Tanzu Mission Control supports creating new clusters with a proxy configuration of type explicit as part of create API/manifests and being applied to the complete EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster. If proxy configuration of type transparent is used, then it is used for the Tanzu Mission Control agent and extensions only.

Tanzu Mission Control managed EKS clusters can be configured with transparent mode proxy configuration. In such cases, the Tanzu Mission Control agent and its extensions and components are able to connect via traffic proxy in transparent mode. For nodes or pods outside the system-vmware-tmc namespace, you need to manually setup for using the transparent proxy.


  1. To configure an explicit or transparent proxy for EKS in Tanzu Mission Control, see Create a Proxy Configuration Object.
  2. To configure a transparent proxy in EKS for other namespaces, you must manually configure them to accept the transparent traffic proxy’s custom certificate if you need them to connect via proxy to internet over HTTPS. For more information, see AWS private certificate issuer plugin.