This topic describes the vSphere reference architecture for VMware Tanzu Operations Manager and any runtime products, including VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI). This architecture builds on the common base architectures described in Platform architecture and planning.

For additional requirements and installation instructions for Tanzu Operations Manager on vSphere, see Installing Tanzu Operations Manager on vSphere.

The vSphere reference architecture for the TAS for VMs and TKGI runtime tiles is based on a software-defined networking (SDN) infrastructure. vSphere offers NSX-T and NSX-V to support SDN infrastructure.

Tanzu Operations Manager supports these configurations for vSphere deployments:

TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T

The following sections describe the reference architecture for Tanzu Operations Manager with TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments, including vSphere deployments managed by VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF). They also provide requirements and recommendations for deploying Tanzu Operations Manager with TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T, such as network, load balancing, and storage capacity requirements and recommendations.

TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T supports the following SDN features:

  • Virtualized, encapsulated networks and encapsulated broadcast domains

  • VLAN exhaustion avoidance with the use of virtualized Logical Networks

  • DNAT/SNAT services to create separate, non-routable network spaces for the TAS for VMs installation

  • Load balancing services to pass traffic through Layer 4 to pools of platform routers at Layer 7

  • SSL termination at the load balancer at Layer 7 with the option to forward on at Layer 4 or 7 with unique certificates

  • Virtual, distributed routing and firewall services native to the hypervisor


The following diagram illustrates reference architecture for TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments:

Architecture on vSphere with NSX-T deployment. For detailed information about the components and networking shown, see the following description.

View a larger version of this diagram..

TAS for VMs deployments with NSX-T are deployed with three clusters and three availability zones (AZs).

An NSX-T Tier-0 router is on the front end of the TAS for VMs deployment. This router is a central logical router into the TAS for VMs platform. You can configure static or dynamic routing using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) from the routed IP address backbone through the Tier-0 router with the edge gateway.

Several Tier-1 routers, such as the router for the TAS for VMs and infrastructure subnets, connect to the Tier-0 router.

NSX-T Container Plug-in requirement

TAS for VMs deployments require the VMware NSX-T Container Plug-in to enable the SDN features available through NSX-T.

The NSX-T Container Plug-in integrates with NSX-T and enables a container networking stack.

To use NSX-T with TAS for VMs, the NSX-T Container Plug-in must be installed, configured, and deployed at the same time as the TAS for VMs tile. To download the NSX-T Container Plug-in, go to the VMware NSX-T Container Plug-in page on Broadcom Support.


These sections describe networking requirements and recommendations for TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments.

Routable IPs

The Tier-0 router must have routable external IP address space to advertise on the BGP network with its peers. Select a network range for the Tier-0 router with enough space so that you can separate the network into these two jobs:

  • Routing incoming and outgoing traffic
  • DNATs and SNATs, load balancer VIPs, and other platform components

Compared to NSX-V, NSX-T consumes much more address space for SNATs.


Tanzu Operations Manager requires that the NSX firewall routes are not blocked. By default, all communication between Tanzu Operations Manager VMs and vCenter or ESXi hosts route through the NSX firewall and are blocked. For more information on which ports to enable, see VMware ports and protocols for vSphere.


TAS for VMs requires a system domain, an app domain, and several wildcard domains.

For more information about DNS requirements for TAS for VMs, see Domain names in Platform Planning and Architecture.

Load balancing

The load balancing requirements and recommendations for TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments are:

  • You must configure NSX-T load balancers for the Gorouters.

    • The domains for the TAS for VMs system and apps must resolve to the load balancer IP.
    • You must assign either a private or a public IP address assigned to the domains for the TAS for VMs system and apps.
      You can use Layer 7 load balancers and stop TSL at the load balancers. However, VMware discourages this approach because it results in additional overhead processing.
  • Any TCP Gorouters and SSH Proxies within the platform also require NSX-T load balancers.

  • Layer 4 and Layer 7 NSX-T load balancers are created automatically during app deployment.

Networking, subnets, and IP address spacing

The requirements and recommendations related to networks, subnets, and IP address spacing for TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments are:

  • TAS for VMs requires statically-defined networks to host its component VMs.

  • The client side of an NSX-T deployment uses a series of non-routable address blocks when using DNAT/SNAT at the Tier-0 interface.

  • The reference architecture for TAS for VMs on vSphere with NSX-T deployments uses a pattern in which all networks are calculated on the /24 8-bit network boundary. The network octet is numerically sequential.

  • NSX-T dynamically assigns TAS for VMs org networks and adds a Tier-1 router. These org networks are automatically instantiated based on a non-overlapping block of address space. You can configure the block of address space in the NCP Configuration section of the NSX-T tile in Tanzu Operations Manager. The default is /24. This means that every org in TAS for VMs is assigned a new /24 network.

For more information about TAS for VMs subnets, see Required subnets in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.

High availability

For information about high availability (HA) requirements and recommendations for TAS for VMs on vSphere, see High Availability in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.

Shared storage

TAS for VMs requires shared storage. You can allocate networked storage to the host clusters following one of two common approaches: horizontal or vertical. The approach you follow reflects how your data center arranges its storage and host blocks in its physical layout.

