Install Harbor in Workload Clusters Deployed by a Supervisor

This topic explains how to deploy Harbor to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) workload clusters deployed to vSphere by a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor.

Harbor provides an enterprise-ready container image registry.

You can install Harbor on a workload cluster in two ways:

Install Harbor Using the Tanzu CLI


Adhere to the following prerequisites.


Refer to the following topic as needed.

Install Harbor

  1. Create the namespace for Harbor.

    kubectl create ns tanzu-system-registry
  2. Get the latest Harbor package version in the repository.

    kubectl -n tkg-system get packages

    The latest version in this repository is 2.5.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 which is what we will install. Adjust the version accordingly depending on your requirements.

  3. Create the harbor-data-values.yaml file.

    Start with the example data values file. See Harbor Components, Configuration, Data Values.

  4. Edit the harbor-data-values.yaml file and update the values for the following parameters.

    Field Description
    hostname The FQDN for accessing the Harbor admin console and Registry service. Replace “” with a unique hostname.
    harborAdminPassword Change the password to something strong and unique (can also be changed in the UI after install).
    persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass: Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy for the vSphere namespace.
    persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.jobLog.jobservice.storageClass: Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy for the vSphere namespace.
    persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass: Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy for the vSphere namespace.
    persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass: Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy for the vSphere namespace.
    persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass: Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy for the vSphere namespace.
    tlsCertificate.tlsSecretLabels: {“managed-by”: “vmware-vRegistry”}
  5. Configure additional parameters as needed.

    See Harbor Configuration Parameters for a full list of available parameters.

  6. Install Harbor using the Tanzu CLI.

    tanzu package install harbor --package --version 2.5.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 --values-file ./harbor-data-values.yaml --namespace tanzu-system-registry
  7. Verify Harbor installation using the Tanzu CLI.

    tanzu package installed get harbor --namespace tanzu-system-registry
    NAME:                    harbor
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         2.5.3+vmware.1-tkg.1
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded

Configure DNS for Harbor Using an Envoy Service of Type LoadBalancer

If the prerequisite Contour with Envoy service is exposed via a LoadBalancer, obtain the external IP address of the load balancer and create DNS records for the Harbor FQDNs.

  1. Get the External-IP address for the Envoy service of type LoadBalancer.

    kubectl get service envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress

    You should see the External-IP address returned, for example:

    NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
    envoy   LoadBalancer   80:30437/TCP,443:30589/TCP   3h27m

    Alternatively you can get the External-IP address using the following command.

    kubectl get svc envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}'
  2. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, update your local /etc/hosts file with the Harbor and Notary FQDNs mapped to the External-IP address of the load balancer, for example:
 localhost ubuntu
    #TKG Harbor with Envoy Load Balancer IP core.harbor.domain core.notary.harbor.domain
  3. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, log in to Harbor.

  4. Create two CNAME records on a DNS server that map the Envoy service Load Balancer External-IP address to the Harbor FQDN and the Notary FQDN.
  5. Install the External DNS extension.

Configure DNS for Harbor Using an Envoy Service of Type NodePort

If the prerequisite Contour > Envoy service is exposed via a NodePort, obtain the virtual machine IP address of a worker node and create DNS records for the Harbor FQDNs.

Note: To use NodePort, you must have specified the correct port.https value in the harbor-data-values.yaml file.

  1. Switch context to the vSphere Namespace where the cluster is provisioned.

    kubectl config use-context VSPHERE-NAMESPACE
  2. List the nodes in the cluster.

    kubectl get virtualmachines
  3. Pick one of the worker nodes and describe it using the following command.

    kubectl describe virtualmachines tkg2-cluster-X-workers-9twdr-59bc54dc97-kt4cm
  4. Locate the IP address of the virtual machine, for example Vm Ip:

  5. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, update your local /etc/hosts file with the Harbor and Notary FQDNs mapped to the worker node IP address, for example:
 localhost ubuntu
    #TKG Harbor with Envoy NodePort core.harbor.domain core.notary.harbor.domain
  6. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, log in to Harbor.

