You can add a local image registry using the Tanzu Mission Control console.


Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console.

Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to add a local image registry.
  • To add a local image registry you must be associated with the Tanzu Mission Control role cluster.admin role.


  1. In the Tanzu Mission Control console, click Administration in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click the Local image registries tab.
  3. Click Add Local Image Repository.
  4. Provide a name for the image registry, and optionally a description.
  5. Enter the URL for the image registry, without the HTTP prefix.
  6. Enter credentials for the image registry. For an unauthenticated registry, skip to the next step. To create an Authenticated registry, fill in the Access ID and Access Secret fields.


After adding the local registry, you are redirected to the Image registries tab and your new registry appears in the table.