and tanzu apps cluster-supply-chain from the apps plugin will be masked from use. To restore the use of these commands, either

  • Invoke commands using the kubernetes (or k8s) prefix, for example tanzu kubernetes apps workload list, or
  • Uninstall the conflicting appsv2 plugin (with tanzu plugin uninstall appsv2)

Should you need to restore the appsv2 functionality at a later time, run tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tanzu/<group-of-your-choice>.



  1. Adds --delay flag to tanzu apps workload apply to adjust the time to prevent premature exit before supply chain is ready when waiting for a workload to be updated



  1. The apps plug-in is integrated with Local Source Proxy for seamless iterative inner-loop development using the Tanzu CLI or IDE plug-ins.

  2. The tanzu apps workload apply and tanzu apps workload create commands can now seamlessly create a workload from local source using only the –local-path flag.

    • The –source-image flag is now optional.
    • If –source-image flag is used with –local-path, the local source proxy is not used and bypassed for backward compatibility.
  3. A new command, tanzu apps local-source-proxy health is available (alias lsp).

    • It allows you to verify the status of the Local Source Proxy.
    • This command performs several checks, including:
      1. Verifies whether the developer has Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions to access the Local Source Proxy using their kubeconfig.
      2. Checks if the Local Source Proxy is installed on the cluster.
      3. Ensures that the Local Source Proxy deployment is healthy and accessible.
      4. Verifies that the Local Source Proxy is correctly configured and can access the registry using the credentials set up by the operator during Tanzu Application Platform installation.
  4. Auto-completion is available for workload types.

  5. The default workload type is set to web, making the –type flag optional. The flag is only required if the type is something other than web.

  6. The shorthand option -e is available as a convenient alternative for the –export flag.

  7. The tanzu apps workload get command is enhanced to include Git revision information in the overview section. This provides a quick reference to the Git revision associated with the workload.

Breaking Changes

  • The deprecated command tanzu apps workload update is removed from the CLI. Use the command tanzu apps workload apply instead.



  1. Adds support for -ojson and -oyaml output flags in tanzu apps workload create/apply command. The CLI does not wait to print workload when using –output in workload create/apply unless –wait or –tail flags are specified as well.

  2. Using the –no-color flag in tanzu apps workload create/apply commands now hides progress bars in addition to color output and emojis.

  3. Adds support for unsetting –git-repo, –git-commit, –git-tag and –git-branch flags by setting the value to empty string.

Bug Fixes

  1. Allow users to pass only –git-commit as Git ref while creating a workload from a Git Repository.

    • This update removes the limitation where users had to provide a –git-tag or –git-branch with the commit to create a workload.
  2. Fixed the behavior where subpath was getting removed from the workload when there were updates to the Git section of the workload source specification.



  1. Adds --update-strategy flag to allow users to change tanzu apps workload apply behavior when contents from file is applied

  2. Adds ability for users to pass URL for --file flag

  3. Adds new short hand flag alias -a for --app, -e for --env, -i for --image, -l for label, -p for --param and -t for --type

  4. Adds emojis to tanzu apps workload create/apply/delete commands

  5. Adds namespace to tanzu apps workload get command’s overview section

  6. Adds progress bar to provide feedback to users when uploading source code to registry

  7. Show fully qualified resource name in the resources column of Supply chain and Delivery sections of the tanzu apps workload get command

  8. Do not print Emojis when --no-color flag is set

  9. Remove color from tail command output when --no-color flag is passed

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixes tail command output for displaying extra init container log lines

  2. tanzu apps workload tail not showing all logs


  1. The default value for the --update-strategy flag supported by tanzu apps create/apply will change from merge to replace in the release on or after January 10, 2024

  2. The tanzu apps workload update command is deprecated marked for removal in the release on or after October 10, 2023. Please use tanzu apps workload apply instead.



  1. Adds emojis to the workload get output

  2. Updates pod section in workload get output to resemble kubectl get ouptut

  3. Support for environment variable values as flag values

  4. Support passing maven artifact through flags

  5. Add delivery resource information to tanzu apps workload get output

  6. Add supply chain output details to tanzu apps workload get output

  7. Display of deliverable resource in Supply chain section of the workload get command

  8. Moved workload to overview section and remove status

Bug Fixes

  1. Adds additional validation for source comparison

  2. Handles writing crds to cached folder

  3. Validate namespace exists when create/apply a workload

  4. Recognize maven type flag

  5. Remove display of type field in maven source when its null or empty

  6. Hide ready message when empty

  7. Hide healthcondition when there is no message

  8. Update appearance of supply chain resource output from faint to normal when resource is present

  9. As an app dev, I can tab to autocomplete flag names for any command

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