You may encounter this issue when a pod in the cluster expects a schedulerName.


A restore procedure appears to be stuck in pending state.


This situation can arise when a pod in the backup has a schedulerName defined in the pod spec that is not present in the cluster to which it is being restored.


To fix this issue, you can create a resource modifier configmap in the velero namespace on the target cluster, and then reference it when performing the restore.
A resource modifier is a set of rules for applying patches to resources. The following example shows a resource modifier that removes the schedulerName field from pod specs during restore.
version: v1
- conditions:
    groupResource: pods
  - operation: remove
    path: "/spec/schedulerName"


  1. Create a YAML file (for example, my-resource-modifier.yaml) that defines the resource modifier as shown above.
  2. Create the resource modifier configmap in the velero namespace on the target cluster. For example:
    kubectl -n velero create cm my-res-mod-configmap --from-file my-resource-modifier.yaml
  3. Add the name of the resource modifier configmap to your data values file. For example:
    ClusterName: target-cluster
    ManagementClusterName: attached
    ProvisionerName: attached
    BackupName: example-backup
    BackupSourceClusterName: source-cluster
    BackupSourceManagementClusterName: attached
    BackupSourceProvisionerName: attached
    ResourceModifierConfigMap: my-res-mod-configmap 
  4. Then retry the restore operation.
    tanzu mission-control data-protection restore create -v ./data-values-file