You might need to rotate certificates if the certificates expire or if the private key of the certificate is compromised.
We recommend using the following steps to manually rotate certificates that are provided with TMC Self-Managed.
Identify the certificate that needs to be rotated.
kubectl -n tmc-local get certificates -o wide
The status field in the output indicates the validity of the certificate.
Identify, from the certificate resource, the Kubernetes TLS secret name.
kubectl -n tmc-local get certificate <CERTIFICATE_RESOURCE_NAME> -oyaml | yq .spec.secretName
Delete the certificate and the Kubernetes TLS secret name.
kubectl -n tmc-local delete certificate <CERTIFICATE_RESOURCE_NAME>
kubectl -n tmc-local delete secret <KUBERNETES_TLS_SECRET_NAME_FROM_2>
Restart the pods that use the certificate.
For a mapping of the certificate to a deployment/pod, see Mapping certificate name to TMC SM pod/deployment/stateful-set.
kubectl -n tmc-local rollout restart deployment <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>
To restart the stateful-set(eg. kafka-controller,postgresql)
kubectl -n tmc-local rollout restart statefulset <STATEFULSET_NAME>
Noteminio-provisioning is an init job hence it does not need to be restarted if its execution state is completed. Run the below command to verify the pod state:
kubectl -n tmc-local get pods | grep minio-provisioning
The restarted pods will be in container creating phase till the following are reconciled:
reconciles the certificate resource and creates the TLS secret.A custom certificate is a certificate that is not provided by TMC Self-Managed. If you are using a custom certificate, use the following steps to manually perform the certificate-rotation.
Identify the certificate that needs to be rotated.
kubectl get certificate -n tmc-local -ojsonpath="{range .items[*]}{} not before: {.status.notBefore} not after: {.status.notAfter}{'\n'}{end}"
The status field in the output indicates the validity of the certificate.
Delete the Kubernetes TLS secret name.
kubectl -n tmc-local delete secret <KUBERNETES_TLS_SECRET_NAME>
Create a new Kubernetes TLS secret.
kubectl create secret tls <SECRET_NAME> \
--key < private key filename> \
--cert < certificate filename>
Alternatively, if you already have an existing secret file:
kubectl create -f my-secret.yaml
Verify that the secret is created.
kubectl -n tmc-local get secrets
Restart the pods that use the secret.
For a mapping of the certificate to a deployment/pod, see Mapping certificate name to TMC SM pod/deployment/stateful-set.
kubectl -n tmc-local rollout restart deployment <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>
To restart the stateful-set(eg. kafka-controller,postgresql)
kubectl -n tmc-local rollout restart statefulset <STATEFULSET_NAME>
Noteminio-provisioning is an init job hence it does not need to be restarted if its execution is completed. Run the below command to verify the pod state:
kubectl -n tmc-local get pods | grep minio-provisioning
Deployment Name | Secret Name |
account-manager-server | account-manager-server-tls |
agent-gateway-server | agent-gateway-instack-tls |
api-gateway-server | api-gateway-instack-tls |
audit-service-consumer | audit-consumer-tls |
audit-service-server | audit-server-tls |
auth-manager-server | server-tls |
authentication-server | authentication-tls |
cluster-agent-service-server | cluster-agent-service-server-tls |
cluster-config-server | cluster-config-server-tls |
cluster-object-service-server | cluster-object-service-server-tls |
cluster-reaper-server | cluster-reaper-server-tls |
cluster-secret-server | cluster-secret-server-tls |
cluster-service-server | cluster-service-server-tls |
cluster-sync-egest | cluster-sync-egest-tls |
cluster-sync-ingest | cluster-sync-ingest-tls |
dataprotection-server | dataprotection-server-tls |
events-service-consumer | events-service-consumer-tls |
events-service-server | events-service-server-tls |
fanout-service-server | fanout-service-server-tls |
feature-flag-service-server | feature-flag-service-tls |
helm-deployment-server | helm-deployment-server-tls |
inspection-server | inspection-server-tls |
intent-server | intent-tls |
kafka-exporter | kafka-exporter-cert |
kafka-topic-controller | dev-ca-key |
landing-service-server | landing-service-tls |
minio-provisioning | minio-api-user-creds |
onboarding-service-server | onboarding-service-server-tls |
package-deployment-server | package-deployment-server-tls |
policy-engine-server | policy-engine-server-tls |
policy-insights-server | policy-insights-server-tls |
policy-sync-service-server | policy-sync-service-server-tls |
policy-view-service-server | policy-view-service-server-tls |
provisioner-service-server | provisioner-service-server-tls |
resource-manager-server | resource-manager-server-tls |
telemetry-event-service-consumer | api-consumer-tls |
tenancy-service-server | tenancy-service-tls |
ui-server | ui-server-tls |
wcm-server | wcm-server-tls |
Stateful-set Name | Secret Name |
kafka-controller | kafka-broker-cert |
postgres-postgresql | postgres-tls |
The document summarizes the steps the customers need follow to rotate the cert-manager certificate and followup tasks to ensure the TMC managed clusters are attached to the management plane.
Note: Applicable if Cert-manager is used to manage the certificates & secrets used to authenticate North-South traffic to the cluster.
When the private key used by cert-manager to sign the certificates is compromised or the certificate is expiring soon.
Follow the below guidelines: 1. Create a kubernetes TLS secret using the new certificate.
kubectl create secret tls <secret-name> --key /home/kubo/certs/ca.key --cert /home/kubo/certs/ca.crt -n cert-manager
kubectl get secrets -n cert-manager
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: <cluster-issuer-name>
namespace: cert-manager
secretName: <secret-name>
file older cluster-issuer name with a newly created one. Also append the new certificate under trustedCAs section.kubectl -n tmc-local delete oidcclient; kubectl -n tmc-local delete secret
tanzu package installed list | grep tanzu-mission-control
tanzu package install tanzu-mission-control -p "" --version <version> --values-file /home/kubo/values.yaml --namespace tmc-local
.Following a successful certificate rotation the clusters and management clusters under TMC management will be in a disconnected state. This is expected. Follow the steps needed to reattach the management-cluster and workload cluster.
Restart the cluster-agent-service.
kubectl -n tmc-local rollout restart deploy cluster-agent-service-server
Re-register management cluster.
tmc managementcluster reregister <management-cluster-name> --kubeconfig /home/kubo/.kube/config
Reattach cluster.
tmc cluster reattach -n <cluster-name> -k /home/kubo/.kube/config
After successful execution of the above steps the TMC would have established the connection with both the workload-cluster amd management-cluster. The above commands push the new certificates down to the cluster & management-cluster that were still using the older certificates hence allowing the TMC to establish a successful TLS connection.