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To upgrade Greenplum Command Center, you install the new Command Center software release, stop the old version, and start the new version. You can then remove the older Command Center release from your Greenplum Database hosts.

Notes: Upgrading From Greenplum Command Center 3.x to 4.x

The Greenplum Command Center architecture changed between Command Center 3.x and 4.x.

With Command Center 3.x, you installed the Greenplum Command Center software one time on the Command Center host. You then created a Command Center instance for each Greenplum Database cluster you monitored with Command Center.

Command Center 4.x does not have instances; you install the Command Center software on the master or standby master of the Greenplum Database cluster you want to monitor with Command Center. The installer copies the software to every host in the Greenplum Database cluster. To monitor additional Greenplum Database clusters you must install the Command Center software again, on a different master or standby host. Monitoring multiple Greenplum Database clusters running on the same hardware cluster is not supported.

To upgrade to a new release of Greenplum Command Center 4.x:

  1. Download and install the new Command Center release by following the instructions in Installing Greenplum Command Center.

  2. Stop the current Command Center release.

    Command Center 3.x:

    $ gpcmdr --stop <instance_name>

    Command Center 4.x:

    $ gpcc stop
  3. Source the script in the new Command Center installation directory. This example uses the symbolic link created by the installer to access the script.

    $ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc/

    Note: Also update the source command in your shell start-up script, for example ~/ or ~/

  4. Start the new Command Center release.

    $ gpcc start
  5. Uninstall the older Command Center release. See “Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center” in the Greenplum Command Center documentation for the release you are uninstalling.

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