Install Contour for Ingress Control

This topic explains how to deploy Contour into a workload cluster in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid.

Contour is a Kubernetes ingress controller that uses the Envoy edge and service proxy. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid includes signed binaries for Contour and Envoy, which you can deploy into workload clusters to provide ingress control services in those clusters.

You deploy Contour and Envoy directly into workload clusters. Deploying Contour is a prerequisite if you want to deploy the Prometheus, Grafana, and Harbor packages.

For general information about ingress control, see Ingress Controllers in the Kubernetes documentation.



In this release of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, the provided implementation of Contour and Envoy assumes that you use self-signed certificates.

Prepare the Workload Cluster for Contour Deployment

To prepare the cluster:

  1. Get the admin credentials of the workload cluster into which you want to deploy Contour. For example:

    tanzu cluster kubeconfig get my-cluster --admin

    In the example above, my-cluster is the name of the cluster.

  2. Set the context of kubectl to the cluster. For example:

    kubectl config use-context my-cluster-admin@my-cluster
  3. If the cluster does not have a package repository with the Contour package installed, such as the tanzu-standard repository, install one:

    tanzu package repository add PACKAGE-REPO-NAME --url PACKAGE-REPO-ENDPOINT --namespace tkg-system


    • PACKAGE-REPO-NAME is the name of the package repository, such as tanzu-standard or the name of a private image registry configured with ADDITIONAL_IMAGE_REGISTRY variables.
    • PACKAGE-REPO-ENDPOINT is the URL of the package repository.

      • For this release, the tanzu-standard URL is See List Package Repositories to obtain this value from the Tanzu CLI, or in Tanzu Mission Control see the Addons > Repositories list in the Cluster pane.
  4. If you have not already done so, install cert-manager in the cluster. For instructions, see Install cert-manager for Certificate Management.

  5. Proceed to Deploy Contour into the Workload Cluster below.

Deploy Contour into the Workload Cluster

After you have set up the cluster, you must first create the configuration file that is used when you install the Contour package and then install the package.

  1. Create a configuration file for the Contour package by retrieving the default configuration of the package:

    tanzu package available get --default-values-file-output FILE-PATH

    Where PACKAGE-VERSION is the version of the Contour package that you want to install and FILE-PATH is the location to which you want to save the configuration file, for example, contour-data-values.yaml.

  2. Configure the following in the contour-data-values.yaml file:

    This file configures the Contour package on vSphere.
    infrastructure_provider: vsphere
    namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
     configFileContents: {}
     useProxyProtocol: false
     replicas: 2
     pspNames: "vmware-system-restricted"
     logLevel: info
       type: NodePort
       annotations: {}
       externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
       disableWait: false
       enable: true
       http: 80
       https: 443
     hostNetwork: false
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
     logLevel: info
     duration: 8760h
     renewBefore: 360h
    This file configures the Contour package on vSphere.
    infrastructure_provider: aws
    namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
     configFileContents: {}
     useProxyProtocol: false
     replicas: 2
     pspNames: "vmware-system-restricted"
     logLevel: info
       type: LoadBalancer
       annotations: {}
       externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
         LBType: classic
       disableWait: false
       enable: true
       http: 80
       https: 443
     hostNetwork: false
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
     logLevel: info
     duration: 8760h
     renewBefore: 360h
    This file configures the Contour package on Azure.
    infrastructure_provider: azure
    namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
     configFileContents: {}
     useProxyProtocol: false
     replicas: 2
     pspNames: "vmware-system-restricted"
     logLevel: info
       type: LoadBalancer
       annotations: {}
       externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
       disableWait: false
       enable: true
       http: 80
       https: 443
     hostNetwork: false
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
     logLevel: info
     duration: 8760h
     renewBefore: 360h
  3. If you are installing Contour to a workload cluster created by a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor, do one of the following:

    • Without hostPorts:

      If hostPorts are not needed for the Envoy daemonset, edit contour-data-values.yaml to set envoy.hostPorts.enable to false:

          enable: false
    • With hostPorts:

