Connect to and Examine Workload Clusters

After you have deployed workload clusters, you use the tanzu cluster list and tanzu cluster kubeconfig get commands to obtain the list of running clusters and their credentials. Then, you can connect to the clusters by using kubectl and start working with your clusters.

List Deployed Workload Clusters

To list your workload clusters and the management cluster that manages them, use the tanzu cluster list command.

  • To list all of the workload clusters that are running in the default namespace of the management cluster, run the tanzu cluster list command:

    tanzu cluster list

    The output lists all of the workload clusters in the default namespace, including the cluster names, their current status, the numbers of actual and requested control plane and worker nodes, and the Kubernetes version that the cluster is running.

    Clusters can be in the following states:

    • creating: The control plane is being created.
    • createStalled: The process of creating control plane has stalled.
    • deleting: The cluster is in the process of being deleted.
    • failed: The creation of the control plane has failed.
    • running: The control plane has initialized fully.
    • updating: The cluster is in the process of rolling out an update or is scaling nodes.
    • updateFailed: The cluster update process failed.
    • updateStalled: The cluster update process has stalled.
    • No status: The creation of the cluster has not started yet.

    If a cluster is in a stalled state, check that there is network connectivity to the external registry, make sure that there are sufficient resources on the target platform for the operation to complete, and ensure that DHCP is issuing IPv4 addresses correctly.

  • To list clusters in all of the namespaces that you have access to, specify the -A or --all-namespaces option.

    tanzu cluster list --all-namespaces
  • To list only those clusters that are running in a given namespace, specify the --namespace option.

    tanzu cluster list --namespace=NAMESPACE

    Where NAMESPACE is the namespace in which the clusters are running.

    On vSphere with Tanzu, DevOps engineers must include a --namespace value when they run tanzu cluster list, to specify a namespace that they can access. See vSphere with Tanzu User Roles and Workflows in the VMware vSphere documentation.

  • If you are logged in to a standalone management cluster, to include the current standalone management cluster in the output of tanzu cluster list, specify the --include-management-cluster -A options.

    tanzu cluster list --include-management-cluster -A

    You can see that the management cluster is running in the tkg-system namespace and has the management role.

    workload-cluster-1     default     running        1/1           1/1      v1.27.5+vmware.1 <none>      dev   v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1
    workload-cluster-2     default     running        1/1           1/1      v1.27.5+vmware.1 <none>      dev   v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1
    mgmt-cluster           tkg-system  running        1/1           1/1      v1.27.5+vmware.1 management  dev   v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1
  • To see all of the management clusters and change the context of the Tanzu CLI to a different management cluster, run the tanzu context use command. See List Management Clusters and Change Context for more information.

Export Workload Cluster Details to a File

You can export the details of the clusters that you have access to in either JSON or YAML format. You can save the JSON or YAML to a file so that you can use it in scripts to run bulk operations on clusters.

Export as a JSON File

To export cluster details as JSON, run tanzu cluster list with the --output option, specifying json:

tanzu cluster list --output json > clusters.json

The output shows the cluster information as JSON:

    "name": "workload-cluster-1",
    "namespace": "default",
    "status": "running",
    "plan": "dev",
    "controlplane": "1/1",
    "workers": "1/1",
    "kubernetes": "v1.27.5+vmware.1",
    "roles": [],
    "tkr": "v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1",
    "labels": {
      "": "workload-cluster-1",
      "": "v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1",
      "": "workload-cluster-1",
      "": ""
    "name": "workload-cluster-2",
    "namespace": "default",
    "status": "running",
    "plan": "dev",
    "controlplane": "1/1",
    "workers": "1/1",
    "kubernetes": "v1.27.5+vmware.1",
    "roles": [],
    "tkr": "v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1",
    "labels": {
      "tanzuKubernetesRelease": "v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1",
      "": "workload-cluster-2"

Export as a YAML File

To export cluster details as YAML, run tanzu cluster list with the --output option, specifying yaml:

tanzu cluster list --output yaml > clusters.yaml

The output shows the cluster information as YAML:

- name: workload-cluster-1
  namespace: default
  status: running
  plan: dev
  controlplane: 1/1
  workers: 1/1
  kubernetes: v1.27.5+vmware.1
  roles: []
  tkr: v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1
  labels: workload-cluster-1 v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1 workload-cluster-1 ""
- name: workload-cluster-1
  namespace: default
  status: running
  plan: dev
  controlplane: 1/1
  workers: 1/1
  kubernetes: v1.27.5+vmware.1
  roles: []
  tkr: v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1
    tanzuKubernetesRelease: v1.27.5---vmware.1-tkg.1 workload-cluster-1

Export Details for Multiple Clusters

For information about how to save the details of multiple management clusters, including their context and kubeconfig files, see Managing Your Management Clusters.

Retrieve Workload Cluster kubeconfig

After you create a workload cluster, you can obtain its context and kubeconfig settings by running the tanzu cluster kubeconfig get command, specifying the name of the cluster. By default, the command adds the cluster’s kubeconfig settings to your current kubeconfig file.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get my-cluster

If identity management is not configured on the cluster, you must specify the --admin option.

To export kubeconfig to a file, specify the --export-file option.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get my-cluster --export-file my-cluster-kubeconfig

Deleting your kubeconfig file will prevent you from accessing all the clusters that you have deployed from the Tanzu CLI.

If identity management and role-based access control (RBAC) are configured on the cluster, users with standard, non-admin kubeconfig credentials will need to authenticate with an external identity provider in order to log in to the cluster.

