This topic describes how to back up and restore your VMware Tanzu Operations Manager deployment.

Before you back up

When backing up data in your deployment, consider:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018 and applies to any company processing the data of the citizens or residents of the European Union (EU), even if the company is not EU-based. The GDPR sets forth how companies should handle privacy issues, securely store data, and respond to security breaches.

Backup artifacts might contain personal data covered by GDPR. For example, a backup of a TAS for VMs instance could contain a user email address. For more information about personal data that can be stored in your deployment, see General Data Protection Regulation and TAS for VMs.

Back up and restore with BBR

BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR) is a command-line tool for backing up and restoring BOSH deployments.

BBR restore scenarios

There are many different restore cases that can arise with BOSH Directors and TAS for VMs deployments. The following links provide some guidance on how to use BBR in common restore scenarios:

These guides do not cover all possible restore scenarios. If you encounter another restore case, some information in these guides might be applicable. For guidance, contact Support.

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