      If hostPorts are needed, create a ClusterRoleBinding that gives the Envoy service account access to the tkg-system-privileged PSP:

      kubectl create clusterrolebinding envoy-tkg-admin-privileged-binding --clusterrole=psp:vmware-system-privileged --serviceaccount=tanzu-system-ingress:envoy
  4. If you are installing Contour to a vSphere cluster that uses NSX ALB as a load balancer service provider, modify the contour-default-values.yaml file to set envoy.service.type to LoadBalancer:

       type: LoadBalancer
  5. If you are installing Contour to an internet-restricted AWS environment, modify the contour-data-values.yaml file to add the following annotation to the Envoy service:

    infrastructure_provider: aws
       annotations: "true"
  6. (Optional) Modify the contour-data-values.yaml file if needed. The Optional Configuration section documents the values that you can customize in the contour-data-values.yaml file and how they can be used to modify the default behavior of Contour in your target cluster. For example, the Contour package deploys two Contour replicas by default, but the number of replicas is configurable. You set this number in the contour.replicas value in contour-data-values.yaml. In most cases, you do not need to modify the contour-data-values.yaml file.

    You can also retrieve these values by running the below command against your target cluster:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema

    Where AVAILABLE-VERSION is the version of the Contour package. The --values-schema flag retrieves the valuesSchema section from the Package API resource for the Contour package. You can set the output format, --output, for the values schema to yaml, json, or table. For more information, see Packages in Install and Manage Packages.

    For example:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema
  7. If your contour-data-values.yaml file contains comments, remove them:

    yq -i eval '... comments=""' contour-data-values.yaml
  8. Install the Contour package:

    1. Retrieve the name of the available package:

      tanzu package available list -A
    2. Retrieve the version of the available package:

      tanzu package available list -A
    3. Install the package:

      tanzu package install contour \
      --package \
      --values-file contour-data-values.yaml \
      --namespace TARGET-NAMESPACE


      • TARGET-NAMESPACE is the namespace in which you want to install the Contour package. For example, the my-packages or tanzu-cli-managed-packages namespace.

        • If the --namespace flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI uses the default namespace. The Contour and Envoy pods and any other resources associated with the Contour component are created in the tanzu-system-ingress namespace; do not install the Contour package into this namespace.
        • The specified namespace must already exist, for example from running kubectl create namespace my-packages.
      • AVAILABLE-PACKAGE-VERSION is the version that you retrieved above.

      For example:

      tanzu package install contour \
      --package \
      --version 1.25.4+vmware.1-tkg.1 \
      --values-file contour-data-values.yaml \
      --namespace my-packages
  9. Confirm that the contour package has been installed:

    tanzu package installed list -A

    For example:

    tanzu package installed list -A
    - Retrieving installed packages...
      NAME            PACKAGE-NAME                     PACKAGE-VERSION                   STATUS               NAMESPACE
      cert-manager    1.10.1+vmware.1-tkg.1              Reconcile succeeded  my-packages
      contour         1.25.4+vmware.1-tkg.1             Reconcile succeeded  my-packages
      antrea                                            Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system

    To see more details about the package, you can also run:

    tanzu package installed get contour --namespace PACKAGE-NAMESPACE

    Where PACKAGE-NAMESPACE is the namespace in which the contour package is installed.

    For example:

    tanzu package installed get contour --namespace my-packages
    \ Retrieving installation details for contour...
    NAME:                    contour
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.25.4+vmware.1-tkg.1
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
    CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileSucceeded True  }]
  10. Confirm that the contour app has been successfully reconciled in your PACKAGE-NAMESPACE:

    kubectl get apps -A

    For example:

    my-packages   cert-manager     Reconcile succeeded   78s            3h5m
    my-packages   contour          Reconcile succeeded   57s            6m3s
    tkg-system    antrea           Reconcile succeeded   45s            3h18m

    If the status is not Reconcile Succeeded, view the full status details of the contour app. Viewing the full status can help you troubleshoot the problem.

