You must edit the aws-auth configmap to give the cluster lifecycle role access to the EKS cluster.



  1. Connect to your AWS account via AWS CLI.
  2. Run the following command to add a new kubeconfig context for the cluster you want to bring under Tanzu Mission Control management:
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name mycluster-name --kubeconfig mykubeconfig-name --region myregion-name
    For example:
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name myusername-cna-eksattached --kubeconfig myusername-cna-eksattached.yaml --region east
  3. Run the following command to get the aws-auth configmap:
    kubectl get configmap -n kube-system aws-auth -o yaml --kubeconfig=path-to/kubeconfig
    For example:
    kubectl get configmap -n kube-system aws-auth -o yaml --kubeconfig=myusername-cna-eksattached.yaml
    Note: The aws-auth configmap is not created until there is at least one node group associated with the cluster.
  4. Run the following command to create a new group and cluster role binding:
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding my-cluster-rolebinding-name \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
    --group=mygroup-name \
    For example:
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding my-privileged-cluster-role-binding \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
    --group=tmc-cluster-access \
  5. Run the following command to edit the aws-auth configmap:
    kubectl edit configmaps -n kube-system aws-auth -o yaml --kubeconfig=mykubeconfig-name
    For example:
    kubectl edit configmaps -n kube-system aws-auth -o yaml --kubeconfig=myusername-cna-eksattached.yaml 
  6. Add the following code block to the mapRoles section of the aws-auth configmap:
    - groups:
      - mygroup-name 
      rolearn: my-TMC-EKS-credential-ARN
    For example:
    - groups:
      - tmc-cluster-access
      rolearn: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/
    Note: To gather the role created by the CloudFormation Stack ARN:
    1. From the AWS Console, navigate to CloudFormation > Stacks.
    2. Select the stack which corresponds to the appropriate credential.

    Tanzu Mission Control adds a label key to help map your EKS credential to the appropriate CloudFormation stack (for example, eks-tmc-cloud-vmware-com-1234567812345678165).

  7. (Optional) Run the following command to validate changes to and formatting of the aws-auth configmap:
    kubectl get configmap aws-auth -n kube-system -o yaml --kubeconfig=mykubeconfig-name
    For example:
    kubectl get configmap aws-auth -n kube-system -o yaml --kubeconfig=myusername-cna-eksattached.yaml