Horizontal shared storage

With the horizontal shared storage approach, you grant all hosts access to all datastores and assign a subset to each TAS for VMs installation.

For example, with six datastores ds01 through ds06, you grant all nine hosts access to all six datastores. You then provision your first TAS for VMs installation to use stores ds01 through ds03 and your second TAS for VMs installation to use ds04 through ds06.

Vertical shared storage

With the vertical shared storage approach, you grant each cluster its own datastores, creating a cluster-aligned storage strategy. vSphere VSAN is an example of this architecture.

For example, with six datastores ds01 through ds06, you assign datastores ds01 and ds02 to a cluster, ds03 and ds04 to a second cluster, and ds05 and ds06 to a third cluster. You then provision your first TAS for VMs installation to use ds01, ds03, and ds05, and your second TAS for VMs installation to use ds02, ds04, and ds06.

With this arrangement, all VMs in the same installation and cluster share a dedicated datastore.

Storage capacity

VMware recommends these storage capacity allocations for production and non-production TAS for VMs environments:

  • Production environments: Configure at least 8 TB of data storage. You can configure this as either one 8 TB store or a number of smaller volumes that sum to 8 TB. Frequently-used developments might require significantly more storage to accommodate new code and buildpacks.

  • Non-production environments: Configure 4 to 6 TB of data storage.

The latest versions of Tanzu Operations Manager validated for the reference architecture do not support using vSphere Storage Clusters. Datastores can be listed in the vSphere tile by their native name, not the cluster name created by vCenter for the storage cluster.

Important If a datastore is part of a vSphere Storage Cluster using DRS storage (SDRS), you must deactivate the Storage vMotion feature on any datastores used by Tanzu Operations Manager. Otherwise, Storage vMotion activity can rename independent disks and cause BOSH to malfunction. For more information, see Migrating Tanzu Operations Manager to a New Datastore in vSphere.

For more information about general storage requirements and recommendations for TAS for VMs, see Storage in Platform architecture and planning overview.

SQL Server

An internal MySQL database is sufficient for use in production environments. However, an external database provides more control over database management for large environments that require multiple data centers.

For information about configuring system databases on TAS for VMs, see Configure System Databases in Configuring TAS for VMs.


For information about security requirements and recommendations for TAS for VMs deployments, see Security in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.

Blobstore storage

VMware recommends that you use these blobstore storage types for production and non-production TAS for VMs environments:

  • Production environments: Use an S3 storage appliance as the blobstore.
  • Nonproduction environments: Use an NFS/WebDAV blobstore.
    For nonproduction environments, the NFS/WebDAV blobstore can be the primary consumer of storage, as the NFS/WebDAV blobstore must be actively maintained. TAS for VMs deployments experience downtime during events such as storage upgrades or migrations to new disks.

For more information about blobstore storage requirements and recommendations, see Configure file storage in Configuring TAS for VMs for Upgrades.

TAS for VMs on vSphere without NSX

These sections describe the differences in architecture for TAS for VMs on vSphere without software-defined networking deployments.


Without an SDN, IP address allocations all come from routed network space. Discussions and planning within your organization are essential to acquiring the necessary amount of IP address space for a TAS for VMs deployment with future growth considerations. This is because routed IP address space is a premium resource, and adding more later is difficult, costly, and time-consuming.

The following is a best-guess layout for IP address space utilization in a single TAS for VMs deployment:

  • Infrastructure - /28

  • TAS for VMs deployment - /23
    This size is almost completely dependent on the estimated desired capacity for containers and you might need less space than this. VMware discourages using a larger size in a single deployment.

  • Services - /23
    This size is almost completely dependent on the estimated desired capacity for services. Resize as necessary.

Isolation segments

Isolation segments can help with satisfying IP address space needs in a routed network design. You can build smaller groups of Gorouters and Diego Cells aligned to a particular service. Smaller groups use less IP address space.

TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T

The following sections describe the reference architecture for TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments. They also provide requirements and recommendations for deploying TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T, such as network, load balancing, and storage capacity requirements and recommendations.

Important VMware recommends deploying TKGI on its own dedicated Tanzu Operations Manager instance, rather than on a shared Tanzu Operations Manager that also hosts other runtimes such as TAS for VMs.


The following diagram illustrates the reference architecture for TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments.

Architecture on vSphere with NSX-T deployment. For detailed information about the components and networking shown, see the following description.

View a larger version of this diagram.

TKGI deployments with NSX-T are deployed with three clusters and three AZs.

An NSX-T Tier-0 router is on the front end of the TKGI deployment. This router is a central logical router into the TKGI platform. You can configure static or dynamic routing using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) from the routed IP address backbone through the Tier-0 router.

Several Tier-1 routers, such as the router for the infrastructure subnet, connect to the Tier-0 router. New Tier-1 routers are created on-demand as new clusters and namespaces are added to TKGI.

The TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T architecture supports multiple primary nodes.


These sections describe networking requirements and recommendations for TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments.

