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Use the context plug-in to create a context for a TMC instance.


tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tmc/default


tanzu mission-control context [command]


  create        Create a TMC context


Create a TMC context. This supports the following authentication types: * SaaS - for instances running in VMware Cloud services * VCD - for TMC Self-Managed through VMware Cloud Director * Pinniped, web browser workflow - For TMC Self-Managed only * Pinniped, non-interactive - For TMC Self-Managed only


  tanzu mission-control context create <context-name> [flags]


      --basic-auth                  username/password login for Pinniped
  -e, --endpoint string             TMC endpoint
  -h, --help                        help for create
  -i, --idp-type string             identity provider; it can be csp (default when omitted), pinniped, or vcd
      --insecure                    skip x509 cert verification when interacting with upstream IDP (except CSP)
      --vcd-issuer string           VCD issuer url
      --vcd-client-id string        VCD OIDC client id
      --vcd-org string              VCD org id

Example Logins

  • CSP [1]: context create my-new-context --endpoint
  • VCD [1]: context create my-new-context --endpoint yourtmcsm.fqdn --idp-type vcd --vcd-org ORG --vcd-issuer ISSUER --vcd-client-id CLIENTID
  • Pinniped, web browser flow: context create my-new-context --endpoint yourtmcsm.fqdn --idp-type pinniped
  • Pinniped, non-interactive [2]: context create my-new-context --endpoint yourtmcsm.fqdn --idp-type pinniped --basic-auth

NOTES: 1. Export the TANZU_API_TOKEN env var to suppress the interactive prompt to enter the API token. 2. Export the TMC_SELF_MANAGED_USERNAME and TMC_SELF_MANAGED_PASSWORD env vars to suppress the interactive prompts to enter the username and password.

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