Use this information to troubleshoot issues you might encounter when using FSB or CSI with Tanzu Mission Control data protection features.


Enabling or disabling of an FSB or CSI volume plugin remains in the processing state for an extended period of time (more than 15 minutes).


Possible causes include:
  • Cluster is disconnected.
  • Backup or restore operation is in progress.
  • The Tanzu Mission Control sync agent pod is not running.


  • Plugin configuration changes cannot be applied to a disconnected cluster. Make sure the cluster is in a Healthy state.
  • Wait until in-progress backups or restores are complete. To avoid interrupting ongoing backup/restore operations, the plugin configuration change is applied only after their completion.
  • Make sure the Tanzu Mission Control sync agent pod is up and running.
    kubectl -n vmware-system-tmc get pod | grep sync-agent
    sync-agent-5dd847f6f5-52nfr                                    1/1     Running     0          70m
    Try manually bouncing the sync agent pods:
     kubectl -n vmware-system-tmc rollout restart deploy sync-agent