Load balancing

The load balancing requirements and recommendations for TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments are:

  • Use standard NSX-T load balancers. Layer 4 and Layer 7 NSX-T load balancers are created automatically during app deployment.

  • Use both Layer 4 and Layer 7 load balancers:

    • Use Layer 7 load balancers for ingress routing.
    • Use Layer 4 load balancers for LoadBalancer services. This allows you to terminate SSL at the load balancers, which reduces overhead processing.
  • NSX-T provides ingress routing natively. You can also use a third-party service for ingress routing, such as Istio or NGINX. You run the third-party ingress routing service as a container in the cluster.

  • If you use a third-party ingress routing service, you must:

    • Create wildcard DNS entries to point to the service.
    • Define domain information for the ingress routing service in the manifest of the TKGI on vSphere deployment. For example:

      apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
      kind: Ingress
        name: music-ingress
        namespace: music1
        - host:
            - path: /.*
                serviceName: music-service
                servicePort: 8080
  • When you push a TKGI on vSphere deployment with a service type set to LoadBalancer, NSX-T automatically creates a new WIP for the deployment on the existing load balancer for that namespace. You must specify a listening and translation port in the service, a name for tagging, and a protocol. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      type: LoadBalancer
      - port: 80
        targetPort: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        name: web

Routable IPs

The routable IP address requirements and recommendations for TKGI with NSX-T deployments are:

  • Deployments with TKGI NSX-T ingress: VMware recommends a /25 network for deployments with TKGI NSX-T ingress. The Tier-0 router must have routable external IP address space to advertise on the BGP network with its peers.
    Select a network range for the Tier-0 router with enough space so that you can separate the network into these two jobs:

    • Routing incoming and outgoing traffic
    • DNATs and SNATs, load balancer WIPs, and other platform components
      Compared to vSphere deployments with NSX-V, TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T consumes much more address space for SNATs.
  • Deployments with several load balancers: VMware recommends a /23 network for deployments that use several load balancers. Deployments with several load balancers have much higher address space consumption for load balancer WIPs. This is because Kubernetes service types allocate IP addresses very frequently. To accommodate the higher address space, allow for 4 times the address space.


Tanzu Operations Manager requires that the NSX firewall routes are not blocked. By default, all communication between Tanzu Operations Manager VMs and vCenter or ESXi hosts route through the NSX firewall and are blocked. For more information on which ports to enable, see VMware ports and protocols for vSphere.

Networks, subnets, and IP address spacing

These considerations and recommendations apply to networks, subnets, and IP address spacing for TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments:

  • Allocate a large network block for TKGI clusters and Pods:

    • TKGI clusters: Configure a network block.
    • TKGI pods: Configure a network block.

    NSX-T creates IP address blocks of /24 from these /14 networks by default each time a new cluster or Pod is created. You can configure this CIDR range for TKGI in Tanzu Operations Manager.

  • When you deploy TKGI with Tanzu Operations Manager, you must allow for a block of address space for dynamic networks that TKGI deploys for each namespace. The recommended address space allows you to view a queue of which jobs relate to each service.

  • When a new TKGI cluster is created, TKGI creates a new /24 network from TKGI cluster address space.

  • When a new app is deployed, new NSX-T Tier-1 routers are generated and TKGI creates a /24 network from the TKGI Pods network.

  • Allocate a large IP address block in NSX-T for Kubernetes Pods. For example, a /14 network. NSX-T creates address blocks of /24 by default. This CIDR range for Kubernetes services network ranges is configurable in Tanzu Operations Manager.

For more information, see Networks in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.


For TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T deployments, networks are created dynamically for both TKGI clusters and Pods.

To accommodate these dynamically-created networks, VMware recommends that you use multiple clusters, rather than a single cluster with multiple namespaces.

Multiple clusters provide additional features such as security, customization on a per-cluster basis, privileged containers, failure domains, and version choice. Namespaces should be used as a naming construct and not as a tenancy construct.

Primary nodes

The TKGI on vSphere with NSX-T architecture supports multiple primary nodes.

You can define the number of primary nodes per plan in the TKGI tile in Tanzu Operations Manager. The number of primary nodes should be an odd number to allow etcd to form a quorum.

VMware recommends that you have at least one primary node per AZ for HA and disaster recovery.

High availability

For information about HA requirements and recommendations, see High Availability in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.

Storage capacity

VMware recommends the following storage capacity allocation for production and non-production TKGI environments:

TKGI on vSphere supports static persistent volume provisioning and dynamic persistent volume provisioning.

For more information about storage requirements and recommendations, see Persistent volume storage options on vSphere.


For information about security requirements and recommendations, see Security in Platform Architecture and Planning Overview.

TKGI on vSphere without NSX-T

You can deploy TKGI without NSX-T. To deploy TKGI without NSX-T, click Flannel as your container network interface in the Networking pane of the TKGI tile.

Select from networks already identified in Tanzu Operations Manager to deploy the TKGI API and TKGI-provisioned Kubernetes clusters.

VMware recommends deploying TKGI on its own dedicated Tanzu Operations Manager instance, rather than on a shared Tanzu Operations Manager that also hosts other runtimes such as TAS for VMs.

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