Manage Cluster Secrets

This topic explains how to configure and manage secrets used by workload clusters in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, including:

Update Cluster Credentials

If the credentials that you use to access vSphere or Azure change, you can update your clusters to use the new credentials. AWS handles credentials differently, so this section only applies to vSphere and Azure.

Update Standalone Management and Workload Cluster Credentials

To update the vSphere credentials used by the current standalone management cluster and by all of its workload clusters, use the tanzu mc credentials update --cascading command:

  1. Run tanzu context use MGMT-CLUSTER to log in to the management cluster that you are updating.

  2. Run tanzu mc credentials update. You can pass values to the following command options or let the CLI prompt you for them:

    • --vsphere-user: Name for the vSphere account.
    • --vsphere-password: Password the vSphere account.
    • --vsphere-thumbprint: TLS thumbprint of the vCenter Server instance.

Update Standalone Management Cluster Credentials Only

To update a standalone management cluster’s vSphere credentials without also updating them for its workload clusters, use the tanzu mc credentials update command as above, but without the --cascading option.

Update Workload Cluster Credentials

To update the credentials that a single workload cluster uses to access vSphere, use the tanzu cluster credentials update command:

  1. Run tanzu context use MGMT-CLUSTER to log in to the management cluster that created the workload cluster that you are updating. The management cluster can be the Supervisor cluster or the standalone management cluster.

  2. Run tanzu cluster credentials update CLUSTER-NAME. You can pass values to the following command options or let the CLI prompt you for them:

    • --namespace: The namespace of the cluster you are updating credentials for, such as default.
    • --vsphere-user: Name for the vSphere account.
    • --vsphere-password: Password the vSphere account.
    • --vsphere-thumbprint: TLS thumbprint of the vCenter Server instance.

You can also use tanzu mc credentials update --cascading to update vSphere credentials for a management cluster and all of the workload clusters it manages.

This section does not apply to AWS deployments.
Update Standalone Management and Workload Cluster Credentials

Before you begin, obtain the new Azure credentials from the Azure portal or from your Azure administrator.

To update the Azure credentials used by the current standalone management cluster and by all of its workload clusters, use the tanzu mc credentials update --cascading command:

  1. Run tanzu context use MGMT-CLUSTER to log in to the management cluster that you are updating.

  2. Run tanzu mc credentials update. You can pass values to the following command options or let the CLI prompt you for them:

    • --azure-client-id: The client ID of the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that you registered in Azure.
    • --azure-client-secret: The client secret of the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that you registered in Azure.
    • --azure-tenant-id: The tenant ID for Azure Active Directory in which the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid is located.

Update Standalone Management Cluster Credentials Only

To update a standalone management cluster’s Azure credentials without also updating them for its workload clusters, use the tanzu mc credentials update command as above, but without the --cascading option.

Update Workload Cluster Credentials

To update the credentials that a single workload cluster uses to access Azure, use the tanzu cluster credentials update command:

  1. Run tanzu context use MGMT-CLUSTER to log in to the management cluster that created the workload cluster that you are updating.

  2. Run tanzu cluster credentials update CLUSTER-NAME. You can pass values to the following command options or let the CLI prompt you for them:

    • --namespace: The namespace of the cluster you are updating credentials for, such as default.
    • --azure-client-id: The client ID of the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that you registered in Azure.
    • --azure-client-secret: The client secret of the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that you registered in Azure.
    • --azure-tenant-id: The tenant ID for Azure Active Directory in which the app for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid is located.

You can also use tanzu mc credentials update --cascading to update Azure credentials for a management cluster and all of the workload clusters it manages.

Control Plane Node Certificate Auto-Renewal

Configure TKG clusters to automatically renew their control plane node VM certificates as follows, depending on the configuration method and cluster type:

  • Kubernetes-style object spec (class-based clusters):

    • In your Cluster object spec, include the following block under spec.topology.variables:

      - name: controlPlaneCertificateRotation.activate
      value: true
      - name: controlPlaneCertificateRotation.daysBefore
      value: EXPIRY-DAYS
  • Flat cluster configuration file (class-based or legacy clusters):

    • In your cluster configuration file, include the following settings:


Where EXPIRY-DAYS is an optional setting for the number of days before the certificate expiration date to automatically renew cluster node certificates. Default: 90; minimum: 7.

