You can upgrade BOSH Director for VMware Tanzu Operations Manager on Azure. Complete these tasks as part of the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade process.

For information about upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager, see Upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager.

In this procedure, you create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance to host the upgraded version of Tanzu Operations Manager. Then, to complete the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade, you export your existing Tanzu Operations Manager installation onto this new VM.

The Azure portal sometimes displays the names of resources with incorrect capitalization. Always use the Azure CLI to retrieve the correctly capitalized name of a resource.

To create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance:

  1. Export environment variables. For more information, see Export Environment Variables.

  2. Copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image into your storage account. For more information, see Copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image.

  3. Configure the Tanzu Operations Manager IP Address. For more information, see Configure Tanzu Operations Manager IP Address.

  4. Create the Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance. For more information, see Create Tanzu Operations Manager VM Instance.


To complete the Tanzu Operations Manager upgrade, you must have your Tanzu Operations Manager decryption passphrase. You defined this decryption passphrase during the initial installation of Tanzu Operations Manager.

Export environment variables

Export the connectionString variable for your Azure account and assign it to a new environment variable. In the following procedure, you use the connectionString environment variable when you copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image.

To export environment variables:

  1. Install the Azure CLI v2.0 by following the instructions for your operating system in Install the Azure CLI, in the Microsoft Azure documentation.

  2. Set your cloud by running:

    az cloud set --name AzureCloud

    If you deployed Tanzu Operations Manager in an environment other than Azure Cloud, consult the following list:

    • For Azure China, replace AzureCloud with AzureChinaCloud. If logging in to AzureChinaCloud fails with a CERT_UNTRUSTED error, use Node v4 or later.
    • For Azure Government Cloud, replace AzureCloud with AzureUSGovernment.
  3. Log in:

    az login

    Authenticate by going to the URL in the output, entering the provided code, and clicking your account.

  4. Ensure that the following environment variables are set to the names of the resources you created when deploying Tanzu Operations Manager. This is included in the procedures in Deploying Tanzu Operations Manager on Azure:

    • $RESOURCE_GROUP: This must be set to the name of your resource group. To list the resource groups for your subscription, run:

      az group list
    • $LOCATION: This must be set to your location, such as westus. To view a list of available locations, run:

      az account list-locations
    • $STORAGE_NAME: This must be set to your BOSH storage account name. To list your storage accounts, run:

      az storage account list
  5. Retrieve the connection string for the account by running:

    az storage account show-connection-string \
    --name $STORAGE_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

    The command returns output similar to the following:

      "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;;AccountName=cfdocsboshstorage;AccountKey=EXAMPLEaleiIy/Lprnc5igFxYWsgq016Tu9uGwseOl8bqNBEL/2tp7wX92QMUM19Pz9BYTXt8aq4A=="
  6. From the data: field in the preceding output, record the full value of connectionString, starting with and including DefaultEndpointsProtocol=.

  7. Export the value of connectionString as the environment variable $AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING by running:


    Where ACCOUNT-KEY-STRING is the value of connectionString.

Copy the Tanzu Operations Manager Image

Copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image into your storage account. You use the Tanzu Operations Manager image to create the VM that hosts the new version of Tanzu Operations Manager.

To copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image into your storage account:

  1. Go to the Tanzu Operations Manager page on the Broadcom Support portal and download the release of Tanzu Operations Manager for Azure to which you want to upgrade.

  2. View the downloaded PDF and locate the Tanzu Operations Manager image URL appropriate for your region.

  3. Export the Tanzu Operations Manager image URL as an environment variable by running:


    Where OPS-MANAGER-IMAGE-URL is the URL of your Tanzu Operations Manager image.

    This command overrides the old Tanzu Operations Manager image URL with the new Tanzu Operations Manager image URL.

  4. Copy the Tanzu Operations Manager image into your storage account. For compatibility when upgrading to future versions of Tanzu Operations Manager, choose a unique name for the image that includes the Tanzu Operations Manager version number. For example, replace opsman-image-version in the following examples with opsman-image-3.0.1. Run:

    az storage blob copy start --source-uri $OPS_MAN_IMAGE_URL \
    --connection-string $AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING \
    --destination-container opsmanager \
    --destination-blob opsman-image-version.vhd
  5. Copying the image might take several minutes. Run:

    az storage blob show --name opsman-image-version.vhd \
    --container-name opsmanager \
    --account-name $STORAGE_NAME
  6. Examine the output under "copy", as in the following example:

    "copy": {
      "completionTime": "2017-06-26T22:24:11+00:00",
      "id": "b9c8b272-a562-4574-baa6-f1a04afcefdf",
      "progress": "53687091712/53687091712",
      "source": "",
      "status": "success",
      "statusDescription": null

    When status reads success, continue to the next step.

Configure Tanzu Operations Manager IP Address

Remove the old Tanzu Operations Manager VM and record the IP address for the Tanzu Operations Manager network interface. You use this IP address when creating the new Tanzu Operations Manager VM that hosts the upgraded version of Tanzu Operations Manager.

