Getting Started with Multicloud

Multicloud Cost History

This report displays costs for all clouds in the currency of your choice and allows you to view all cloud costs in a unified currency.


Tanzu CloudHealth has mapped all existing GCP product labels with GCP service label names in all OLAP reports. You can see the updated categories for the past 13 months.

Insights This Report Provides

  • What is historical trend of spending by cloud provider?
  • How are multicloud costs distributed by various business units?

Report Default Settings

  • Interval: Daily
  • X-Axis: Days
  • Y-Axis: Total Cloud Cost ($)
  • Category: Clouds
  • Chart Type: Bar

Filter Menu

You can use the following standard filter options to view the report as per your business needs.

  • Days/Weeks/Months (Based on specified Interval)
  • Accounts
  • Clouds
  • Geographies
  • Services
  • Organization specific Perspectives

Example - Cost History by Days and Cloud provider (Default View)

Multicloud Cost History Report

Multicloud Cost History report pulls the data from individual cloud cost history reports. Hover over the chart to view the latest data synch timestamp. The time indicated is the last time the report was refreshed with data for individual clouds.

Multicloud Cost History Sync Timestamp

Set the Currency for Multicloud Cost History Report

Tanzu CloudHealth allows you to view Multicloud cost in your choice of currency.

To change the currency setting, go to Admin > Settings. In the Multicloud Cost History Currency Setting dropdown, select from the list of available options.

Multicloud Currency Setting


- Beginning of each day, the exchange rate is looked up using OANDA and applied to convert individual cloud cost currencies into the selected currency of choice.
- The currency selection is applicable only to Multicloud Cost History Report and does not convert currency in any other reports on the platform.
- Tanzu CloudHealth keeps a record of the currency conversion rates for the past 13 months.

GreenOps Dashboard

Carbon emissions are the leading source of greenhouse gasses (GHG), the primary contributor to climate change. Currently, the IT sector accounts for approximately 1 in 25 metric tons of emissions, and the public cloud is a significant component of modern IT infrastructure. With the increasing adoption of cloud technology, it has become crucial for large companies to prioritize sustainability and maintain transparency regarding their environmental, social, and governance practices.

VMWare Tanzu CloudHealth’s GreenOps dashboard provides visibility into your multicloud carbon footprint and helps you relate the CO2e metric with visual equivalencies. The carbon emission data in the dashboard is calculated using regional carbon emission data and power usage by an instance. The granular, low-latency Operational Emissions information is also provided as a FlexReports dataset, detailing the carbon footprint of your infrastructure usage.


Sustainability data will be available starting from the GreenOps feature onboarding date. The Multi-Cloud Operational Emissions dataset in FlexReport will include only forward-looking data.

How to use the GreenOps dashboard?

GreenOps dashboard provides visibility into your organization’s Operational Emissions, specifically the power usage and carbon emissions related to the consumption of virtual machine resources such as AWS EC2 and Azure Virtual machine.

GreenOps Dashbaord

Select the cloud provider for which you want to see the carbon footprint.

  • The Carbon Emissions widget provides details of CO2 emissions. The value is calculated in metric ton.
  • The Power Consumption widget provides details of the power usage of your virtual machine resources. The value is calculated in Megawatt (MW).
  • The Equivalencies widget provides the following emission equivalencies. (Source - Cloud Carbon Footprint)
    • The number of kilometers the cars could have been driven.
    • The number of phones that could have been charged.
    • The number of tree seedlings could have been grown in 10 years to help sequester future CO2 emissions.

The dual Y-axis graph displays the supported assets and metrics, such as CO2e in metric tons and vCPU in hours.

Supported Asset Types

The GreenOps dashboard supports the following assets -

Cloud Asset Type
Azure Azure Virtual Machines ( For EA and MCA Azure agreements only)

Units of Measurement

To determine a virtual machine’s power consumption for the underlying host’s physical processor, Tanzu CloudHealth uses the manufacturer’s published TDP (Thermal Design Power) values. This is scaled to the proportion of the physical host’s resources, observed CPU utilization and daily usage minutes to calculate CO2eq. Additionally, Tanzu CloudHealth factors in the carbon intensity based on the geographic region.

  • Energy Consumption (Watts per Hour)
    • 1 MWh (Megawatt/Hr) = 1,000 KWh (Kilowatt/Hr)
    • 1 KWh = 1,000 Watts/Hr
  • Carbon (Weight)
    • 1 mt (Metric ton) = 1,000 kg (Kilograms)
    • 1 kg = 1,000 g (Grams)
  • Carbon Intensity (Ratio)
    • gCO2eq / KWh (preferred at the instance level)
    • kgCO2eq / MWh (preferred at daily/monthly)

Note that the FlexReport displays carbon emission data in grams and power data in watts.

Using FlexReport Dataset

The Multi-Cloud Operational Emissions dataset in Flexreport provides per instance, daily granularity data to power your GreenOps experiences. You can check the details of the carbon footprint of your infrastructure usage and accordingly take carbon remediation actions to achieve your sustainability goal.

You can create a report using the following measures and dimensions.


Name Description
AverageCPU Daily Average CPU utilization
Carbon Carbon Equivalent emissions in grams (gCO2eq). Note this might need to be scaled into kilograms ( div 1000) or metric tons ( div 1,000,000) for display purposes.
Power Power in Watt Hours. This may also need to be scaled to KiloWatts ( div 1000) or MegaWatts (div 1,000,000).
Usage Minutes The total daily minutes the resource was active.
VCPUHours Scaled Usage Hours. For example, an instance has 4 vCPUs and is active for 2.5 hours = (4 * 2.5 = 10 VCPUHours).


Name Description
Cloud AWS, Azure
Country Country where resource resides
InstanceType Cloud provider’s instance type
ModelVersion Tanzu CloudHealth algorithm version number. For example -CHT001. The number might get updated in the future if there is any change in the algorithm.
Region The region where the resource resides
ResourceId Canonical resource id
ResourceName Friendly name for Azure instance, Resource Id for AWS instance
Service Amazon EC2 or Azure Virtual Machines
UsageAccountId Usage account or Subscription ID. The lowest level in the organizational hierarchy is where the resource is homed.
AccountName Friendly name for UsageAccount
SuborgId Tanzu CloudHealth Organization Id
Suborgname Tanzu CloudHealth Organization Name
Perspective List of perspectives

To create a FlexReport,

  1. Navigate to Reports > FlexReports, and click New Report.
  2. Provide a name and description.
  3. From the Datasource dropdown, select Multi-Cloud Operational Emissions datasource.
  4. Modify any filters, measures, or dimensions as needed.
  5. When finished, select Save & Run Report.

On the FlexReports page, you can check the Report Status. For more information, see FlexReport.

FlexReport Multi-Cloud Operational Emissions datasource

For your convenience, wherever possible, the naming conventions have been mapped to the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS) version 0.5.

For the Azure cloud, only Enterprise Agreement (EA) and Azure Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) data are available in the Multi-Cloud Operational Emissions dataset.

Terms and Definitions

  • CO2e - Carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. It is a unit of measurement used to compare greenhouse gas emissions based on the global warming potential of the gas.
  • Carbon Emission - Represents the amount of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere directly or indirectly due to a specific activity.
  • Greenhouse gasses - Gasses that absorb radiation. The main greenhouse gasses are - Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane, and Nitrous Oxide.
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