Renew Cluster Certificates (Standalone MC)

Standalone management and their workload clusters use client certificates to authenticate requests. These certificates are valid for one year. To renew them, you can either upgrade your clusters or follow the procedure below. This procedure is intended for cluster certificates that have not expired and are still valid.

  1. Identify the cluster for which you want to renew its certificates. For example:

    tanzu cluster list
    workload-slot35rp10  default    running  3/3           3/3      v1.26.8+vmware.1  <none>  prod  v1.26.8---vmware.2-tkg.1

    To list the cluster nodes, run:

    kubectl get nodes -o wide
  2. Check the expiration date for the certificates:

    Run the following command.
    kubectl get nodes \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' \
    -l > nodes
    for i in `cat nodes`; do
       printf "\n######\n"
       ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capv@$i hostname
       ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capv@$i sudo kubeadm certs check-expiration
    Run the following command.
    kubectl get nodes \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}' \
    -l > nodes
    for i in `cat nodes`; do
        printf "\n######\n"
        ssh -i aws-cluster-key.pem -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q ubuntu@$i hostname
        ssh -i aws-cluster-key.pem -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q ubuntu@$i sudo kubeadm certs check-expiration
    Run the following command.
    kubectl get nodes \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}' \
    -l > nodes
    for i in `cat nodes`; do
        printf "\n######\n"
        ssh -i azure-cluster-key.pem -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capi@$i hostname
        ssh -i azure-cluster-key.pem -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capi@$i sudo kubeadm certs check-expiration

    Sample output:

    [check-expiration] Reading configuration from the cluster...
    [check-expiration] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
    W0923 17:51:03.686273 4172778 utils.go:69] The recommended value for "resolvConf" in "KubeletConfiguration" is: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf; the provided value is: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
    admin.conf                 Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            ca                      no
    apiserver                  Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            ca                      no
    apiserver-etcd-client      Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            etcd-ca                 no
    apiserver-kubelet-client   Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            ca                      no
    controller-manager.conf    Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            ca                      no
    etcd-healthcheck-client    Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            etcd-ca                 no
    etcd-peer                  Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            etcd-ca                 no
    etcd-server                Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            etcd-ca                 no
    front-proxy-client         Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            front-proxy-ca          no
    scheduler.conf             Sep 21, 2023 23:13 UTC   363d            ca                      no
    ca                      Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no
    etcd-ca                 Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no
    front-proxy-ca          Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no
  3. Set your kubectl context to the management cluster. For example:

    kubectl config use-context mgmt-slot35rp10-admin@mgmt-slot35rp10
  4. Get the name of the KCP object for your target cluster. For example:

    kubectl get kcp
    workload-slot35rp10-control-plane   workload-slot35rp10   true          true                   3          3       3         0             42h   v1.26.8+vmware.1
  5. Renew the certificates by triggering a control plane rollout:

    kubectl patch kcp workload-slot35rp10-control-plane --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"rolloutAfter\":\"`date +'%Y-%m-%dT%TZ'`\"}}

    After you run this command, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid starts re-provisioning your cluster machines:

    kubectl get machines
    workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-7z95k     workload-slot35rp10                                                                                                Provisioning   20s   v1.26.8+vmware.1
    workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-ggsmj     workload-slot35rp10   workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-ggsmj     vsphere://4201a86e-3c15-879a-1b85-78f76a16c27f   Running        42h   v1.26.8+vmware.1
    workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-hxbxb     workload-slot35rp10   workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-hxbxb     vsphere://42014b2e-07e4-216a-24ef-86e2d52d7bbd   Running        42h   v1.26.8+vmware.1
    workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-sm4nw     workload-slot35rp10   workload-slot35rp10-control-plane-sm4nw     vsphere://4201cff3-2715-ffe1-c4a6-35fc795995ce   Running        42h   v1.26.8+vmware.1
    workload-slot35rp10-md-0-667bcd6b57-79br9   workload-slot35rp10   workload-slot35rp10-md-0-667bcd6b57-79br9   vsphere://420142a2-d141-7d6b-b322-9c2afcc47da5   Running        42h   v1.26.8+vmware.1
  6. When all of the machines are Running, verify that the certificate renewal has completed successfully:

