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This topic describes how to scale ingress resources.

Note: This feature requires NCP v2.5.1 or later.


The NSX-T Load Balancer is a logical load balancer that handles a number of functions using virtual servers and pools.

The NSX-T load balancer creates a load balancer service for each Kubernetes cluster provisioned by Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition with NSX-T. For each load balancer service, NCP, by way of the CRD, creates corresponding NSXLoadBalancerMonitor objects.

By default Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition deploys the following NSX-T virtual servers for each Kubernetes cluster:

  • One TCP layer 4 load balancer virtual server for the Kubernetes API server.
  • One TCP layer 4 auto-scaled load balancer virtual server for each Kubernetes service resource of type: LoadBalancer.
  • Two HTTP/HTTPS layer 7 ingress routing virtual servers. These virtual server are attached to the Kubernetes Ingress Controller cluster load balancer service and can be manually scaled. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition uses Kubernetes custom resources to monitor the state of the NSX-T load balancer service and scale the virtual servers created for ingress.

For information about configuring layer 7 ingress routing load balancers see Determine Your Load Balancer’s Status, below. For information about configuring the layer 7 ingress controller see Defining Network Profiles for the HTTP/S Layer 7 Ingress Controller.

For information about configuring TCP layer 4 ingress controller see Defining Network Profiles for the TCP Layer 4 Load Balancer.

For more information about the NSX-T Load Balancer, see Create an IP Pool in Manager Mode or Add an IP Address Pool in the VMware documentation.

For more information about Kubernetes custom resources, see Custom resources in the Kubernetes documentation.


Before scaling your ingress load balancers you should understand your load balancer’s status. Use the NSXLoadBalancerMonitor CRD to monitor your NSX-T load balancer service, including traffic, usage and health score information. The NSXLoadBalancerMonitor CRD provides information for the health of the NSX-T load balancer service, and the NSX-T Edge Node running the load balancer.

For more information about monitoring using the NSXLoadBalancerMonitor CRD see Monitoring Ingress Resources.

Scale Ingress Load Balancer Resources

The LoadBalancer CRD provides you with an interactive method to scale the load balancer for ingress routing.

Create a New Ingress Load Balancer

Use the LoadBalancer CRD to create a new ingress load balancer.

  1. To configure a new ingress load balancer, configure a new YAML file as follows:

    kind: LoadBalancer
      name: LB-NAME
      httpConfig: HTTP-CONFIG
        virtualIP: IP-ADDRESS  
        port: PORT
          port: TLS-PORT
          secretName: SECRET-NAME
          secretNamespace: SECRET-NAMESPACE
        xForwardedFor: FORWARD-TYPE
          type: IP-SOURCE
          timeout: TIMEOUT
      size: SIZE
      virtualNetwork: NETWORK-NAME
      httpVirtualIP: V-IP-ADDRESS


    • LB-NAME is the display name of the loadBalancer.
    • HTTP-CONFIG (Optional) is the config to support http/https route on the loadBalancer. Set as httpConfig: {} to apply default settings.
    • IP-ADDRESS (Optional) is the virtual IP address. Defaults to auto_allocate.
    • PORT (Optional) is the port. Defaults to 80.
    • TLS-PORT (Optional) is the TLS port. Defaults to 443.
    • SECRET-NAME (Optional) is the TLS secret name. Defaults to nil.
    • SECRET-NAMESPACE (Optional) is the TLS secret namespace. Defaults to nil. You must deploy the new ingress load balancer in the same namespace where you deploy the ingress resource.
    • FORWARD-TYPE (Optional) is the forward type. Supported values are: INSERT and REPLACE. Defaults to nil.
    • IP-SOURCE (Optional) is the source IP. Supported values are: sourceIP and cookie.
    • TIMEOUT (Optional) is the connection timeout. Defaults to 10800.
    • SIZE (Optional) is the ingress load balancer size. Supported values are: SMALL and MEDIUM. Defaults to SMALL.
    • NETWORK-NAME (Optional) is the virtual network name. Defaults to nil.
    • V-IP-ADDRESS is the external IP address for http/https virtual server. The external IP address can be auto-allocated or user specified.
  2. To create a new ingress load balancer run the following command:

    kubectl apply –f YAML-FILE

    Where YAML-FILE is the filename of a the load balancer configuration YAML file.

    For example:

     # kubectl apply –f lb.yaml apiVersion: kind: LoadBalancer metadata: name: cluster1_lbs0 spec: httpConfig: virtualIP: port: 233 tls: port: 2333 secretName: default_secret secretNamespace: default xForwardedFor: INSERT affinity: type: source_ip timeout: 100 size: MEDIUM virtualNetwork: virtualnetwork1 status: httpVirtualIP: <realized external ip>

Configure Your Kubernetes Ingress Resource to Use the New Ingress Load Balancer

Annotate the Kubernetes ingress resource with the newly created ingress load balancer. NCP will attach the ingress rules to the scaled out load balancer.

  1. To configure a Kubernetes ingress resource with the new ingress load balancer, configure a new YAML file as follows:

    kind: Ingress
      name: ING-NAME
      annotations: "nsx"
        nsx/loadbalancer: LB-NAME 
      - host: HOST-NAME
          - path: HTTP-PATH
                serviceName: SERVICE-NAME
                servicePort: SERVICE-PORT


    • ING-NAME is the name of the ingress resource.
    • LB-NAME is the display name of the loadBalancer.
    • HOST-NAME is the host name.
    • HTTP-PATH is the HTTP path.
    • SERVICE-NAME is the http backend service name.
    • SERVICE-PORT is the http backend service port.
  2. To annotate the Kubernetes ingress resource with the newly created ingress load balancer, run the following command:

    kubectl apply –f YAML-FILE

    Where YAML-FILE is the filename of a the Kubernetes ingress resource configuration YAML file.

    For example:

    # kubectl apply –f ingress.yaml
    kind: Ingress
    name: svc-ingress1
    annotations: “nsx” nsx/loadbalancer: cluster1_lbs0
    - host:
    - path: /testpath
    serviceName: svc1
    servicePort: 80

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