Use the cluster
plug-in to provision and manage kubernetes clusters in Tanzu Mission Control.
tanzu plugin install cluster --target mission-control
A Kubernetes cluster managed by Tanzu Mission Control
tanzu mission-control cluster [command]
admin-kubeconfig Service fetches admin kubeconfig for provisioned clusters
attach Attach an existing cluster
create Create a cluster
delete Delete a cluster
extension Cluster addons for the platform.
get Get details from a cluster
list List clusters
logs Archive the logs of Tanzu Mission Control components present in the cluster
managed-resources Managed Kubernetes resources
nodepool Group of nodes within a cluster with the same configuration
object Kubernetes objects that exists on a cluster.
options Options for the cluster resource
reattach Reattach an existing cluster
template Cluster template
tsm-ca Service fetches certificate authorities configured on Tanzu Service Mesh.
update Update (overwrite) a cluster
upgrade Upgrade a provisioned Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
validate Prints report of tmc components present in the cluster
Attach an existing cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster attach [flags]
--continue-bootstrap continue bootstrap to apply the Tanzu Mission Control resource manifest to complete attaching
-f, --file string resource file from which to attach the cluster
--force clean up the Tanzu Misson Control resources of a partially detached/attached cluster
-h, --help help for attach
-k, --kubeconfig string the kubeconfig file of the actual cluster to use for applying the Tanzu Mission Control resource manifest
-n, --name string name of the cluster. Used in conjunction with --continue-bootstrap flag
-o, --output string output file to write the Tanzu Mission Control resource manifest (default "k8s-attach-manifest.yaml")
--skip-verify skip the post-flight checks that confirms if the cluster attach was successful
Service fetches admin kubeconfig for provisioned clusters.
tanzu mission-control cluster admin-kubeconfig [command]
get Get admin kubeconfig.
Create a cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster create [flags]
-v, --data-values-file string data values file to use
--dry-run create the data model only, do not apply to server
-f, --file string Resource file from which to create a cluster
-h, --help help for create
-t, --template string template to use (default "default")
Delete a cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster delete CLUSTER_NAME [flags]
-f, --force force delete a cluster
-h, --help help for delete
-m, --management-cluster-name string management cluster name of the cluster
-p, --provisioner-name string provisioner name of the cluster
Cluster add-ons for the platform.
tanzu mission-control cluster extension [command]
get Retrieve an extension object
list Return a list of extensions
Get details from a cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster get CLUSTER_NAME [flags]
-m, --management-cluster-name string management cluster name of the cluster
-o, --output string Output format (yaml | json) (default "yaml")
-p, --provisioner-name string provisioner name of the cluster
Service fetches kubeconfig for attached clusters.
tanzu mission-control cluster kubeconfig [command]
get Get cluster kubeconfig.
List clusters.
tanzu mission-control cluster list [flags]
-m, --management-cluster-name string management cluster name of the cluster
--max-size uint number of records to return
--name string scope search to the specified name
--offset uint offset at which to start returning records
-o, --output string output format (yaml|json)
-p, --provisioner-name string provisioner name of the cluster
-q, --query string tql to query the stores
To list all clusters and filter by label foo=bar:
tanzu mission-control cluster list -q
To list all clusters and filter by label foo=*:
tanzu mission-control cluster list -q "*"
To list all clusters and filter by label foo=* and fizz=buzz:
tanzu mission-control cluster list -q "* AND meta.labels.fizz=buzz"
Archive the logs of Tanzu Mission Control components present in the cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster logs [flags]
-k, --kubeconfig string the kubeconfig file of the cluster managed by Tanzu Mission Control
-o, --output string the output directory to save logs (default temp directory)
Managed Kubernetes resources.
tanzu mission-control cluster managed-resources [command]
list lists all the tmc managed resources
retain retain tmc managed resources
Group of nodes within a cluster with the same configuration.
tanzu mission-control cluster nodepool [command]
create Create a nodepool object
delete Delete a nodepool
get Get details from a nodepool
list Return a list of nodepools
template Nodepool template
update Update (overwrite) a nodepool
Kubernetes objects that exists on a cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster object [command]
list Return a list of objects
Reattach an existing cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster reattach [flags]
-h, --help help for reattach
--image-registry string name of the image registry to be used for the cluster. If set empty, no image registry config will be used. If left unset, existing image registry config will be used. (default "use-default")
-k, --kubeconfig string the kubeconfig file of the actual cluster to use for applying the Tanzu Mission Control resource manifest
-m, --management-cluster-name string name of the management cluster
-p, --provisioner-name string name of the provisioner
--proxy-name string name of the proxy config to be used for the cluster. if empty, original proxy config (if any) will be picked
--skip-verify skip the post-flight checks that confirms if the cluster re-attach was successful
--use-proxy use proxy config for the cluster
Cluster template.
tanzu mission-control cluster template [command]
get Get Template for cluster
list List Templates for cluster
Service fetches certificate authorities configured on Tanzu Service Mesh.
tanzu cluster tsm-ca get [flags]
-c, --cluster-name string name of the cluster
-h, --help help for tsm-ca
-m, --management-cluster-name string management cluster name of the cluster
-o, --output string Output format (yaml | json) (default "yaml")
-p, --provisioner-name string provisioner name of the cluster
Update (overwrite) a cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster update [flags]
-f, --file string resource file from which to update the cluster
-h, --help help for update
Upgrade a provisioned Tanzu Kubernetes cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster upgrade CLUSTER_NAME [version] [flags]
--include-all-families include versions from different operating system families.
--latest automatically select the latest available version eligible for upgrade.
-m, --management-cluster-name string management cluster name of the cluster
-p, --provisioner-name string provisioner name of the cluster
Prints report of tmc components present in the cluster.
tanzu mission-control cluster validate [flags]
-k, --kubeconfig string config file of cluster monitored via TMC