    1. Set your kubectl context to the workload cluster:

      kubectl config use-context workload-slot35rp10-admin@workload-slot35rp10
    2. Check the expiration date for the certificates again:

      kubectl get nodes \
      -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' \
      -l > nodes
      for i in `cat nodes`; do
        printf "\n######\n"
        ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capv@$i hostname
        ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -q capv@$i sudo kubeadm certs check-expiration

      Sample output:

      [check-expiration] Reading configuration from the cluster...
      [check-expiration] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
      W0923 18:10:02.660438   13427 utils.go:69] The recommended value for "resolvConf" in "KubeletConfiguration" is: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf; the provided value is: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
      admin.conf                 Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            ca                      no
      apiserver                  Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            ca                      no
      apiserver-etcd-client      Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            etcd-ca                 no
      apiserver-kubelet-client   Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            ca                      no
      controller-manager.conf    Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            ca                      no
      etcd-healthcheck-client    Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            etcd-ca                 no
      etcd-peer                  Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            etcd-ca                 no
      etcd-server                Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            etcd-ca                 no
      front-proxy-client         Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            front-proxy-ca          no
      scheduler.conf             Sep 23, 2023 18:05 UTC   364d            ca                      no
      ca                      Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no
      etcd-ca                 Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no
      front-proxy-ca          Sep 18, 2032 23:09 UTC   9y              no

      If the certificate renewal has completed successfully, the Residual Time column shows 364d. Certificates on worker nodes are renewed automatically.

Configure Clusters with Trusted Registries (Supervisor)

To configure a Supervisor-deployed TKG cluster to use a private container registry that is external to TKG, in other words a registry with a self-signed certificate that does not run in a TKG cluster, see the following topics in the vSphere documentation:

Configure Clusters with Multiple Trusted Registries (Standalone MC)

In an internet-restricted environment with a standalone management cluster, you can configure TKG_CUSTOM_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_* variables to give TKG clusters access to a private registry that contains TKG system images to bootstrap from, for example a Harbor VM as described in Deploy an Offline Harbor Registry on vSphere.

The ADDITIONAL_IMAGE_REGISTRY_* variables configure a new cluster to have trusted communications with additional registries that use self-signed certificate authority (CA) certificates, for example:

  • A private registry that serves as a package repository for installing CLI-managed packages.
  • A scalable, self-signed Harbor registry for TKG-hosted app images, deployed with the Harbor package as described in Install Harbor for Service Registry.
  • A self-signed image registry for containerd as described in Configure Image Registry in the containerd repository.

How you configure clusters to trust these additional private registries depends on whether the cluster is plan-based or class-based, as described below.

Trusted Registries for a Class-Based Cluster

To configure a class-based workload cluster or standalone management cluster with trust for additional custom image registries, set variables as below for up to three additional image registries:

  • To configure more than three registries, configure the first three as below in step 1 of a two-step process described in Create a Class-Based Cluster, and then follow Make a Class-Based Cluster Trust a Custom Registry below to add more registries to the generated manifest before you create the cluster in step 2.


    Where OTHER-REGISTRY-<n> is the IP address or FQDN of an additional private registry and CA-BASE64-<n> is its CA certificate in base64-encoded format, without the http:// prefix. This is necessary because this file will be written to disk, so it must be a normal Unix file name.

Trusted Registries for a New Plan-Based Cluster

To enable a new TKC or plan-based cluster to pull images from container registries that use self-signed certificates, you add the custom certificates to the workload cluster nodes by using a ytt overlay file.

The overlay code below adds custom CA certificates to all nodes in a new cluster. The code works on all target platforms, for clusters based on Photon or Ubuntu VM image templates.

For overlays that customize clusters and create a new cluster plan, see ytt Overlays. For information about how to download and install ytt, see Install the Carvel Tools.

