vSphere with Supervisor Cluster Configuration Files

This topic explains how to use a flat configuration file or Kubernetes-style object spec to configure a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) workload cluster before deploying it to vSphere 8 with Tanzu. To configure a workload cluster for deployment to vSphere with a standalone management cluster, see vSphere with Standalone Management Cluster Configuration Files.

For general information about how configure workload clusters by using configuration files and object specs, see Configuration Files and Object Specs.

To use vSphere-specific workload cluster features that require some configuration outside of the cluster’s configuration file or object spec, see Clusters on vSphere.


To configure a workload cluster before deploying it to vSphere with Tanzu, you create a Kubernetes-style object spec file if you are configuring a class-based cluster or a cluster configuration file if you are configuring a TKC cluster. When you pass either of these files to the -f option of tanzu cluster create, the Tanzu CLI uses the configuration information defined in the file to connect to your vSphere account and create the resources that the cluster will use.

To configure:

For information about the above cluster types, see Workload Cluster Types.

Configure a Supervisor-Deployed Class-Based Cluster

To configure a workload cluster for deployment to vSphere 8 with Tanzu:

  1. Create or adapt a Cluster object spec. The vSphere 8 documentation has example Cluster object specs to work from:

    Set VM types, scale, and other basic cluster configurations in the topology block of the spec file. For information about the topology block, see Class-Based Cluster Object and Topology Structure and ClusterClass Topology Variables below.

  2. (Optional) To customize attributes that are not settable in the Cluster object itself, for example, one-time container interface settings in the cluster infrastructure, see Configure One-Time Infrastructure Settings.

Class-Based Cluster Object and Topology Structure

The object properties for a Cluster object with type tanzukubernetescluster are as follows. The configurable settings are the ones under spec.topology. See ClusterClass Topology Variables for the variables that you can configure:

        - class

These fields are set in the Cluster object type specification: cluster_types.go.

  • Optional fields: For each field, the json: setting indicates whether the field is optional. Optional fields have the omitempty setting.
  • Structures nested by reference in the type spec are indented in the object spec YAML. For example, the Topology struct contains *Workers in the type spec, so workers is indented under topology in the object spec.

The class and variables options are defined in Cluster object’s cluster class, which is set as the cluster’s spec.topology.class value. For example, on vSphere with Tanzu, this is a ClusterClass object named tanzukubernetescluster, which is different from a TanzuKubernetesCluster object, as explained in Workload Cluster Types.

Configurable variables include vmClass, storageClass, proxy, nodeLabels, extensionCert and many others, as listed in ClusterClass Topology Variables below. These variables configure and override settings in objects that underlie the cluster object, such as KubeAdmConfig and Machine objects.

ClusterClass Topology Variables

The tanzukubernetescluster cluster class, the default ClusterClass for TKG on vSphere with Tanzu workload clusters, supports the following variables set in topology.variables and topology.workers.machineDeployments.variables. Variable settings specific to machine deployments, such as node pools, override global settings.

These variables configure and override settings in objects that underlie the cluster object, such as the vmClass, storageClass, and proxy settings set in KubeAdmConfig and Machine objects. This enables users to configure a cluster completely within the Cluster object spec without having to edit lower-level object specs:

  • clusterEncryptionConfigYaml
  • controlPlaneVolumes
  • defaultRegistrySecret
  • defaultStorageClass
  • extensionCert
  • nodePoolLabels
  • nodePoolTaints
  • nodePoolVolumes
  • ntp
  • proxy
  • storageClass
  • storageClasses
  • trust
  • user
  • vmClass

The following topics in the vSphere 8 documentation describe reconfiguring a running cluster by changing its storageClass and vmClass settings:

Configure a Supervisor-Deployed TKC Cluster (Legacy)

To create a cluster configuration file for a TKC (legacy) workload cluster on vSphere 8, you can copy an existing configuration file for a previous deployment to vSphere with Tanzu and update it. Alternatively, you can create a file from scratch by using an empty template.