Admin kubeconfig

To generate a standalone admin kubeconfig file with embedded credentials, add the --admin option. This kubeconfig file grants its user full access to the cluster’s resources and lets them access the cluster without logging in to an identity provider.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get my-cluster --admin

You should see the following output:

You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context my-cluster-admin@my-cluster'

Standard kubeconfig

If identity management is configured on the target cluster, you can generate a standard, non-admin kubeconfig that requires the user to authenticate with your external identity provider and grants them access to cluster resources based on their assigned roles. In this case, run tanzu cluster kubeconfig get without the --admin option.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get CLUSTER-NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE

Where CLUSTER-NAME and NAMESPACE is the cluster and namespace that you are targeting.

You should see the following output:

You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context ...'

To save the configuration information in a standalone kubeconfig file, for example, to distribute it to developers, specify the --export-file option. This kubeconfig file requires the user to authenticate with an external identity provider and grants access to cluster resources based on their assigned roles.

tanzu cluster kubeconfig get CLUSTER-NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE --export-file PATH-TO-FILE

By default, unless you specify the --export-file option to save the kubeconfig for a cluster to a specific file, the credentials for all clusters that you deploy from the Tanzu CLI are added to a shared kubeconfig file. If you delete the shared kubeconfig file, all clusters become unusable.

Examine the Deployed Cluster

After you have added the credentials to your kubeconfig, you can connect to the cluster by using kubectl.

  1. Get available contexts:

    kubectl config get-contexts
  2. Point kubectl to your cluster. For example:

    kubectl config use-context my-cluster-admin@my-cluster
  3. Use kubectl to see the status of the nodes in the cluster:

    kubectl get nodes

    For example, if you deployed the my-dev-cluster with the dev plan, you see the following output.

    NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
    my-dev-cluster-control-plane-9qx88-p88cp   Ready    control-plane   2d2h   v1.27.5+vmware.1
    my-dev-cluster-md-0-infra-n62lq-hq4k9      Ready    <none>          2d2h   v1.27.5+vmware.1

    Because networking with Antrea is enabled by default in workload clusters, all clusters are in the Ready state without requiring any additional configuration.

  4. Use kubectl to see the status of the pods running in the cluster:

    kubectl get pods -A

    The following example shows the pods running in the kube-system namespace in the my-dev-cluster cluster on Azure.

    NAMESPACE              NAME                                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
    kube-system            antrea-agent-ck7lv                                               2/2     Running   4 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            antrea-agent-fpq79                                               2/2     Running   4 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            antrea-controller-66d7978fd7-nkzgb                               1/1     Running   4 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            coredns-77d74f6759-b68ht                                         1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            coredns-77d74f6759-qfp8b                                         1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azuredisk-controller-5957dc576c-42tsd                        6/6     Running   12 (3h7m ago)   2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azuredisk-node-5hmkw                                         3/3     Running   6 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azuredisk-node-k7fr7                                         3/3     Running   6 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azurefile-controller-5d48b98756-rmrxp                        5/5     Running   10 (3h7m ago)   2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azurefile-node-brnf2                                         3/3     Running   6 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            csi-azurefile-node-vqghv                                         3/3     Running   6 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            csi-snapshot-controller-7ffbf75bd9-5m64r                         1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            etcd-my-dev-cluster-control-plane-9qx88-p88cp                    1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            kube-apiserver-my-dev-cluster-control-plane-9qx88-p88cp          1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            kube-controller-manager-my-dev-cluster-control-plane-9qx88-p88cp 1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            kube-proxy-hqhfx                                                 1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            kube-proxy-s6wwf                                                 1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            kube-scheduler-my-dev-cluster-control-plane-9qx88-p88cp          1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    kube-system            metrics-server-545546cdfd-qhbxc                                  1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    secretgen-controller   secretgen-controller-7b7cbc6d9d-p6qww                            1/1     Running   2 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    tkg-system             kapp-controller-868f9469c5-j58pn                                 2/2     Running   5 (3h7m ago)    2d2h
    tkg-system             tanzu-capabilities-controller-manager-b46dcfc7f-7dzd9            1/1     Running   4 (3h7m ago)    2d2h

Access a Workload Cluster as a Standard User (Standalone Management Cluster)

This section describes how a standard, non-admin user can log in to a workload cluster deployed by a standalone management cluster. This workflow differs from how a cluster administrator who created the cluster’s management cluster can access the workload cluster.


Before you perform this task, ensure that:

  • You have a Docker application that is running on your system. If your system runs Microsoft Windows, set the Docker mode to Linux and configure Windows Subsystem for Linux.
    • On a Linux machine, use apt instead of snap to install Docker from a CLI.
  • You have obtained from the cluster administrator:
    • Management cluster endpoint details
    • The name of the workload cluster that you want to access
    • A kubeconfig file for the workload cluster, as explained in Retrieve Workload Cluster kubeconfig

Access the Workload Cluster

  1. On the Tanzu CLI, run the following command:

    tanzu context create --endpoint https://MANAGEMENT-CLUSTER-CONTROL-PLANE-ENDPOINT:PORT --name SERVER-NAME


    • By default, PORT is 6443. If the cluster administrator set CLUSTER_API_SERVER_PORT or VSPHERE_CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT_PORT when deploying the cluster, use the port number defined in the variable.
    • SERVER-NAME is the name of your management cluster server.

    If identity management is configured on the management cluster, the login screen for the identity management provider (LDAP or OIDC) opens in your default browser.


    LDAPS login page


    OIDC login page

  2. Log in to the identity management provider.

  3. Run the following command to switch to the workload cluster:

    kubectl config use-context CONTEXT --kubeconfig="MY-KUBECONFIG"

    Where CONTEXT and MY-KUBECONFIG are the cluster context and kubeconfig file obtained from the cluster administrator.

In your subsequent logins to the Tanzu CLI, you will see an option to choose your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid environment from a list that pops up after your enter tanzu context use.

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