    kubectl get app contour --namespace PACKAGE-NAMESPACE -o yaml

    Where PACKAGE-NAMESPACE is the namespace in which you installed the package. If troubleshooting does not help you solve the problem, you must uninstall the package before installing it again:

    tanzu package installed delete contour --namespace PACKAGE-NAMESPACE
  11. Confirm that Contour and Envoy pods are running in the tanzu-system-ingress namespace:

    kubectl get pods -A

    For example:

    kubectl get pods -A
    NAMESPACE              NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    tanzu-system-ingress   contour-5dc6fc667c-c4w8k                                    1/1     Running   0          14m
    tanzu-system-ingress   contour-5dc6fc667c-jnqwn                                    1/1     Running   0          14m
    tanzu-system-ingress   envoy-mgfll                                                 2/2     Running   0          14m
  12. If you deployed Contour to AWS or Azure, confirm that a load balancer has been created for the Envoy service:

    kubectl get svc envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'

    On AWS, the loadbalancer has a name similar to On Azure, it will be an IP address similar to

Access the Envoy Administration Interface Remotely

After you have deployed Contour into a cluster, you can use the embedded Envoy administration interface to retrieve data about your deployments.

For information about the Envoy administration interface, see Administration Interface in the Envoy documentation.

  1. Obtain the name of the Envoy pod:

    ENVOY_POD=$(kubectl -n tanzu-system-ingress get pod -l app=envoy -o name | head -1)
  2. Forward the Envoy pod to port 9001 on your bootstrap machine:

    kubectl -n tanzu-system-ingress port-forward $ENVOY_POD 9001
  3. From your bootstrap machine, retrieve information from your Contour deployment by sending curl queries to the Envoy administration endpoints listed in Accessing the Envoy Administration Interface. For example, use the /config_dump endpoint to retrieve the currently loaded configuration:

    curl http://localhost:9001/config_dump

Visualize the Internal Contour Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

When you have started running workloads in your cluster, you can visualize the traffic information that Contour exposes in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

  1. Install Graphviz if it is not already installed. This package provides the dot command that creates the DAG image file.

  2. Obtain the name of a Contour pod:

    CONTOUR_POD=$(kubectl -n tanzu-system-ingress get pod -l app=contour -o name | head -1)
  3. Forward port 6060 on the Contour pod:

    kubectl -n tanzu-system-ingress port-forward $CONTOUR_POD 6060
  4. Open a new terminal window and download and save the DAG as a *.png file. The below command requires you to install dot on your system if it is not present already.

    curl localhost:6060/debug/dag | dot -T png > contour-dag.png
  5. Open contour-dag.png to view the graph.

    Contour DAG file

Optional Configuration

You can further customize your configuration by editing the default values in the Contour package configuration file.

The table below contains information about the values that you can customize in the contour-data-values.yaml file and how they can be used to modify the default behavior of Contour when deployed into a workload cluster.

If you reconfigure your Contour settings after the initial deployment, you must follow the steps in Update a Running Contour Deployment to apply the new configuration to the cluster.

