Security and Compliance

For Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) with a standalone management cluster, this topic lists resources for securing infrastructure and complying with network security policies.

For TKG with a Supervisor, see vSphere with Tanzu Security in the vSphere 8 documentation.

Ports and Protocols

Networking ports and protocols used by Tanzu Kubernetes Grid are listed in the VMware Ports and Protocols tool.

For each internal communication path, VMware Ports and Protocols lists:

  • Product
  • Version
  • Source
  • Destination
  • Ports
  • Protocols
  • Purpose
  • Service Description
  • Classification (Outgoing, Incoming, or Bidirectional)

You can use this information to configure firewall rules.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Firewall Rules

Name Source Destination Service(:Port) Purpose
workload-to-mgmt workload cluster network management cluster network TCP:6443* Allow workload cluster to register with management cluster
mgmt-to-workload management cluster network workload cluster network TCP:6443*, 5556 Allow management network to configure workload cluster
allow-mgmt-subnet management cluster network management cluster network all Allow all internal cluster communication
allow-wl-subnet workload cluster network workload cluster network all Allow all internal cluster communication
jumpbox-to-k8s jumpbox IP management cluster network, workload cluster network TCP:6443* Allow Jumpbox to create management cluster and manage clusters.
dhcp any NSX: any / no NSX: DHCP IP DHCP Allows hosts to get DHCP addresses.
mc-pods-internal management cluster pod network .1 address within SERVICE_CIDR and CLUSTER_CIDR TCP:* Allows internal traffic from pods on management cluster to Kubernetes API server and pods on workload clusters
to-harbor management cluster network, workload cluster network, jumpbox IP Harbor IP HTTPS Allows components to retrieve container images
to-vcenter management cluster network, workload cluster network, jumpbox IP vCenter IP HTTPS Allows components to access vSphere to create VMs and Storage Volumes
dns-ntp-outbound management cluster network, workload cluster network, jumpbox IP DNS, NTP servers DNS, NTP Core services
ssh-to-jumpbox any jumpbox IP SSH Access from outside to the jumpbox
For External Identity Provider
allow-pinniped workload cluster network management cluster network TCP:31234 Allow Pinniped concierge on workload cluster to access Pinniped supervisor on management cluster, which may be running behind a `NodePort` or `LoadBalancer` service
bootstrap-allow-pinniped Bootstrap machine** management cluster network TCP:31234 Allow the bootstrap machine to access Pinniped supervisor on management cluster, which may be running behind a `NodePort` or `LoadBalancer` service
For NSX ALB***
avi-nodeport Avi SE any workload cluster TCP:30000-32767 Allow NSX ALB SE (service engine) traffic to pods, for clusters in `NodePort` mode (default) for both L4 and L7 Virtual Services
avi-nodeportlocal Avi SE any workload cluster TCP:61000-62000 Allow NSX ALB SE traffic to pods, for clusters in `NodePortLocal` mode for both L4 and L7 Virtual Services
ako-to-avi management cluster network, workload cluster network Avi Controller** TCP:443 Allow Avi Kubernetes Operator (AKO) and AKO Operator (AKOO) access to Avi Controller
avi-to-nsxt Avi Controller VMware NSX (formerly NSX-T) TCP:443 Allow Avi Controller to access VMware NSX, if Avi uses the NSX-T Cloud connector
Default deny-all rule
deny-all any any all deny by default
  • You can override the port 6443 setting with the CLUSTER_API_SERVER_PORT or for environments with NSX Advanced Load Balancer, VSPHERE_CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT_PORT cluster configuration variable.

** Bootstrap machine is where the Tanzu CLI commands are run. It can be a jumpbox (a remote machine to which you establish a connection through SSH), your local machine, or a CI/CD host.

*** For additional firewall rules required for NSX Advanced Load Balancer, formerly known as Avi Vantage, see Protocol Ports Used by Avi Vantage for Management Communication in the Avi Networks documentation.

Compliance and Hardening

You can deploy FIPS-capable versions of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to vSphere. The Bill of Materials (BoM) for FIPS only lists components that are compiled with and use FIPS-compliant cryptography modules.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.5.x does not yet have FIPS-enabled OVA. However, you can harden Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) to achieve an Authority to Operate (ATO). TKG releases are continuously validated against the Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guides (DISA STIG), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and National Security Agency (NSA) framework, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines. The most recent TKG compliance documents are available on VMware Tanzu Compliance Documentation page.

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