  1. Choose whether to apply the custom CA to all new clusters, just the ones created on one cloud infrastructure, or ones created with a specific Cluster API provider version, such as Cluster API Provider vSphere v1.7.1.

  2. In your local ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/providers/ directory, find the ytt directory that covers your chosen scope. For example, /ytt/03_customizations/ applies to all clusters, and /infrastructure-vsphere/ytt/ applies to all vSphere clusters.

  3. In your chosen ytt directory, create a new .yaml file or augment an existing overlay file with the following code:

    #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
    #@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
    #! This ytt overlay adds additional custom CA certificates on TKG cluster nodes, so containerd and other tools trust these CA certificates.
    #! It works when using Photon or Ubuntu as the TKG node template on all TKG target platforms.
    #! Trust your custom CA certificates on all Control Plane nodes.
    #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmControlPlane"})
        #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
          - content: #@"tkg-custom-ca.pem")
            owner: root:root
            permissions: "0644"
            path: /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem
        #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
          #! For Photon OS
          - '! which 2>/dev/null ||'
          #! For Ubuntu
          - '! which update-ca-certificates 2>/dev/null || (mv /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/tkg-custom-ca.crt && update-ca-certificates)'
    #! Trust your custom CA certificates on all worker nodes.
    #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"KubeadmConfigTemplate"}), expects="1+"
          #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
            - content: #@"tkg-custom-ca.pem")
              owner: root:root
              permissions: "0644"
              path: /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem
          #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
            #! For Photon OS
            - '! which 2>/dev/null ||'
            #! For Ubuntu
            - '! which update-ca-certificates 2>/dev/null || (mv /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/tkg-custom-ca.crt && update-ca-certificates)'
  4. In the same ytt directory, add the Certificate Authority to a new or existing tkg-custom-ca.pem file.

  5. Before creating the cluster, set the allow-legacy-cluster feature to true as described in (Legacy) Create a Plan-Based or a TKC Cluster.

Add Custom CA Certificate Trust to Existing Clusters (Standalone MC)

You can enable trusted communication between an existing cluster and additional custom Harbor registries with self-signed CAs, beyond the one set by the TKG_CUSTOM_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_* configuration variables, for containerd TLS and other uses. How you do this depends on whether the cluster is plan-based or class-based, as described below.

Make a Class-Based Cluster Trust a Custom Registry

To add a trusted custom registry to an existing class-based cluster, edit its Cluster object and add additionalImageRegistries settings under topology.variables in the object spec:

  - name: additionalImageRegistries
    - caCert: "CA-BASE64"
      host: OTHER-REGISTRY
      skipTlsVerify: false


  • OTHER-REGISTRY is the additional private registry location, following the format : . For example,
  • CA-BASE64 is its CA certificate in base64-encoded format, for example LS0tLS1CRU[...].

To add trust for multiple registries, include multiple additionalImageRegistries value blocks.

Note that the topology.variables blocks for imageRepository and trust set values from the TKG_CUSTOM_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_* and TKG_PROXY_CA_CERT configuration variables.

Make a Plan-Based Cluster Trust a Custom Registry

To enable trust between an existing plan-based cluster and a Harbor registry with a self-signed CA:

  1. Retrieve the Harbor CA certificate:

    1. Switch context to the cluster running Harbor, such as a shared services cluster:

      kubectl config use-context SERVICES-CLUSTER-CONTEXT

      Where SERVICES-CLUSTER-CONTEXT is the context of the cluster. For example, tkg-wld-admin@tkg-wld.

    2. Retrieve the certificate:

      kubectl -n tanzu-system-registry get secret harbor-tls -o=jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Add the custom CA to the standalone management cluster’s kubeadmconfigtemplate:

    1. Switch context to management cluster.

      kubectl config use-context MANAGEMENT-CLUSTER-CONTEXT

      Where MANAGEMENT-CLUSTER-CONTEXT is the context of your management cluster. For example, tkg-mgmt-admin@tkg-mgmt.