To configure the Tanzu Operations Manager IP address, follow one of these procedures:

Reuse existing Dynamic Public IP Address

To reuse an existing dynamic public IP address:

  1. List your VMs and record the name of your Tanzu Operations Manager VM by running:

    az vm list
  2. Delete your old Tanzu Operations Manager VM by running:

    az vm delete --name OPS-MANAGER-VM --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

    Where OPS-MANAGER-VM is your old Tanzu Operations Manager VM.

  3. List your network interfaces and record the name of the Tanzu Operations Manager network interface. Run:

    az resource list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --resource-type Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces

Use a new Dynamic Public IP Address

To use a new dynamic public IP address:

  1. Create a new public IP address named ops-manager-ip-new by running:

    az network public-ip create --name ops-manager-ip-new \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION \
    --allocation-method Static
      "publicIp": {
        "dnsSettings": null,
        "etag": "W/\"4450ebe2-9e97-4b17-9cf2-44838339c661\"",
        "id": "/subscriptions/995b7eed-77ef-45ff-a5c9-1a405ffb8243/resourceGroups/cf-docs/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/ops-manager-ip-new",
        "idleTimeoutInMinutes": 4,
        "ipAddress": "",
        "ipConfiguration": null,
        "location": "westus",
        "name": "ops-manager-ip-new",
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
        "publicIpAddressVersion": "IPv4",
        "publicIpAllocationMethod": "Static",
        "resourceGroup": "cf-docs",
        "resourceGuid": "950d4831-1bec-42da-8a79-959bcddea9dd",
        "tags": null,
        "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses"
  2. Record the value for ipAddress from the output of the preceding step. This is the public IP address of Tanzu Operations Manager.

  3. Create a network interface for Tanzu Operations Manager by running:

    az network nic create --vnet-name pcf-net \
    --subnet pcf --network-security-group opsmgr-nsg \
    --private-ip-address \
    --public-ip-address ops-manager-ip-new \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --name ops-manager-nic-new --location $LOCATION
  4. Shut down your old Tanzu Operations Manager VM, if it still exists, and run:

    az vm deallocate --name ops-manager --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

    If your Tanzu Operations Manager VM is not named ops-manager, provide the correct name. To list all VMs in your account, run:

    az vm list
  5. Update your DNS record to point to the new public IP address of Tanzu Operations Manager.

Create Tanzu Operations Manager VM Instance

Create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance to host the new version of Tanzu Operations Manager.

To create a Tanzu Operations Manager VM instance:

  1. To use the key pair from your previous Tanzu Operations Manager, locate the path to the file on your local machine. To create a new key pair, enter:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f opsman -C ubuntu

    When prompted for a passphrase, press the Enter key to provide an empty passphrase.

  2. Create the Tanzu Operations Manager VM.

    • If you are using unmanaged disks, create your Tanzu Operations Manager VM by running:

      az vm create --name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --location $LOCATION \
      --nics opsman-nic \
      --image https://$ \
      --os-disk-name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION-osdisk \
      --os-disk-size-gb 128 \
      --os-type Linux \
      --use-unmanaged-disk \
      --storage-account $STORAGENAME \
      --storage-container-name opsmanager \
      --admin-username ubuntu \
      --ssh-key-value PATH-TO-PUBLIC-KEY


      • OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-3.0.1.
      • is the URL of your Azure instance. Find the complete source URL in the Azure UI by viewing the Blob properties of the Tanzu Operations Manager image you created earlier in this procedure.
      • OPS-MANAGER-IMAGE-VERSION is the image version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-image-3.0.1.
      • PATH-TO-PUBLIC-KEY is the path to your public key .pub file.
    • If you are using Azure managed disks:

      1. Create a managed image from the Tanzu Operations Manager VHD file by running:

        az image create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION \
        --source https://$ \
        --location $LOCATION \
        --os-type Linux

        Where OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying.
        If you are using Azure China or Azure Government Cloud, replace with the following:

        • For Azure China, use For more information, see Azure China developer guide in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
        • For Azure Government Cloud, use For more information, see Azure Government storage in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
      2. Create your Tanzu Operations Manager VM by running:

        az vm create --name opsman-version --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --location $LOCATION \
        --nics opsman-nic \
        --os-disk-name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION-osdisk \
        --admin-username ubuntu \
        --size Standard_DS2_v2 \
        --storage-sku Standard_LRS \
        --ssh-key-value PATH-TO-PUBLIC-KEY


        • opsman-version is the Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-version-3.0.1.
        • OPS-MANAGER-IMAGE-VERSION is the image version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-image-3.0.1.
        • OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-3.0.1.
        • PATH-TO-PUBLIC-KEY is the path to your public key .pub file.
  3. If you deploy more than one tile in this Tanzu Operations Manager installation, increase the size of the Tanzu Operations Manager VM disk. You can repeat this process and increase the disk again at a later time if necessary.

    1. Stop the VM and detach the disk by running:

      az vm deallocate --name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

      Where OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-3.0.1.

    2. Resize the disk to 128 GB by running:

      az disk update --size-gb 128 --name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION-osdisk \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

      Where OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-3.0.1.

    3. Start the VM by running:

      az vm start --name OPS-MANAGER-VERSION --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

      Where OPS-MANAGER-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Operations Manager you are deploying. For example, opsman-3.0.1.

Next steps

After you complete this procedure, continue to the upgrade instructions in Upgrading Tanzu Operations Manager.

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