To configure a workload cluster deployed by a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor, you set variables to define the storage classes, VM classes, service domain, namespace, and other required values with which to create your cluster. The following table lists the variables that you can include in the configuration file for a TKC-based cluster. Alternatively, you can set them as local environment variables.

Required variables
Variable Value type or example Description
INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDER tkg-service-vsphere Always tkg-service-vsphere for TanzuKubernetesCluster objects on vSphere with Tanzu.
CLUSTER_PLAN dev, prod or a custom plan Sets node counts.
CLUSTER_CIDR CIDR range The CIDR range to use for pods. The recommended range is Change this value only if the recommended range is unavailable.
SERVICE_CIDR The CIDR range to use for the Kubernetes services. The recommended range is Change this value only if the recommended range is unavailable.
SERVICE_DOMAIN Domain For example, my.example.com or cluster.local if no DNS. If you are going to assign FQDNs with the nodes, DNS lookup is required.
CONTROL_PLANE_VM_CLASS A standard VM class for vSphere with Tanzu, for example guaranteed-large.
See Using Virtual Machine Classes with TKG Clusters on Supervisor in the vSphere with Tanzu documentation.
VM class for control plane nodes
WORKER_VM_CLASS VM class for worker nodes
Optional variables
Variable Value type or example Description
CLUSTER_NAME String Overridden by the CLUSTER-NAME argument passed to tanzu cluster create.
This name must comply with DNS hostname requirements as outlined in RFC 952 and amended in RFC 1123 and must be 42 characters or less. Note: You must provide a unique name for all workload clusters across all namespaces. If you specify a cluster name that is in use in another namespace, cluster deployment fails with an error.
NAMESPACE Namespace; defaults to default. The namespace in which to deploy the cluster. To find the namespace of the Supervisor, run kubectl get namespaces.
CNI antrea or calico; defaults to antrea Container networking interface for hosted workloads, either Antrea or Calico.
Defaults to 1 for dev and 3 for prod, as set by CLUSTER_PLAN.
Deploy a workload cluster with more control plane nodes than the dev or prod plan default.
WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT Deploy a workload cluster with more worker nodes than the dev or prod plan default.
STORAGE_CLASSES Empty string ““ lets clusters use any storage classes in the namespace; or comma-separated list of values from kubectl get storageclasses, for example, “SC-1,SC-2,SC-3”. Storage classes available for node customization.
DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS Empty string ”” for no default or value from CLI, as above. Default storage class for control plane or workers.
CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE_CLASS Value returned from kubectl get storageclasses Default storage class for control plane nodes.
WORKER_STORAGE_CLASS Default storage class for worker nodes.
NODE_POOL_0_NAME String Node pool name, labels, and taints. A TanzuKubernetesCluster can only have one node pool.
NODE_POOL_0_LABELS JSON list of strings, for example, [“label1”, “label2”]
NODE_POOL_0_TAINTS JSON list of key-value pair strings, for example, [{“key1”: “value1”}, {“key2”: “value2”}]

You can set the variables above by doing either of the following:

  • Include them in the cluster configuration file passed to the Tanzu CLI --file option. For example:

    CONTROL_PLANE_VM_CLASS: guaranteed-large
  • From command line, set them as local environment variables by running export (on Linux and macOS) or SET (on Windows) on the command line. For example:

    export CONTROL_PLANE_VM_CLASS=guaranteed-large

    If you want to configure unique proxy settings for a workload cluster, you can set TKG_HTTP_PROXY, TKG_HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY as environment variables and then use the Tanzu CLI to create the cluster. These variables take precedence over your existing proxy configuration in vSphere with Tanzu.

What to Do Next

Proceed to Create Workload Clusters. After you deploy a workload cluster to vSphere you must configure its node DHCP reservations and endpoint DNS as described in Configure Node DHCP Reservations and Endpoint DNS Record.

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