    2. In an editor, open the cluster’s kubeadmconfigtemplate template file:

      kubectl edit kubeadmconfigtemplate CLUSTER-NAME-md-0

      Where CLUSTER-NAME is the name of the cluster that has to be modified.

    3. Change the spec.template.spec.files section of the file to include the certificate, as shown here:

          - content: |
                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
               -----END CERTIFICATE-----
             owner: root:root
             path: /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem
             permissions: "0644"
    4. At the bottom of the file, add a preKubeadmCommands block as shown here:

      - '! which 2>/dev/null ||'
      - '! which update-ca-certificates 2>/dev/null || (mv /etc/ssl/certs/tkg-custom-ca.pem
         /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/tkg-custom-ca.crt && update-ca-certificates)'
  3. Save the kubeadmconfigtemplate template file with your changes.

  4. Patch the standalone management cluster with the changes:

    kubectl patch tkg-test-md-0 --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"

    Running this command triggers a rolling update of the cluster nodes and updates their timestamp.

Configure Authentication to a Private Container Registry

You can add authentication secrets to enable a cluster to access a private container registry, which requires user authentication to pull images. You can also view, update, or delete the authentication secrets that you have configured for the private registries that are accessed by a cluster.

Add an Authentication Secret for a Private Container Registry

Using the Tanzu CLI, you can add authentication secrets to access a private container registry from a cluster. After the registry secret is added to the namespaces in your cluster, you can pull all the package repositories, packages, and the container images that are hosted in the private registry. Subsequently, you can add the package repository and package resources to your cluster.

Before performing this procedure, obtain the username and the password for the private container registry.

To add an authentication secret to a private registry, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry add SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE --server REGISTRY-URL --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD


  • SECRET-NAME is the name of the registry authentication secret that you want to add.
  • NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace to which the registry belongs.
  • USERNAME is the username to access the registry. Wrap the username in single quotes if it contains special characters.
  • PASSWORD the password to access the registry. Wrap the password in single quotes if it contains special characters. You can also specify the password in the following formats:

    • Replace the --password PASSWORD string in the command with --password-env-var ENV-VAR to specify password through the environment variable, which you have configured already. The format of the command is as follows:

      tanzu secret registry add SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE --server REGISTRY-URL --username USERNAME --password-env-var ENV-VAR

    • Replace the --password PASSWORD string in the command with --password-stdin string to specify password through standard input, and enter the password when prompted. The format of the command is as follows:

      tanzu secret registry add SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE --server REGISTRY-URL --username USERNAME --password-stdin

    • Replace the --password PASSWORD string in the command with --password-file PASSWORD-FILE string to specify password through a password file. The format of the command is as follows:

      tanzu secret registry add SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE --server REGISTRY-URL --username USERNAME --password-file PASSWORD-FILE

Optionally, to make the registry secret available across all namespaces in a cluster, use the --export-to-all-namespaces option as shown in the following format:

tanzu secret registry add SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE --server REGISTRY-URL --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --export-to-all-namespaces

The following is a sample output of this command:

tanzu secret registry add tanzu-net -n test-ns --server --username test-user --password-file pass-file --export-to-all-namespaces
Warning: By choosing --export-to-all-namespaces, given secret contents will be available to ALL users in ALL namespaces. Please ensure that included registry credentials allow only read-only access to the registry with minimal necessary scope.
/ Adding registry secret 'test-secret'...
  Added registry secret 'test-secret' into namespace 'test-ns'

View the Registry Authentication Secrets in a Cluster

You can view the registry authentication secrets in the default namespace, or all the namespaces in a cluster. You can view the secrets in the form of a table or a JSON or a YAML file.

To view the registry authentication secrets in a specific namespace in a cluster, run the following:

tanzu secret registry list -n NAMESPACE

Where NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace to which the registry belongs.

