Custom Dashboards

What are Custom Dashboards

The default VMware Tanzu CloudHealth Dashboard is a simple way to visualize your cloud infrastructure consolidated by accounts, services, and assets. The Dashboard gives you an overview of your cloud costs and services, displaying a number of standard reports and customized reports.

In addition to viewing the default Tanzu CloudHealth Dashboard, you can also create one or more custom dashboards that contain any combination of standard and customized reports. Custom dashboards provide the following advantages:

  • You can create multiple custom dashboards that are focused toward specific users in your organization. For example, one custom dashboard might focus on usage and another on performance.
  • You can create dashboards that display data in different ways, for example, as bar charts, pie charts, or tabular data.

Add and Organize Widgets

Start by creating a new dashboard and then add and position widgets on it.

  1. From the menu on the left, select Dashboard. Then expand the dropdown next to Default Dashboard and select View All Dashboards.
  2. Click New Dashboard to view the Dashboard Editor. By default, the editor creates a private dashboard laid out with a single row that contains two columns. To make the dashboard available to others in your organization, set its visibility to Public.
  3. Drag a chart widget into the dashboard area. Name the chart and use the Filters to select a cloud, theme, and report type.
  4. Click Add so that the widget appears in the dashboard area. You can add multiple widgets and organize them by dragging and dropping widgets into columns or rows.
  5. Edit or delete any widget in the dashboard area by clicking the icons in the top-right corner of the widget. Click Save when you are done.

Set Default Custom Dashboard

The Default Dashboard is the one that appears when you log in to the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. You can set a custom dashboard as the default dashboard in the platform. 1. In the Tanzu CloudHealth platform, select a custom dashboard that you want to set as the default one. 2. Click the Set as default icon. The custom dashboard appears first when you log in to the platform the next time.

Activity Feed

Get updates on activities in your cloud environment using the RSS Feed feature.

The Tanzu CloudHealth Activity Feed displays the RSS Feed that informs you of the activities happening in your cloud environment. By subscribing to the RSS feed, you can track the latest events like creation, modification, or deletion of an asset. This information is essential for your monitoring and auditing purposes. On the Activity Feed page, you will see a 24-hour summarized record of events, and Tanzu CloudHealth updates the feed every 15 minutes.

Activity Feed View

In the Activity Feed, the events are grouped using the following icons:

  • Updated Events: Represents events of updated assets. For example: Updated Instances, Updated Volumes, Updated ElastiCache Cluster, etc.
  • Deleted Events: Represents events of terminated or deleted assets. For example: Terminated Instances, Deleted Volumes, etc.
  • Created Events: Represents events of launched or created assets. For example: Launched Instances, Created Volumes, New Image, etc.

View Details

  1. Click View Details. You will see a list of impacted assets with the time of the event. The asset names are linked to the asset details page, where you will find detailed information on the impacted asset.
  2. Click the asset name to go to the asset details page.

Click Hide Details to collapse the list of events.

Subscribe To RSS Feed

You can subscribe to the Tanzu CloudHealth Activity Feed to receive an update whenever there is a change in your cloud environment.

To subscribe,

  1. Click Subscribe To RSS Feed at the top right corner. You will see an XML file opened in a new tab.
  2. You need to copy the XML URL to an RSS reader application or a browser extension that supports RSS feeds. The RSS reader displays a list of events from the feed and refreshes the list whenever there is an update.


The Tanzu CloudHealth Notifications feature provides you an overview of all the alert messages sent from the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

The Tanzu CloudHealth Notifications feature provides you an overview of all the alert messages sent from the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. Once you configure policies, notifications are automatically generated when the policies are evaluated and detect the activities that match the Conditions in your policies.

The Notification feature helps you to

  • Find more details on the Affected Resources.
  • Analyze Violation Report per policy.
  • Review the activity and take appropriate action.
  • Create a custom report, share it with authorized users, and subscribe to receive periodic updates.

To access the Notification page, from the left menu, go to Dashboards > Notifications or click the bell icon at the top right corner of the Tanzu CloudHealth platform and click the alert message.

Please note that the New Since Last Visit icon representing the number of total new messages has been removed from the platform.


The Policies tab displays all the policy related notifications sent from the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

The Policies tab displays the list of all the policy related notifications with the following details:

Field Description
Severity Indicates the level of severity that you have set for this alert.
Status Indicates whether the alert is New or Resolved.
Policy Name Name of the policy for which the alert is created. Click to view the policy Violation Report.
Policy Block Name Click to view the Policy Editor page.
Policy Rule Name Name of the policy rule that is violated. Click to view the Violation Report for the block to which the rule belongs. Click the Block Name to view the list of affected resources due to the violation of the policy rule.
Summary Summary of the events that triggered the alert.
Last Evaluated Date and time when the policy was last evaluated by the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.
  • If you create a policy with more than one block, you will receive a notification per block.
  • Policy Violation Report displays the list of policy blocks in a policy. Click the Block Name to view the Policy Editor page and click Summary to find the detailed description of the incident, including Rationale and Remediation.

Affected Resources

You can find the list of resources affected by the violation of the policy rule. Click the View icon, on the Summary page, scroll down to see the Affected Resources.

Create a Report

Using the Smart Filter option, you can create a Notification report and share it with authorized personnel or even subscribe to the report.

To create a report: 1. In the Tanzu CloudHealth platform, go to Dashboards > Notifications. 2. In the Policies tab, click Smart Filter and select desired filter options from Status, Policy, and Severity. 3. Click Run Report. The platform will display the records based on your selections.

Save the Report

  1. Click the Actions dropdown at the top right corner of the platform, and click Save As.
  2. In the Save Custom Report box, add Name and Description for the report and select Who can View This Report from the dropdown.
  3. Click Save Report.

To access a saved report, from the left menu, go to Reports > Saved Reports.

Subscribe to a Report

To subscribe to a report, ensure that you have saved the report settings. 1. Once you save the report, click Subscribe at the top right corner of the platform, and click New Subscription. 2. In Subscribe to receive periodic updates, fill in the following details: - Report Name - Repeat: Define subscription frequency - Deliver as: Send an email or save in S3 bucket - Deliver to: Add the recipients - Deliver At: Select the delivery time 3. Click Subscribe.


In the Tanzu CloudHealth platform, once a policy is evaluated, and recommended action is performed on the affected resources, an Action alert is generated. The action is performed based on your selection while creating the policy. This page displays the action alerts with details such as the type of action, the time when the action is completed, and whether it was a success.

Click the View icon to see more details of each Action alert.


The System tab displays the details of the important events in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform that are meaningful to you. These are auto-generated alerts and send notifications in the following scenarios:

  • A policy is evaluated
  • The billing cycle is complete
  • An invoice is generated.

You will also receive Aggregator alerts such as:

  • New Aggregator installed
  • Aggregator registered
  • Aggregator started
  • Aggregator upgrade
  • Aggregator stopped

Click the View icon to see individual System alert details.

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