  7. Create two CNAME records on a DNS server that map the worker node IP address to the Harbor FQDN and the Notary FQDN.
  8. Install the External DNS extension.

Log In to the Harbor Web Interface

Once Harbor is installed and configured, log in and start using it.

  1. Access the Harbor Registry web interface at https://core.harbor.domain, or the hostname you used.

    The Harbor Registry web interface.

  2. Log in to Harbor with the username admin and the generated password that you put in the harbor-data-values.yaml file.

    The Harbor login page with the username admin and generated password.

  3. Verify that you can access the Harbor user interface.

    The Projects tab of the Harbor user interface appears after you log in.

  4. Obtain the Harbor CA certificate.

    In the Harbor interface, select Projects > library, or create a New Project.

    Click Registry Certificate and download the Harbor CA certificate (ca.crt).

  5. Add the Harbor CA certificate into the trust store of Docker client so you can push and pull container images to and from the Harbor Registry. See Using Container Registries with TKG Clusters on Supervisor.

  6. Refer to the Harbor documentation for details on using Harbor.

Install Harbor Using Kubectl

You can install the Harbor package on a TKG cluster to operate as a private registry store for the container images you want to deploy to clusters.


Adhere to the following prerequisites to install the Harbor package.

Harbor requires HTTP/S ingress. Specifically, Harbor services are exposed via an Envoy service in the Contour pacage. As a prerequisite, deploy the Contour package..

  • If you are using NSX networking for Supervisor, create an Envoy service of type LoadBalancer.
  • If you are using vSphere vDS networking for Supervisor, create an Envoy service of type LoadBalancer or NodePort, depending on your environment and requirements.

The Harbor extension requires DNS. For testing and verification purposes, add the Harbor and Notary FQDNs to your local /etc/hosts file. The instructions below describe how to do this.

In production Harbor requires a DNS Zone on either a local DNS Server, such as BIND, or on a public cloud, such as AWS Route53 or Azure DNS. Once you have set up DNS, to automatically register the Harbor FQDNs with a DNS Server, install the ExternalDNS extension. See Install ExternalDNS Using Kubectl.


Refer to the following topic as needed.

Install Harbor

To install the Harbor Registry using the Tanzu Package, complete the following steps.

  1. List the available Harbor versions in the repository.

     kubectl get packages -n tkg-system

    The most current package is

  2. Create the harbor.yaml specification.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: harbor-sa
      namespace: tkg-system
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: habor-role-binding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: harbor-sa
        namespace: tkg-system
    kind: PackageInstall
      name: harbor
      namespace: tkg-system
      serviceAccountName: harbor-sa
          constraints: 2.7.1+vmware.1-tkg.1
      - secretRef:
          name: harbor-data-values
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: harbor-data-values
      namespace: harbor-registry
      values.yml: |
        namespace: tanzu-system-registry
        hostname: <ENTER-HARBOR-FQDN>
          https: 443
        logLevel: info
          tls.crt: ""
          tls.key: ""
        enableContourHttpProxy: true
        harborAdminPassword: <ENTER-STRONG-PASSWORD-HERE>
        secretKey: <ENTER-SECRET-KEY>
          password: <ENTER-STRONG-PASSWORD-HERE>
          replicas: 1
          secret: <ENTER-SECRET>
          replicas: 1
          secret: <ENTER-SECRET>
          replicas: 1
          secret: <ENTER-SECRET>
          enabled: true
          enabled: true
          replicas: 1
          gitHubToken: ""
          skipUpdate: false
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "<ENTER-STORAGE-CLASS>"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
              size: 50Gi
                existingClaim: ""
                storageClass: "<ENTER-STORAGE-CLASS>"
                subPath: ""
                accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
                size: 10Gi
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "<ENTER-STORAGE-CLASS>"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
              size: 10Gi
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "<ENTER-STORAGE-CLASS>"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
              size: 10Gi
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "<ENTER-STORAGE-CLASS>"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
              size: 10Gi
        pspNames: vmware-system-restricted
          ipFamilies: ["IPv4", "IPv6"]
  3. Customize the harbor-data-values secret in the harbor.yaml specification with appropriate values for your environment, including hostname, passwords, secrets, and storage class.

