Installing Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework

The VMware Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework is available as a separate Broadcom Support Portal download for:

  • Tanzu Greenplum 5.x for CentOS 7.x and RHEL 7.x platforms
  • Tanzu Greenplum 6.x for RHEL 8.x, CentOS 7.x, RHEL 7.x, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS platforms

For more information about download prerequisites, troubleshooting, and instructions, see Download Broadcom products and software.

The PXF download package is an .rpm or .deb file that installs libraries, executables, and script files on a Greenplum Database host.

When you install the framework, you will:

  1. Satisfy the prerequisites.
  2. Download the package.
  3. Install the package on every host in your Greenplum Database cluster.
  4. Check out Next Steps for post-install topics.


The recommended deployment model is to install PXF on all Greenplum Database hosts. Before you install version 6, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Tanzu Greenplum version 5.21.2 or later or 6.x is installed in the cluster.
  • You have access to all hosts (master, standby master, and segment hosts) in your Greenplum Database cluster.
  • You must be an operating system superuser, or have sudo privileges, to install the package. If you are installing on CentOS/RHEL, you can choose to install the package into a custom file system location.
  • You have installed Java 8 or 11 on all Greenplum Database hosts as described in Installing Java.
  • You can identify the operating system user that will own the installation. This user must be the same user that owns the Greenplum Database installation, or a user that has write privileges to the Greenplum Database installation directory.
  • If you have previously configured and are using the PXF in your Greenplum installation:
    1. Identify and note the current version number.
    2. Stop PXF as described in Stopping the Service.
Note: If this is your first installation of a PXF package, and the $GPHOME/pxf directory exists in your Greenplum installation, you may choose to remove the directory on all Greenplum hosts after you confirm that you have installed and configured PXF correctly and that it is working as expected.

If you choose to remove this directory, you may encounter warning: <pxf-filename>: remove failed: No such file or directory messages when you upgrade Greenplum. You can ignore these warnings for the PXF files.

Downloading the Package

Follow this procedure to download the PXF package:

  1. Navigate to Broadcom Support Portal and locate Greenplum Platform Extension Framework under the desired Greemplum release.

    The format of the download file name is pxf-gp<greenplum-major-version>-<pxf-version>-<pkg-version>.<platform>.<file_type>. For example:



  2. Select the appropriate package for your Greenplum Database major version and operating system platform.

  3. Make note of the directory to which the file was downloaded.

  4. Follow the instructions in Verifying the VMware Tanzu Greenplum Software Download in the Greenplum Database documentation to verify the integrity of the Greenplum Platform Extension Framework software.


For more information about download prerequisites, troubleshooting, and instructions, see Download Broadcom products and software.

Installing the Package

You must install the package on the Greenplum Database master and standby master hosts, and on each segment host.

If you installed an older version of the package on your hosts, installing a newer package removes the existing PXF installation, and installs the new version.

The install procedure follows:

  1. Locate the installer file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal.

  2. Create a text file that lists your Greenplum Database standby master host and segment hosts, one host name per line. For example, a file named gphostfile may include:

  3. Copy the downloaded package file to all hosts in your Greenplum cluster. For example, to copy the rpm to the /tmp directory on each host:

    gphost$ gpscp -f gphostfile pxf-gp6-6.3.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm =:/tmp/
  4. Install the package on each Greenplum Database host using your package management utility. If a previous installation of PXF exists for the same Greenplum version, the files and runtime directories from the older version are removed before the current package is installed.

    1. To install PXF into the default location on all Greenplum hosts:

      On a CentOS/RHEL version 7.x or 8.x system:

      gphost$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo rpm -Uvh /tmp/pxf-gp6-6.3.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm"

      On an Ubuntu system:

      gphost$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo dpkg --install /tmp/pxf-gp6-6.3.0-2-ubuntu18.04-amd64.deb"

      The default package installation directory is /usr/local/pxf-gp<greenplum-major-version>.

    2. To install PXF into a custom location on all Greenplum hosts (CentOS/RHEL only):

      gpadmin@gphost$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo rpm -Uvh --prefix <install-location> pxf-gp6-6.3.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm"
  5. On all Greenplum hosts, set the ownership and permissions of the PXF installation files to enable access by the gpadmin user. For example, if you installed to the default location:

    gphost$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/pxf-gp*"

    If you installed to a custom <install-location> on CentOS/RHEL, specify that location in the command.

  6. (Optional) Add the bin directory to the PXF owner’s $PATH. For example, if you installed PXF for Greenplum 6 in the default location, you could add the following text to the .bashrc shell initialization script for the gpadmin user:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/pxf-gp6/bin

    Be sure to remove any previously-added $PATH entries for PXF in $GPHOME/pxf/bin.

  7. Remove the package download file that you copied to each system. For example, to remove the rpm from /tmp:

    gpadmin@gphost$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "rm -f /tmp/pxf-gp6-6.3.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm"

Next Steps

PXF is not active after installation. You must explicitly initialize and start the Service before you can use the framework.

  • See About the Installation and Configuration Directories for a list and description of important PXF files and directories. This topic also provides instructions for relocating runtime configuration directories.
  • If this is your first time using PXF, review Configuring PXF for a description of the initialization and configuration procedures that you must perform before you can use the framework.
  • If you installed the PXF rpm or deb as part of a Greenplum Database upgrade procedure, return to those upgrade instructions.
  • If you installed the rpm or deb into a Greenplum cluster in which you had already configured and were using version 5, you are required to perform some upgrade actions. Recall the original version of PXF (before you installed the rpm or deb), and perform Step 3 of the upgrade procedure.
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