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry list -n test-ns
/ Retrieving registry secrets...
  NAME         REGISTRY                 EXPORTED           AGE
  pkg-dev-reg      to all namespaces  15d

To view the list of registry authentication secrets in all the namespaces in a cluster, run the following:

tanzu secret registry list -A

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry list -A
\ Retrieving registry secrets...
 NAME                          REGISTRY                      EXPORTED           AGE  NAMESPACE
 pkg-dev-reg           to all namespaces  15d  test-ns
 tanzu-standard-fetch-0  not exported       15d  tanzu-package-repo-global
 private-repo-fetch-0  not exported       15d  test-ns
 antrea-fetch-0        not exported       15d  tkg-system
 metrics-server-fetch-0  not exported       15d  tkg-system
 tanzu-addons-manager-fetch-0  not exported       15d  tkg-system
 tanzu-core-fetch-0    not exported       15d  tkg-system

To view the list of registry authentication secrets in the JSON file format, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o json

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o json
   "age": "15d",
   "exported": "to all namespaces",
   "name": "pkg-dev-reg",
   "registry": ""

To view the list of registry authentication secrets in the YAML file format, run the following:

tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o yaml

The following is an example of this command:

 tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o yaml
 - age: 15d
   exported: to all namespaces
   name: pkg-dev-reg

To view the list of registry authentication secrets in a table format, run the following:

tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o table

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o table
/ Retrieving registry secrets...
  NAME         REGISTRY                 EXPORTED           AGE
  pkg-dev-reg  to all namespaces  15d

Update a Registry Authentication Secret

You can update the credentials in a secret, make a secret available across all the namespaces, or make it available in only one namespace in the cluster.

To update the secret in the namespace where it was created, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry update SECRET-NAME --username USERNAME -n NAMESPACE --password PASSWORD


  • SECRET-NAME is the name of the registry secret that you want to update.
  • NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace where you are updating the registry authentication secret.
  • USERNAME is the new username to access the registry (if you want to update the username).
  • PASSWORD is the new password for the registry (if you want to update the password).

You can update either the username or the password, or both of them.

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry update test-secret --username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV
\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
 Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'

To update the registry authentication secret and make it available in other namespaces in the cluster, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry update SECRET-NAME --username USERNAME -n NAMESPACE --password PASSWORD --export-to-all-namespaces=true


  • SECRET-NAME is the name of the registry secret that you want to update.
  • NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace where you are updating the registry authentication secret.
  • USERNAME is the username to access the registry. Enter a new username if you want to update the username.
  • PASSWORD is the password for the registry. Enter a new password if you want to update the password.

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry update test-secret--username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV --export-to-all-namespaces=true
Warning: By specifying --export-to-all-namespaces as true, given secret contents will be available to ALL users in ALL namespaces. Please ensure that included registry credentials allow only read-only access to the registry with minimal necessary scope.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y

\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
  Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
  Exported registry secret 'test-secret' to all namespaces

To make a registry authentication secret unavailable in other namespaces in the cluster, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry update SECRET-NAME --username USERNAME -n NAMESPACE --password PASSWORD --export-to-all-namespaces=false


  • SECRET-NAME is the name of the registry secret that you want to update.
  • NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace where you are updating the registry authentication secret.
  • USERNAME is the username to access the registry.
  • PASSWORD is password for the registry.

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry update test-secret --username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV --export-to-all-namespaces=false
Warning: By specifying --export-to-all-namespaces as false, the secret contents will get unexported from ALL namespaces in which it was previously available to.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y

\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
  Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
  Unexported registry secret 'test-secret' from all namespaces

Delete a Registry Authentication Secret

Using the Tanzu CLI, you can delete a registry authentication secret in a cluster. To delete a registry authentication secret in a specific namespace, run the following command:

tanzu secret registry delete SECRET-NAME -n NAMESPACE


  • SECRET-NAME is the name of the registry secret that you want to delete.
  • (Optional) NAMESPACE is the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid namespace from where you want to delete the registry authentication secret. If you do not specify a namespace, the authentication secret is deleted from the default namespace. If the secret had been exported to other namespaces in the cluster, it is also deleted.

The following is an example of this command:

tanzu secret registry delete test-secret -n test-ns
Deleting registry secret 'test-secret' from namespace 'test-ns'. Are you sure? [y/N]: y
\ Deleting registry secret 'test-secret'...
 Deleted registry secret 'test-secret' from namespace 'test-ns'
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