Config Default Description
infrastructure_provider vsphere The underlying target platform. Valid values are vsphere, aws, and azure.
kubernetes_distribution none The distribution of Kubernetes, used to determine if distribution-specific configurations need to be applied. Options are empty and openshift. If running on an Openshift cluster, this must be set to openshift. When set to openshift, a Role and RoleBinding are created to associate Contour’s controllers with the appropriate Openshift Security Context Constraint resource.
kubernetes_version none The version of Kubernetes being used, for enabling version-specific behaviors. Accept any valid major.minor.patch version of Kubernetes. This field is optional. Currently only has effect when kubernetes_distribution is set to openshift.
namespace tanzu-system-ingress The namespace where Contour and Envoy pods run, distinct from where the packages are deployed.
registry_secret_names ["contour-reg-creds"] The names of the placeholder secrets that will contain registry credentials to pull the Contour and Envoy images.
contour.configFileContents none The YAML contents of the Contour config file. For more information, see Configuration File in the Contour documentation.
contour.replicas 2 How many Contour pod replicas to have.
contour.useProxyProtocol false Whether to enable PROXY protocol for all Envoy listeners.
contour.logLevel info The Contour log level. Valid values are info and debug.
contour.pspNames vmware-system-restricted A comma-separated list of pod security policies (PSPs) to apply to the Contour pods.
contour.resources.contour.limits.cpu none CPU limit to apply to the contour container in the contour deployment.
contour.resources.contour.limits.memory none Memory limit to apply to the contour container in the contour deployment.
contour.resources.contour.requests.cpu none CPU request to apply to the contour container in the contour deployment.
contour.resources.contour.requests.memory none Memory request to apply to the contour container in the contour deployment.
envoy.workload.type DaemonSet The type of Kubernetes workload Envoy is deployed as. Options are Deployment or DaemonSet.
envoy.workload.replicas 2 The number of Envoy replicas to deploy when envoy.workload.type is set to Deployment.
envoy.workload.resources.envoy.limits.cpu none CPU limit to apply to the envoy container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.envoy.limits.memory none Memory limit to apply to the envoy container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.envoy.requests.cpu none CPU request to apply to the envoy container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.envoy.requests.memory none Memory request to apply to the envoy container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.shutdownManager.limits.cpu none CPU limit to apply to the shutdown-manager container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.shutdownManager.limits.memory none Memory limit to apply to the shutdown-manager container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.shutdownManager.requests.cpu none CPU request to apply to the shutdown-manager container in the envoy workload.
envoy.workload.resources.shutdownManager.limits.memory none Memory request to apply to the shutdown-manager container in the envoy workload.
envoy.service.type none The type of Kubernetes service to provision for Envoy. Valid values are LoadBalancer, NodePort, and ClusterIP. If not specified, a NodePort service will be used for vsphere and a LoadBalancer for all other target platforms.
envoy.service.loadBalancerIP none The desired load balancer IP for Envoy service. This setting is ignored if envoy.service.type is not set to LoadBalancer
envoy.service.externalTrafficPolicy Local The external traffic policy for the Envoy service. Valid values are Local and Cluster.
envoy.service.annotations none Annotations to set on the Envoy service.
envoy.service.nodePorts.http none If envoy.service.type == NodePort, the node port number to expose Envoy’s HTTP listener on. If not specified, a node port will be auto-assigned by Kubernetes.
envoy.service.nodePorts.https none If envoy.service.type == NodePort, the node port number to expose Envoy’s HTTPS listener on. If not specified, a node port will be auto-assigned by Kubernetes. classic If infrastructure_provider == aws, the type of AWS load balancer to use. Valid values are classic and nlb. If not using aws, this value is ignored.
envoy.hostPorts.enable false Whether to enable host ports for the Envoy pods. If false, envoy.hostPorts.http and envoy.hostPorts.https are ignored.
envoy.hostPorts.http 80 If envoy.hostPorts.enable == true, the host port number to expose Envoy’s HTTP listener on.
envoy.hostPorts.https 443 If envoy.hostPorts.enable == true, the host port number to expose Envoy’s HTTPS listener on.
envoy.hostNetwork false Whether to enable host networking for the Envoy pods.
envoy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds 300 The termination grace period, in seconds, for the Envoy pods.
envoy.logLevel info The Envoy log level. Valid values are trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off.
envoy.pspNames none A comma-separated list of pod security policies (PSPs) to apply to the Envoy pods.
certificates.duration 8760h How long the certificates for securing communication between Contour and Envoy should be valid for.
certificates.renewBefore 360h How long before expiration the certificates for securing communication between Contour and Envoy should be renewed.

Update a Running Contour Deployment

If you need to make changes to the configuration of the Contour package after deployment, follow the steps below to update your deployed Contour package:

  1. Update the Contour configuration in the contour-data-values.yaml file. For example, you can change the number of Contour replicas by setting contour.replicas to a new value.

  2. Update the installed package:

    tanzu package installed update contour \
    --values-file contour-data-values.yaml \


    • INSTALLED-PACKAGE-VERSION is the version of the installed Contour package.
    • INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAMESPACE is the namespace in which the Contour package is installed.

    For example:

    tanzu package installed update contour \
    --version 1.25.4+vmware.1-tkg.1 \
    --values-file contour-data-values.yaml \
    --namespace my-packages

    The Contour package will be reconciled using the new value or values that you added. It can take up to five minutes for kapp-controller to apply the changes.

    For more information about the tanzu package installed update command, see Update a Package in Install and Manage Packages. You can use this command to update the version or the configuration of an installed package.

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