This topic describes how to use Velero to back up and restore a stateful application using the namespace feature with Velero.


This example demonstrates Velero back up and restore for a stateful application using namespace.

To test Velero back up and restore for stateful applications, use the Guestbook application with a persistent volume.

When restoring the stateful application using Velero, the Storage Class that was used by the PVC in the application must be present on the Kubernetes cluster. If the PVC is using the default storage class, then the default storage class must also be present prior to initiating the restore operation with Velero.


Install and configure MinIO, Velero, and restic.

Download the Guestbook app YAML files to a local known directory:

  • redis-leader-deployment.yaml
  • redis-leader-service.yaml
  • redis-follower-deployment.yaml
  • redis-follower-service.yaml
  • frontend-deployment.yaml
  • frontend-service.yaml

Deploy Guestbook App

Create the default storage class named redis-sc.yaml:

kind: StorageClass
  name: thin-disk
  annotations: "true"
    diskformat: thin

Apply the YAML file:

kubectl apply -f redis-sc.yaml created

Verify the storage class:

kubectl get sc
thin-disk (default)   Delete          Immediate           false                  4s

Create Guestbook namespace:

kubectl create ns guestbook-pv
namespace/guestbook-pv created

Deploy the Guestbook app:

kubectl apply -f . -n guestbook-pv unchanged
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-leader-claim created
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-follower-claim created
service/redis-leader created
deployment.apps/redis-leader created
service/redis-follower created
deployment.apps/redis-follower created
service/frontend created
deployment.apps/frontend created


kubectl get all -n guestbook-pv

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-kqbf6       1/1     Running   0          38s
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-s7mk9       1/1     Running   0          38s
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-vtz4k       1/1     Running   0          38s
redis-leader-7b8487bf68-2mhcd   1/1     Running   0          38s
redis-follower-5bdcfd74c7-4hhqs 1/1     Running   0          37s
redis-follower-5bdcfd74c7-hl8hf 1/1     Running   0          37s
kubectl get pvc,pv -n guestbook-pv

NAME                                       STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-leader-claim   Bound    pvc-e0f3b455-e66e-45e6-8f77-4ace5af0ce6a   2Gi        RWO            thin-disk      2m31s
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-follower-claim Bound    pvc-672ab412-1167-4110-87cc-51c2bfedfa18   2Gi        RWO            thin-disk      2m31s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                             STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-672ab412-1167-4110-87cc-51c2bfedfa18   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    guestbook-pv/redis-follower-claim    thin-disk               2m30s
persistentvolume/pvc-e0f3b455-e66e-45e6-8f77-4ace5af0ce6a   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    guestbook-pv/redis-leader-claim   thin-disk               2m30s

Access the Guestbook app at

Guestbook App

Add many messages so they can be stored in the PV.

Guestbook App

Back Up the Guestbook App Using Namespace

This example shows how to back up and restore the Guestbook app using the --include namespace tag.

Because this app is stateful, you need to add annotations for the stateful pods with the volume name.

Get the volume names:

kubectl get pod -n guestbook-pv

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-9cpdc       1/1     Running   0          6m27s
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-h2pnb       1/1     Running   0          6m27s
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-kwlpr       1/1     Running   0          6m27s
frontend-6cb7f8bd65-snwl4       1/1     Running   0          6m27s
redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s   1/1     Running   0          6m28s
redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr 1/1     Running   0          6m28s

The volume name is redis-leader-data for pod redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s.

The volume name is redis-follower-data for pod redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr.

Annotate the pods:

kubectl -n guestbook-pv annotate pod redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s
pod/redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s annotated

kubectl -n guestbook-pv annotate pod redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr
pod/redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr annotated


kubectl -n guestbook-pv describe pod redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s | grep Annotations
Annotations: redis-leader-data

kubectl -n guestbook-pv describe pod redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr | grep Annotations
Annotations: redis-follower-data
velero backup create guestbook-backup --include-namespaces guestbook

Perform the Velero back up:

velero backup create guestbook-pv-backup --include-namespaces guestbook-pv
Backup request "guestbook-pv-backup" submitted successfully.
Run `velero backup describe guestbook-pv-backup` or `velero backup logs guestbook-pv-backup` for more details.

