Install Multus with Whereabouts in Workload Clusters Deployed by a Standalone Management Cluster

Whereabouts is an IP Address Management (IPAM) CNI plugin that dynamically assigns IP addresses to pods across all the nodes in a cluster. Compared to other IPAM plugins such as host-local, which only assigns IP addresses to pods on the same node, whereabouts assigns IP addresses cluster-wide.

In this topic, we will show how you can attach a secondary network interface to a pod with IP address assigned in the range you specified using whereabouts. For example, you will have Antrea or Calico as the primary CNI, a secondary interface created using macvlan or ipvlan, and Whereabouts as the IPAM CNI.


As of v2.5, TKG does not support clusters on AWS or Azure. See the End of Support for TKG Management and Workload Clusters on AWS and Azure in the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.5 Release Notes.


Install the Whereabouts Package

To install Whereabouts package on a workload cluster and configure the cluster to use it:

  1. Configure and install Whereabouts.

    1. Create a configuration file that retrieves the Whereabouts parameters.

      tanzu package available get --default-values-file-output FILE-PATH

      The namespace on which to deploy whereabouts components must be kube-system. Any customized namespace installation will fail.

      Where PACKAGE-VERSION is the version of the Whereabouts package that you want to install and FILE-PATH is the location to which you want to save the configuration file, for example, whereabouts-data-values.yaml. The above command will create a configuration file named whereabouts-data-values.yaml containing the default values.

    2. Run the tanzu package available list command to list the available versions of the Whereabouts package, for example:

      tanzu package available list -A
       NAME                           VERSION               RELEASED-AT                     NAMESPACE   0.6.3+vmware.2-tkg.1  2023-30-04 18:00:00 +0000 UTC   tanzu-package-repo-global

      Make sure that your custom image registry can be reached if you are operating in a network-restricted environment.

    3. Run the tanzu package available get command with --values-schema to see which field values can be set:

      tanzu package available get --values-schema -o FORMAT

      Where: - VERSION is a version listed in the tanzu package available list output - FORMAT is either yaml or json

    4. Populate the whereabouts-data-values.yaml configuration file with your desired field values.

  2. Remove all comments from the whereabouts-data-values.yaml file:

    yq -i eval '... comments=""' whereabouts-cni-default-values.yaml
  3. Run tanzu package install to install the package.

    tanzu package install whereabouts --package --version AVAILABLE-PACKAGE-VERSION --values-file whereabouts-data-values.yaml --namespace TARGET-NAMESPACE


    • TARGET-NAMESPACE is the namespace in which you want to install the Whereabouts package. For example, the my-packages or tanzu-cli-managed-packages namespace.

      • If the --namespace flag is not specified, the Tanzu CLI installs the package in the default namespace.
      • The specified namespace must already exist, for example from running kubectl create namespace my-packages.
    • AVAILABLE-PACKAGE-VERSION is the version that you retrieved above, for example 0.6.3+vmware.2-tkg.1.
  4. Run tanzu package installed get to check the status of the installed package.

    tanzu package installed get whereabouts -o <json|yaml|table>
  5. Create a custom resource definition (CRD) for NetworkAttachmentDefinition that defines the CNI configuration for network interfaces to be used by Multus CNI with Whereabouts as the IPAM type.

    1. Create a CRD specification. For example, this multus-cni-crd.yaml specifies a NetworkAttachmentDefinition named macvlan-conf that configures a macvlan CNI and has whereabouts as the IPAM type.:

      apiVersion: ""
      kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
        name: macvlan-conf
        config: '{
          "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
          "plugins": [
            "type": "macvlan",
            "capabilities": { "ips": true },
            "master": "eth0",
            "mode": "bridge",
            "ipam": {
              "type": "whereabouts",
              "range": "",
              "range_start": "",
              "range_end": "",
              "gateway": ""
            } ]
    2. Create the resource; for example kubectl create -f multus-cni-crd.yaml

  6. Create a pod with the annotation to specify the additional network to add.

    1. Create the pod specification; for example, my-multi-cni-pod.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: pod0
        - name: pod0
          command: ["/bin/ash", "-c", "trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait"]
    2. Create the pod. For example, kubectl create -f my-multi-cni-crd.yaml creates the pod pod0.

    3. Once the pod is created, it will have three network interfaces:

      • lo the loopback interface
      • eth0 the default pod network managed by Antrea or Calico CNI
      • net1 the new interface created via the annotation macvlan-conf.

      The default network gets the name eth0 and additional network pod interfaces get the name as net1, net2, and so on.

    4. Run kubectl describe pod on pod0, and confirm that the annotation lists all network interfaces.

      For example:

      $ kubectl describe pod pod0
      Name:         pod0
      Namespace:    default
      Priority:     0
      Node:         tcecluster-md-0-6476897f75-rl9vt/
      Start Time:   Thu, 25 August 2022 15:31:20 +0000
      Labels:       <none>
                         "name": "",
                         "interface": "eth0",
                         "ips": [
                         "mac": "66:39:dc:63:50:a3",
                         "default": true,
                         "dns": {}
                         "name": "default/macvlan-conf",
                         "interface": "net1",
                         "ips": [
                         "mac": "02:77:cb:a0:60:e3",
                         "dns": {}

      Then run kubectl exec sample-pod -- ip a show dev net1 to check if the target interface is up and running with IP listed in annotations above. Repeat this step to validate the configuration for other pods that you will create in the next step.

  7. Create two additional pods, pod1 on the same node and pod2 on a different node. We will use these pods to verify network access within a single node and nodes across the cluster.

Validate Network Traffic between Pods Accross the Cluster

You can now check network access between pods in the same node and pods across the cluster.

  1. Verify that the network access between pods on the same node works. For example, the following command verifies that pod0 can reach pod1 via its assigned IP address.

      kubectl exec -it pod0 -- ping -c 3
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.237 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.215 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.156 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2030ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.156/0.202/0.237/0.037 ms
  2. Verify that the network access between pods on different node works. For example, the following command verifies that pod0 can reach pod2 via its assigned IP address.

      kubectl exec -it pod0 -- ping -c 3 <
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.799 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.626 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.655 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2030ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.626/0.693/0.799/0.078 ms
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