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You can monitor a Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster via Tanzu Greenplum Command Center, using a plugin installed with Tanzu Greenplum Database. When the plugin is installed, you can view Greenplum Text monitoring information via the "Plugins" menu item in Greenplum Command Center. Selecting this menu item displays the status of Greenplum Text clusters, nodes, and indexes in real time.

Plugin GPCC Pages

Installing the Plugin Extension in Greenplum Database

In order to activate the plugin, you must:

  1. Log into the gpperfmon database:

    psql -d gpperfmon
  2. Install the gptext_gpcc extension in Greenplum Database:

    create extension gptext_gpcc
  3. Restart Greenplum Command Center

Using the Plugin

After the extension is installed, you can click the Plugins menu item in Greenplum Command Center. This will display Greenplum Text pages.

  • Click the entries pages to see the overall Greenplum Text cluster status.

  • Click the the nodes/indexes tags, you can see metrics for nodes or indexes.

IMPORTANT: The gptext_gpcc.json configuration file -- located in $GPHOME/share/postgresql/extension -- is not preserved after upgrading Greenplum Database. After upgrading to a new Greenplum Database version, you must copy gptext_gpcc.json into $GPHOME/share/postgresql/extension in the upgraded Greenplum Database.

Configuring the Plugin

You may interact with the plugin and control various aspects of its behavior by running the gptext-gpcc-plugin command, as summarized below.

The gptext-gpcc-plugin command is located in $GPHOME/lib/python/gptext_gpcclib/bin; we recommend that you add this to your $PATH environment variable.

Command syntax: gptext-gpcc-plugin <action> [options]


  • plugin-enable - Creates the extension in Greenplum Database.

  • plugin-disable - Drops the extension and removes all history metrics. You may choose to deactivate the plugin if you have no need to monitor Greenplum Text or if the plugin is causing performance issues or other issues.

  • config-show - Displays the plugin configuration file contents, including retention metrics data and sampling interval data.

  • config-edit - Updates the plugin configuration file contents, including retention metrics data and sampling interval data.

  • metrics-truncate - Truncates the metrics table the extension created. This deletes all of the history metrics data in the database, but keeps all settings; following this, the plugin will pull new metrics in from time to time.


  • -h, --help - Displays online help.

  • -v, --verbose - Provides extensive output for debugging.

  • --metrics_retention=<number of days> - Updates the number of days metrics data should be retained; the default is 30 days. Used only with the config-edit action.

  • --sampling_interval=<number of seconds> - Updates the sampling interval for loading metrics from Solr; the default is 60 seconds. Used only with the config-edit action.


  • Update the number of days metrics data should be retained to 45 days: gptext-gpcc-plugin config-edit --metrics_retention=45

  • Update the sampling interval to 30 seconds: gptext-gpcc-plugin config-edit --sampling_interval=30

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