Verify the backup that was created.

velero backup get

NAME                     STATUS      ERRORS   WARNINGS   CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
guestbook-pv-backup      Completed   0        0          2020-07-23 16:13:46 -0700 PDT   29d       default            <none>

Verify backup details:

velero backup describe guestbook-pv-backup --details

The Velero Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) let you run certain commands, such as the following:

kubectl get -n velero

NAME               AGE
guestbook-backup   4m58s
kubectl describe guestbook-pv-backup -n velero

Restore the Guestbook App

To test the restoration of the Guestbook app, delete it.

Delete the namespace:

kubectl delete ns guestbook-pv
namespace "guestbook-pv" deleted

Verify namespace deletion:

kubectl get ns
kubectl get pvc,pv --all-namespaces

Make sure the storage class used by the application is still present:

kubectl get sc

thin-disk (default)   Delete          Immediate           false                  26m

Restore the app:

velero restore create --from-backup guestbook-pv-backup

Restore request "guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841" submitted successfully.
Run `velero restore describe guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841` or `velero restore logs guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841` for more details.

Verify that the app is restored:

velero restore describe guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841

Name:         guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841
Namespace:    velero
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Phase:  Completed

Backup:  guestbook-pv-backup

  Included:  all namespaces found in the backup
  Excluded:  <none>

  Included:        *
  Excluded:        nodes, events,,,,
  Cluster-scoped:  auto

Namespace mappings:  <none>

Label selector:  <none>

Restore PVs:  auto

Restic Restores (specify --details for more information):
  Completed:  2

Run the following commands to verify:

velero restore get

NAME                                    BACKUP                   STATUS      ERRORS   WARNINGS   CREATED                         SELECTOR
guestbook-pv-backup-20200723161841      guestbook-pv-backup      Completed   0        0          2020-07-23 16:18:41 -0700 PDT   <none>
kubectl get ns

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   16d
guestbook-pv      Active   76s
kube-node-lease   Active   16d
kube-public       Active   16d
kube-system       Active   16d
pks-system        Active   16d
velero            Active   2d2h
kubectl get all -n guestbook-pv

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/frontend-6cb7f8bd65-9cpdc       1/1     Running   0          2m4s
pod/frontend-6cb7f8bd65-h2pnb       1/1     Running   0          2m4s
pod/frontend-6cb7f8bd65-kwlpr       1/1     Running   0          2m4s
pod/frontend-6cb7f8bd65-snwl4       1/1     Running   0          2m4s
pod/redis-leader-64fb8775bf-kbs6s   1/1     Running   0          2m4s
pod/redis-follower-779b6d8f79-5dphr    1/1     Running   0          2m4s

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
service/frontend       LoadBalancer   80:30038/TCP   2m4s
service/redis-leader   ClusterIP   <none>         6379/TCP       2m4s
service/redis-follower    ClusterIP   <none>         6379/TCP       2m4s

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/frontend       4/4     4            4           2m4s
deployment.apps/redis-leader   1/1     1            1           2m4s
deployment.apps/redis-follower    1/1     1            1           2m4s

NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/frontend-6cb7f8bd65       4         4         4       2m4s
replicaset.apps/redis-leader-64fb8775bf   1         1         1       2m4s
replicaset.apps/redis-follower-779b6d8f79    1         1         1       2m4s
kubectl get pvc,pv -n guestbook-pv

NAME                                       STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-leader-claim   Bound    pvc-a2f6e6d4-42db-4fb8-a198-5379a2552509   2Gi        RWO            thin-disk      2m40s
persistentvolumeclaim/redis-follower-claim    Bound    pvc-55591938-921f-452a-b418-2cc680c0560b   2Gi        RWO            thin-disk      2m40s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                             STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-55591938-921f-452a-b418-2cc680c0560b   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    guestbook-pv/redis-follower-claim    thin-disk               2m40s
persistentvolume/pvc-a2f6e6d4-42db-4fb8-a198-5379a2552509   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    guestbook-pv/redis-leader-claim   thin-disk               2m40s

Access the Guestbook app at

Guestbook App

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