This topic describes how to recover a BOSH Director VM that is deleted during the Apply Changes step and cannot be recreated because either the BOSH Director’s Stemcell or Stemcell snapshot is missing.

Caution This procedure is applicable only when the BOSH Director's Stemcell is missing.

Error messages

You see one of the following messages while Apply Changes is in progress:

  • The following error message is outputted when the Stemcell is missing:

    Starting registry... Finished (00:00:00)
    Uploading stemcell 'bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/3541.25'... Skipped [Stemcell already uploaded] (00:00:00)
    Started deploying
    Waiting for the agent on VM 'vm-d2642c91-555c-4b8b-967d-3245839e33eb'... Finished (00:00:00)
    Stopping jobs on instance 'unknown/0'... Finished (00:00:01)
    Unmounting disk 'disk-8580dea0-45a9-4115-950a-292637cef5aa'... Finished (00:00:06)
    Deleting VM 'vm-d2642c91-555c-4b8b-967d-3245839e33eb'... Finished (00:00:11)
    Creating VM for instance 'bosh/0' from stemcell 'sc-ee0cdd5f-95f2-42ea-9487-8c22abd8ee6e'... Failed (00:00:03)
    Failed deploying (00:00:28)
    Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00)
    Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)
    Creating instance 'bosh/0':
        Creating VM:
        Creating vm with stemcell cid 'sc-ee0cdd5f-95f2-42ea-9487-8c22abd8ee6e':
            CPI 'create_vm' method responded with error: CmdError{"type":"Unknown","message":"Could not find VM for stemcell 'sc-ee0cdd5f-95f2-42ea-9487-8c22abd8ee6e'","ok_to_retry":false
  • The following error message is outputted when the Stemcell is present but its snapshot is missing:

    Started deploying
    Waiting for the agent on VM 'vm-d234f764-752c-4ccd-9335-8128a3fd7953'... Finished (00:00:00)
    Stopping jobs on instance 'unknown/0'... Finished (00:00:01)
    Unmounting disk 'disk-178321d3-8b47-485e-a09c-1f29560be58e'... Finished (00:00:14)
    Deleting VM 'vm-d234f764-752c-4ccd-9335-8128a3fd7953'... Finished (00:00:13)
    Creating VM for instance 'bosh/0' from stemcell 'sc-b9c62db5-c741-4bd1-8fce-71e57571b03d'... Failed (00:04:30)
    Failed deploying (00:05:05)
    Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00)
    Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)
    Creating instance 'bosh/0':
        Creating VM:
        Creating vm with stemcell cid 'sc-b9c62db5-c741-4bd1-8fce-71e57571b03d':
            CPI 'create_vm' method responded with error: CmdError{"type":"Unknown","message":"The object[s] '\u003c[Vim.VirtualMachine] vm-86812\u003e' should have the following properties: [\"snapshot\"]\n, but they were missing these: #\u003cSet: {\"snapshot\"}\u003e\n.","ok_to_retry":false}
    Exit code 1


In both scenarios, BOSH Director (bosh/0) VM creation fails. When a Director’s Stemcell is deleted from the vSphere or the snapshot of a Director’s Stemcell is deleted, attempting to Apply Changes when BOSH Director recreation is needed results in an error occurring.

While deploying a new Director, Operations Manager runs bosh create-env, which does the following:

  1. Stops the agent on the Director VM
  2. Stops the Director VM
  3. Unmount disk from the Director VM
  4. Deletes the Director VM
  5. Tries to recreate the Director VM from the stemcell associated with it

It fails on the last step because the Stemcell is not present anymore or the Stemcell is corrupted due to the missing snapshot.

Another reason for failure is that BOSH does not try to re-upload the Stemcell because, from the BOSH perspective, the Stemcell is already uploaded, so it skips this step.

Starting registry... Finished (00:00:00)
Uploading stemcell 'bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/3541.25'... Skipped [Stemcell already uploaded] (00:00:00)


  1. SSH to Operations Manager and switch to the root user:

    ssh [email protected]
    ubuntu@bosh-stemcell:~$ sudo su - 
    [sudo] password for ubuntu:
  2. Take a backup of bosh-state.json:

    cd /var/tempest/workspaces/default/deployments
    cp bosh-state.json bosh-state.json.bkp
  3. Modify the original bosh-state.json by removing current_stemcell_id’s value. After modification it should look like:

    "current_stemcell_id": " "
  4. Remove the Stemcells section completely from bosh-state.json:

    Sample stemcells section that needs to be removed:

    "stemcells": [
                "id": "61c852ce-351f-4ac0-61b2-588e43b82818",
                "name": "bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent",
                "version": "3541.25",
                "cid": "sc-45be03e5-5816-4536-b6fa-0286eeecd01c"

Running Apply Changes should now succeed without error.

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