Use Tanzu Mission Control to view the contents of a backup of data resources from your cluster.

Using Tanzu Mission Control, you can view the results of a backup operation that might include an entire cluster or a subset of the data resources it contains.


This procedure assumes that have a cluster on which you have already performed at least one backup operation.

Make sure you have the appropriate permissions.
  • To view the contents of a backup, you must be associated with the cluster.admin role in the cluster.


  1. Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console, and then navigate to the cluster detail page for the cluster.
  2. Click the Data Protection tab.
  3. On the Data Protection tab, in the Backups list, click the backup that you want to view.
    The backup detail page shows the type of backup that was performed along with what was backed up , including namespaces, resources, and volumes.
  4. On the backup detail page, click Actions and then choose Download Logs to get the logs that were generated during the backup.
  5. Click Download resource list (above the Namespaces list) to get a list of the resources that were backed up.