    See Harbor Configuration Parameters for a full list of available parameters.

  4. Install Harbor.

    kubectl apply -f harbor.yaml
  5. Verify Harbor installation.

    kubectl get all -n harbor-registry

Configure DNS for Harbor Using an Envoy Service of Type LoadBalancer (NSX-T Networking)

If the prerequisite Envoy service is exposed via a LoadBalancer, obtain the external IP address of the load balancer and create DNS records for the Harbor FQDNs.

  1. Get the External-IP address for the Envoy service of type LoadBalancer.

    kubectl get service envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress

    You should see the External-IP address returned, for example:

    NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
    envoy   LoadBalancer   80:30437/TCP,443:30589/TCP   3h27m

    Alternatively you can get the External-IP address using the following command.

    kubectl get svc envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}'
  2. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, update your local /etc/hosts file with the Harbor and Notary FQDNs mapped to the External-IP address of the load balancer, for example:
 localhost ubuntu
    #TKG Harbor with Envoy Load Balancer IP core.harbor.domain core.notary.harbor.domain
  3. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, log in to Harbor.

  4. Create two CNAME records on a DNS server that map the Envoy service Load Balancer External-IP address to the Harbor FQDN and the Notary FQDN.
  5. Install the External DNS extension.

Configure DNS for Harbor Using an Envoy Service of Type NodePort (vDS Networking)

If the prerequisite Envoy service is exposed via a NodePort, obtain the virtual machine IP address of a worker node and create DNS records for the Harbor FQDNs.

Note: To use NodePort, you must have specified the correct port.https value in the harbor-data-values.yaml file.

  1. Switch context to the vSphere Namespace where the cluster is provisioned.

    kubectl config use-context VSPHERE-NAMESPACE
  2. List the nodes in the cluster.

    kubectl get virtualmachines
  3. Pick one of the worker nodes and describe it using the following command.

    kubectl describe virtualmachines tkg2-cluster-X-workers-9twdr-59bc54dc97-kt4cm
  4. Locate the IP address of the virtual machine, for example Vm Ip:

  5. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, update your local /etc/hosts file with the Harbor and Notary FQDNs mapped to the worker node IP address, for example:
 localhost ubuntu
    #TKG Harbor with Envoy NodePort core.harbor.domain core.notary.harbor.domain
  6. To verify the installation of the Harbor extension, log in to Harbor.

  7. Create two CNAME records on a DNS server that map the worker node IP address to the Harbor FQDN and the Notary FQDN.
  8. Install the External DNS extension.

Log In to the Harbor Web Interface

Once Harbor is installed and configured, log in and start using it.

  1. Access the Harbor Registry web interface at https://core.harbor.domain, or the hostname you used.

    The Harbor Registry web interface.

  2. Log in to Harbor with the username admin and the generated password that you put in the harbor-data-values.yaml file.

    The Harbor login page with the username admin and generated password.

  3. Verify that you can access the Harbor user interface.

    The Projects tab of the Harbor user interface appears after you log in.

  4. Obtain the Harbor CA certificate.

    In the Harbor interface, select Projects > library, or create a New Project.

    Click Registry Certificate and download the Harbor CA certificate (ca.crt).

  5. Add the Harbor CA certificate into the trust store of Docker client so you can push and pull container images to and from the Harbor Registry. See Using Container Registries with TKG Clusters on Supervisor.

  6. Refer to the Harbor documentation for details on using Harbor.
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